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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. QB- JP Losman, Kelly Holcomb, Josh Betts

    RB- Willis Mcgahee, Travis Minor, Shaud Williams

    FB- Daimon Shelton, Rashon Powers Neal

    WR- Lee Evans, Peerless Price, Roscoe Parrish, Sam Aiken

    TE- Kevin Everett, Tim Euhus, T.J Williams

    LT- Eric Winston, Greg Jerman

    LG- Mike Gandy, Charles Spencer, Bennie Anderson

    C- Duke Preston, Justin Geisinger, Mike Degory

    RG- Chris Villareal, Justin Geisinger

    RT- Jason Peters , Greg Jerman

    LE- Kalimba Edwards, Chris Kelsay

    RE- Aaron Schobel, Chris Kelsay

    DT- Rocky Bernard, Haloti Ngata, Justin Bannan

    ROLB- Takeo Spikes, Josh Stamer

    MLB- London Fletcher, Mario Haggan

    LOLB- Angelo Crowell, Josh Stamer

    CB- Will Allen, Terrance Mcgee, Eric King, Kevin Thomas, Jabari Greer

    SS- Lawyer Milloy, Greg Blue, Jim Leonhard,

    FS- Troy Vincent, Rashad Baker

    CUTS- Eric Moulds (saves $$$), Sam Adams ( Mularkey isnt playing him ,and he's pissed), Mike Williams ( saves $$$)

    FA SIGNINGS- Travis Minor (solid backup for willis), Peerless Price (might become the peerless of old + he's cheap), Kalimba Edwards ( Solid DE to go along with Schobel), Rocky Bernard (Very Solid DT), Will Allen ( He went to syracuse).

    TRADE- Clements to SD for their 1st.


    1a. Eric Winston

    1b. Haloti Ngata

    2. Greg Blue

    3. Charles Spencer

    4. Mike Degory

    5. T.J Williams

    6. Rashon Powers Neal

    7. Josh Betts



    I would like this...

  2. No matter how many times I cut this team up - we are a long way away from being a competative team - let alone a play-off team. When you look at what the Bills' needs are to get the current team over the hump, it would take a GOOD off-season to get there. When you consider the fact the Bills will be replacing:


    - Eric Moulds - I know overpaid for the delivery - however, he will be missed and I don't think his replacement is on the roster. So get another Moulds.


    - Nate Clements - For what it's worth - he is one of the 5 best CB's in the league. If we had any kind of pass rush - it would be evident on a weekly basis how good he is.


    - Mike Williams - Pathetic Fat suck who was a waste of a drfat choice and makes me long for an Erik Flowers Jersay...Anyway - he's a lineman and we don;t have two of those to rub together...so replace him.


    - Bennie Anderson - See above...he starts...Replace that


    - Sam Adams - Another yeah but...BUT - he's a starter in the middle...they don;t grow on trees..so find another. (HHHmmm TD - let's keep this fat suck and let Pat go to the Vikes...nice, maybe we can trade Willis for a 3rd rounder and sell it as a Cap save and for the betterment of the team...)


    - Should Williams - Not going anywhere...but if McGahee goes down - Shaud is not the answer...So get a capable back-up


    - Trey Teague - He has to be about done...Hopefully Preston will be enough to fill in...


    Now on top of these guys - draft and use free agency to fill the other holes...I guess what I am getting at is - realistically, how long do you think it will take this organization to get back into the mix? I think it will be waiting at least until the 2007 - 2008 season....

  3. This is just an aside, but I think it's worth noting. I flew in from Brooklyn to see this game with my dad, a special occasion. We had a blast despite the loss, tailgated, enjoyed our seats and generally were surrounded by some great fans. However, there are MANY who are out of control, who can't enjoy the game without getting wasted, acting supremely obnoxious, and passing out. This just sucks, and it really is a shame that civility seems to be dying a slow death at Bills games. I say this because at the end of the game my dad picked up his seat cushion and saw that someone had thrown up behind him. It got on his cushion, his jacket, his pants. Really freaking disgusting. The kid had been passed out since beginning of the second half. It definitely put a damper on what had been a great time for us, tough loss and all. I accosted the guy before he could leave and told him I didn't want to start anything, just that he had to apologize to my dad. He gave about the lamest of apologies I've ever heard, but hopefully at some point he'll stop and consider his actions, and maybe he won't need to have so many at the next game...





    I blelieve this is what the Dragon was warning us about...

  4. I am tired of hearing about how the Panthers are going to thrash us because they will be highly motivated coming off their loss to the Bears... We should be even MORE motivated after being embarrassed in San Diego last week!


    This is OUR house -- not theirs. And it is high time that the team hears the rally call and comes ready to play. I just have a feeling that this is the week that the offense finally comes together. JP will be in the friendly confines of the Ralph, and I see Roscoe being heavily used in the gameplan. A couple quick hits to him should open things up down the field for Evans and Moulds, which should in turn open things up for the running game. Defensively, I am not too worried about the running game. And I look for Nate to shake off last week's slump (which was really team-wide) and rise to the occasion against the league's top WR in Steve Smith.

    I'm also tired of hearing about how the season is over. We have 3 more games at home. They are all tough, but we are 4-1 there this year. If we win those games that puts us at 7-9. Of the remaining road games, we get a crack at Miami and the Jets. Yes, I know it is always hard beating division opponents on the road, but we are better that either the Jets or Phins -- and should beat them. That puts us at 9-7, and anything can happen from there.


    I know I am getting ahead of myself... but it all starts tomorrow -- and we need to start seeing the kind of intensity we saw out of this team in the final weeks last year.



    Let's check back tomorrow at 4:15 or so...The Panthers are a better team, but this is the NFL of the new millenium where anyone has a chance....

  5. If I were Eric, I would have left this team a long time ago.  Playing for a team that can't settle on a long-term QB, changes its offensive philosophy ever 2-3 years, places little importance on improving the blocking up-front and has been putrid on offense year after year would take its toll on a receiver.


    If he were to play for a team like the Rams, Eagles or Colts, he'd flourish, even as a #2.



    That's the shame of it...I think EM had more talent than a lot of other receivers that were once perrenial pro-bowlers...his loyalty actually hurt his career....

  6. That one had me rolling aound on the floor of my cube.  :lol:



    Floor of your cube...that explains it....Now quit surfiung before your boss catches you and takes back the bright shiney employee of the week award you won in August for clearing the paper jam from the office copier...

  7. It's a free website. Who cares whether you're free to share your thoughts or not? The owner can do whatever the hell he wants.


    Pony up some bucks to be here, THEN complain about how the site is handled. Otherwise, quitcher bitchin'.



    So when the Dragon is pissed because a face painter obstructs his view - since he's paid for his tticket, is he entitled to tell the a-hole to sit down?

  8. Read this and tell me this isn't the single most moronic statement ever:


    It is extremely troublesome to me that the moderators of this so called “open forum” continue to deploy Gestapo tactics reminiscent of 1930’s Germany, 1920’s Russia, Serbia, or some of the extreme dictatorships of Central Africa. In an extreme case, one could easily assimilate these tactics with the ethnic cleansing practiced by these brutal regimes mentioned above except in this instance the extermination is being performed on prophetic thinkers that do not subscribe to the governing of the Buffalo Bills of which we are all constituents.


    WTF kind of moron even remotely assimilates the choices by a man who provides a free forum...a forum you can join or leave by choice...with ethnic cleansing? With Gestapo tactics?


    A !@#$ing moron, and I don't care whether I'm part of the problem or not. THis is just downright !@#$ing stupid.



    I just take it as colorful writing - actually a good read. What he's focussing on is the "clensing" part of the analysis - not the ethnic piece. What they arppear to be saying is that there is clensing at work here - where someone is not truly free to share their thoughts...ala a fascist state, apathied, etc..

  9. Congratulations for posting the most moronic, idiotic post of the !@#$ing century. To write what you wrote should have your moronic ass dumped in the !@#$ing river.



    LA Fan - You may not agree with what was written, however, your response actually adds credibility to the post. it's responses such as yours that are fuel for the point. Why are you so offended?

  10. I know I have been one of the largest critics of this organization on this site - but a serious question. Realistically sepeaking, if this team mxanimizes draft choices and free agency dollars, how much better do you think theey can get? Realistically, I think they have to hit the jackpot on the following:


    - Getting 3 starting offenseive line-men...not probowlers, but quality starts.

    - Getting an All Pro type defensive tackle. Sam is done and we do not have one even close to contribute at the level needed. Need to spend a good bucmk here.

    - Getting a good possession receiver - Mould and reed should be gone - leaving us with two burners and Sam Aiken - who has the right body to be the possession guy, but is not consistent enough to make an impact.

    - Kevin Everrett can play

    - We find a cost effective replacement for Clements

    - We manage to prevent mcgahee from holding out

    - losman follows in the steps of Eli Manning or Carson Palmer

    - We find a new D-Coordinator that can maximize the tools, (in all liklihood Grey is gone)


    If they achieve these things...maybe 10 wins?

  11. Quick tip: If you don't like it.. don't read it.



    Cute response, but not the point. The fact is he's shoveling **** and people are buying it because they are fans. If this were another GM for a team we did not care for...it would be laughable. Bascially, the organization has successfully sodomized the fan base of WNY...

  12. The real question is, can Stojan's grandmother play OL better than MW?


    Because if so, I fully expect MW to go to the probowl with some other team, after he's run out of town here.




    I think it would be a pre-qualification to be able to PLAY HERE. Do you really think it is coaching that is preventing him from at least being on the field? he should puch himself away from the KFC all-you-can-eat buffet and man up to his contract...the pathetic waste of a draft choice...

  13. Every time I look at his responses to pointed questions that TD gives, i want to hit the guy with a straight right. He's such a poilitical candy ass when it comes to assessment. After reading his crap, how can ANYONE take what he is saying seriously. He says what ever is ncecessary and policitally correct. I owuld give my right arm for a Parcells or Bill Polian type guy to light a fire under this team....Until this puppet is removed from office, this team will go nowhere...and we'll never really know what is going on with them...

  14. I, too, am frustrated by the embarassment that was Sunday's game.  Every time we think this team might be on track towards respectability, they do a nosedive. 


    Let's do a diagnosis.  Why have the Bills done so badly?


    (1) Injuries to key players: Losman lost a year of development last year; Parrish and Everett this year, and of course, TKO on defense.  Good teams need their high draft picks to produce, but many of our picks have not had an adequate chance to do so because of delayed development. 


    Other injuries, especially on the O-line, don't help, but good teams need to overcome these game -to-game type injuries.


    My Point: you cannot reasonably blame anyone for this factor.  Our offense has not developed as it should have if injuries didn't happen.


    (2) Some talent has not played to its potential.  Mike Williams, Benny Anderson, and JP Losman (if you think he has had an adequate chance) come to mind.  I don't know about you, but I do not blame TD for Mike Williams.  MW had everything coming out of college, and there is simply no way to predict how a player will develop over time.  They are not machines, but humans, who often fail.  It is far too early to call Losman a bust.


    Benny Anderson, however, I do blame TD for.  Anderson has played enough in the league that we ought to have seen his failings. 


    My point: as far as talent evaluation is concerned, I think TD has made enough good signings that we can overlook the mistake with Anderson.  MW is the only one to blame for MW.


    (3) Bad rushing defense:  I think we miss Pat Williams more than we thought we would.  Defense used to be our strength.  It is now our weakness.  The TKO loss hurts, but the Bills were having trouble stopping the run before they lost TKO.  Those of you calling for Jerry Gray's head should take a deep breath.  This team has been a top 3 defense for several years now.  Give Gray a chance.


    Perhaps Donahoe can be blamed for letting PW go, but perhaps PW wasn't worth the money he was asking for, at his age.  So, this one is a tough call. 


    My point: I think it is too facile to blame Gray or Donahoe for the way the D has played this year.  They may be contributing factors, but injuries, a free agent loss, and perhaps aging veterans are greater factors.


    Bottom line: We need some infusion of talent on the O-line, and D-line, and time for our young players to develop.  Until then, the last thing we need is an overhaul of management and coaching, so that we have to start from square one.



    Donohoe...is that you? Please - this team is an embarrassment to the city and league. I seriously bet that players such as Spikes, Moulds, Voncent and Milloy regret coming or staying here...

  15. I keep reading these comments about how at least Mickinnie is on the field, Williams is hurt all the time, we should ahve drafted the guy that actually plays, etc. ad nauseum, caveat emptor.

    Just thought y'all might be interested to know that since being taken in the same draft, both guys have played the exact same number of games.

    We now return you to your regularly scheduled incoherent rants.....    :devil:



    I tried to watch McKinney last night...Fron what I saw, I would take him in a hearbeat over Williams...He's at least athletic...

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