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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. The best WR to ever line up for Buffalo. I am only sorry that he was not on board about 5 years earlier....Hopefully he get's a ring before he retires...
  2. This was ateam that was supposed to content this year. TD should go as he inherited a rebuilding team...he rebuilt it into another rebuilding team. Would you entrust him to do it again? Mularky has lost the team and is a TD guy - therefore he must go as well as the new GM will need a man he can work with...Not that MM could not be worked with, but if you can handpick your 1st leuitenant, why wouldn't you take who you wanted? Also on the production of Moulds - he is working with a QB who locks onto Evens...should he steal Lee's jersay to get some balls thrown his way? Quit m,aking him the scapegoat for an f-ed up team...
  3. it does say THRUTHS and rumors...
  4. I know this is an unpopular take on the situaiton, but I really believe that Eric Moulds deserves better form the Bills than what is happening to him. Until some actual facts come out and we move from conjecture, the facts I know on Eric Moulds: - He is one Hell of a receiver - Probably the most gifted package the Bills ever had - He has settled for lesser contracts to stay in Buffalo and help rebuild - numerous times. - He has had to suffer through balls thrown from too many QB's to care for. - He has done all of this and kept his mouth shut. - He has watched less talented receivers receive more accolades and money and has done so gracefully. Fans on this site are dreaming of Reggie Wayne - he's not even in EM's league. Let Moulds line up with Payton for three years... It get's me sick that an a$$ like Mularky who has lost his team can blacken the eye of a player of Mould's caliber and what he sacrificed for this organization. It's even worse that people on this site are blasting moulds on rumors and the like. If he complained about playcalling or other issues with the team - he did it to the coaches - AND THAT IS WHERE IT BELONGS! not the media or this board. It's pathetic that Mularky or Donohoe, (whever has lost control of this team), can make EM their acrificial lamb. What's even worse - a lot of the fans are buying the smear campaign as it is happening. I pray to God Moulds lands somewhere is a competent QB and lights the league up next year. He's more than capable and it would be more that justly deserved....
  5. I wanted TD out at the end of last year and never want MM in town. Win and they still suck and need to go.
  6. Fed up with a guy who gave his career to this $hitty organization? The man had as much talent easily as Joe Horn, Musin Muhammed, Isaac Bruce, Keyshawn Johnson, etc..however he has nowhere near the noteriety. He basically sacrificed a lot to stay with this organization and have umpteen different QB's to break in. This organization owes him - F-Mularky and what he thinks or wants. This is the same man that thinks: - Lining Parrish up at QB is a good idea. - Passing on 1st and goal from the three with a power running back is a good idea - Not giving a Willis McGahee the ball 30 times a game is acceptable Fact is, Ralph should show more loyalty to Moulds that he should to Mularky.
  7. Realistically with all of the transition the Bills are facing - if the other teams stand pat, I see the Bills record as 6-10,,,wippie!
  8. It'll be fun atching TD second guess whomever the Bills take.... 1 *Reggie Bush RB 5-11, 200 Southern California 2 Matt Leinart QB 6-4, 225 Southern California 3 D'Brickashaw Ferguson OT 6-5, 294 Virginia 4 *Mario Williams DE 6-6, 285 North Carolina State 5 *Vince Young QB 6-5, 230 Texas 6 A.J. Hawk LB 6-1, 243 Ohio State 7 *Ahmad Brooks LB 6-4, 250 Virginia (X) 8 *Omar Jacobs QB 6-4, 224 Bowling Green 9 Jimmy Williams CB 6-2, 205 Virginia Tech 10 Mathias Kiwanuka DE 6-6, 260 Boston College 11 Marcus McNeill OT 6-8, 322 Auburn 12 Chad Greenway LB 6-2, 243 Iowa 13 *LenDale White RB 6-1, 235 Southern California 14 Mercedes Lewis TE 6-6, 255 UCLA 15 *Laurence Maroney RB 5-11, 205 Minnesota 16 Rod Wright DT 6-5, 305 Texas 17 DeAngelo Williams RB 5-9, 215 Memphis (X) 18 Eric Winston OT 6-6, 310 Miami 19 *Leonard Pope TE 6-7, 250 Georgia 20 Jonathan Scott OT 6-7, 307 Texas Most likely to be a Bust Matt Leinart - too similar to joey Harrington for me... Most likely R-if the-year Reggie Bush - texans will use him often Most likely to be a Bill Rod Wright - NO not a L-horn...sorry Most likelt to fall into 2rd rd Vince Young - not a good NFL QB
  9. If Willis could carry Thurmans jock...he can talk...
  10. Not really familiar with modrak..just a name to replace the soon to be gone TD... Anyway - I will be happy when we just get the off season rolling...this season is lost to me and I have TD to thank for it. The only interest I have in the NFl now is will the Colts do the inprobable and knock the undefeated record off...
  11. could not agree more. This guy will be a start for some other team next year...and that's sad. I think he has 2-3 years left in him at the Pro Bowl level...
  12. The real problem is now Ralph....he's just keeping the team tightly packaged so his kids can sell it when he passes....Sorry to be an a-hole, but it's an economic thing for him now. Firing TD will keep fans interested and in the seats...which will maintain the value for his kids...
  13. I know Nate has said and done a lot of things to draw some of the harsh criticism directed at him recently, however, I would actually say that Nate is a victim of the defense being called by Gray...which he is forced to call. The thing this defense is seriously lacking is a pash rush - especially up the gut. With the same talent, our secondary was a great one last year - minus Fat Pat - they have been ex[posed. You have to pressure the QB these days or you will be picked apart - even by a Sage Rosenfels. To compensate for the lack of a natural rush, (4 linemen), Grey is living, but more recently dying by the blitz. When you have to blitz as often as the bills do - you will get scorched - no matter if it's Clements, Bailey or whoever. A great pashrush can turn a Troy Brown into a nickle back. Our lack of a natural rush is going to cost Nate Clements a couple of million - which is a shame as he is better than most of you think...and we will miss him when he leaves for more money. That said - paying Nate what he wants makes no sense unless the Bills invest in a big Tackle who can flush the Qb one way of the other and an end to compliment Schobel.... Now let's see what Modrak does with the money TD is saving for him to spend in free agency...
  14. I saw the same thing and was a little bummed by what I took in today...though he is only a rookie...
  15. We lose those guys...what are we 2 wins worse? Big freaking deal - scrap this team and build a new one...this model does not work..God forbid your Moulds jersey was irrelavent...Keep acepting the crap they are serving and get what you deserve...
  16. There have been many great minds this year who have called for the head of TD - it's time to give the devils their due. Back in August, we openly feared: - Lack of replacing Fat Pat in the middle - Lack of building an O-Line... - Lack of getting an established coach...yes - today is the kind of thing that used to happen to Sam Wyche when he was a hot coach...his picture os all over. - Allowing TD to sell the poisoned Kool-Aid to the good citizens of WNY This team is a sham and one of the most pathetic teams I can recall. You have a 3 TD lead and neglect to pund the sh-t out of the with Willis? Why bother even drafting a guy of his skillset? With game calling and planing like this - they should just draft like the Lions did...throw, throw, throw...and run a draw play. What we saw is exactly what Mr Donohoe built for us...and it turns out, it is the piece of sh-t some of us thought it would be...I would love to eat some crow, but this team is a discgrace to WNY and the Wilson family. Do us all a favor and sell the damn team to the next Danial Snyder or someone with the onions to not be fooled by the snake-oil salesmen we have running the show...
  17. Yes...yes...yet your anger take over and speak your mind...no more rose colored glasses for this team. They suck ans deserve your wrath and the wrath of those like you...let it turn into something special next Sunday...
  18. It damn well better...
  19. I am no longer wating money to find out. I am done with the box seats, the dish network...the whole nine yards. I'm becoming a Jets fan...they're closer to my home anyway...
  20. Got 4 for next week and have no interest...if I can get a client to move out...I will rid myself of these seats. I'm done...and so should TD, MM and a host of players and coaches...this is the biggest embarressment of TD's era...
  21. Not yet...
  22. You know Wilson hates the fins - so who gets fired?
  23. This is the move that put fans in the seats. I think Willis may have been TD's most daring move. While we don't know how good he'll be, moving to get JP may have been his best move. Standing pat and taking Clements was not a bad one either...
  24. I read the same way...when he commented on JP amd MM - saying they did the best with the tools they have...it's an indictment of TD...
  25. Wow - I've always likened this board to the Gestapo...but the BIlls? Hey - TD is our little Adolf!!!
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