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Kipers Hair

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Posts posted by Kipers Hair

  1. I've watched him three times - after watching last nights game, he'll be a nice pro, but I am not sure that I would spend a top ten pick on him. I remember watching a Warren Sapp, Richard Seymour or Tommy Harris and saying Wow - Ngata is a nice stuffer, but not a perennial pro bowler type player. I think he might be more along the lines of a Vince Wilfolk in New England - OK, but should contribut more when lined up next to a Seymour... Anyway - he's no Superman or quick fix.

  2. Maybe.  But how can you do that unless the coach and GM have basically both been told they are here next year and to start working towards that means.  That maybe Crowells only hope to play well because otherwise he gets overworked and cannot shed blocks. 


    The college game and Pros is different.  If you remember early in the year when both Fletcher was down, they had Crowell in the middle at first,  but he sucked so bad that they moved Spikes over and Crowell outside.  Then when Spikes was down and Fletch still out, they shifted Posey into the middle because Crowell was just getting eaten alive.


    If we do also, then we had better get a true Nose tackle, who can tieup 2 blockers.  In addition, our DE's are too light, and would probably mean Edwards is going back outside where he is probably better suited, as a DE in a 3-4 set.



    Well I do think that TD and MM will be back next year - unfortunate for us. Anyway - playing the middle in a 3-4 is not as demanding as doing it in the 4-3 - You never know. Personally, I would move to a 3-4, waive Poasey, give kelsay a shot standing up in Posey's LB spot, move Spikes to the middle and shift Crowell to the weak side. You would lose next to nothing and perhaps find something useful in kelsay...

  3. Lets say that after the season, SD goes with Rivers over Brees. What would you give up for him? Maybe nothing?


    I think he would be a great addition to this team. I'd give up:


    First and second 2006 draft




    Moulds, Reed and Clements


    Fire away!





    Do you really think they would keep the unproven Rivers over Brees? At this time - Brees is worth way more and Rivers' value is maybe a 2nd rounder - however, you cannot move a proven young QB for an unknown qualtity....

  4. That's insane. Why are we paying Crowell that much?  He can't play the middle, he is undersized to play over the TE in Posey's position, and Spikes has the weakside. 


    In addition, over 2 million a year on a barely adequate LB is just plain business stupid.  There are plenty of starters in the league who make a lot less then that who gladly would have come here for that money and done a lot better, and been more versitile.


    Un friggen real.



    Actually Crowell played both inside and outside at Virginia. One thing that might be happening - a switch to a 3-4 with Spikes or Crowell moving to the inside with Fletcher. LB's are a lot more plentiful than skilled Dt's...

  5. I think anyone banking on TD and MM being fired needs to be prepared for the worst.  There's been no indication from OBD that they're being canned.  It's all been from the press and by us fans.


    By all accounts, this team is profitable and still shows signs it can win (aka Cincy game).  I've been wating for years for TD to be gone and 5 years for a real coach to be here.  And I have all the confidence in the world that at this time next year, I'll still be waiting for someone to be hired that has a clue on how to win football games.


    I'll even be surprised is we have more than 2 new offensive lineman next year.  We'll get the same song and dance; they may drop 2 new guys on the line, but we'll still have the same retreads gettting blown over and wondering why KH can't repeat his marvelous 300 yard game from last year.  It must be that he's getting old - maybe a young mobile qb is what we need.



    I fear you're dead on. That said - the more i look at this, I really think we have a shot at being the worst team in the NFL next year. The other $hitty teams have some hope at the skilled posiitons and I think next year will only have the Bills with Evens as the only bonified potential pro bowler in a skilled posiiton for Buffalo... Anyway - you're right - TD and MM will stick around at leats one more year. Unfortunately for them, (or us), they need at least 2 to assemble some kind of team to compete...

  6. How is the snake-oil salesmen going to sell us a Bills Team that is hit with:


    Loss of Eric Moulds - Rabble rouser - but one who will catch 25+ balls over the last 3 games. (He'll later than the Bills as his value has sky rocketed in FA)


    Loss of Sam Adams - Lethargic slob who plugs the middle when motivated - agrivaitng but capable starter


    Loss of Trey Teague - Servicable lineman where we are God aweful thin


    Loss of Mike Williams - Fat suck who cost us a 5th overall pick - he sucks, let him go, but damn the pick should be a scarlet letter for TD


    Loss of Nate Clements - Good DB made to look bad by no pass rush this year. He'll be next years Pat Williams - we keep McGee and some team gets Nate...


    Loss of Jeff Posey - 4 year starter - time to leave, but still a hole...


    Combine this with the existing holes - and I really cannot imagine how you sell this to the masses. At best - get a starting lienmen in the draft, another in FA, get a DT n the draft, another CB, a LB in FA and we're still down one Eric Moulds. The team has at least two years to get to some shred of realistic hope. I can't wait until Donohoe insists we are not rebuilding, but actually we have bult a contender.

  7. Unless everyone here buys 100 season tickets the Bills have a problem next season if there are no MAJOR changes.



    I have a feeling - they will make player changes, wrap them in nice shiney paper and tell us that we are contenders - then remind us of the Warner led Rams, the Brady led Patriots, (1st time around), etc., and do enough to churn excitement.


    Fast forward to December 29, 2006, we're all sitting here dwelling on the latest 6-12 season, refusing to head the warnings of the Red Dragon and Pass the Pipe, wondering what the Bills are waiting for to play JP more, and hoping that MM finally get's his. Also - the talk turns to franchising McGahee and trading him for Detroits 3rd rounder and slapping the franchise tag on Coy Wire. All the while - we feel bad for Spikes as Cincy is the favorite to represent the AFC in the superbowl...

  8. And so du casual fans- Shootouts are for TV dinner hockey fans.



    Right - if the sport were left in the hands of purists like you, the league would be dead. The likes of Barry Melrose and Wayne Gretsky think it's good...but your right, Sabres lose one and the shootout now sucks...

  9. Reved?


    Here are a few of the active topics on this board right now:


    - This team is so !@#$ed.

    - NYJ Please Kick our Collective A55es!

    - Possible Conspiracy or last request

    - Who should replace TD?

    - A Call to Arms

    - If this is Holcomb's team...Then it's time to look for a new QB

    - This team really sucks...plain and simple

    - No Fried Bologna at the stadium=disaster of a season


    Does that sound reved to you?



    Trying to regain control of a plane in a tailspin then...In any case, it was nothing of merit given the needs of this team...mindless move.

  10. I am glad we re signed Angelo Crowell, although we don't know the terms.

    What scares the hell out of me though is the thought that a guy who is days away from getting axed is signing guys.

    The two don't seem to go together do they? I mean if I'm canning someone, he is not dotting anymore I's or crossing any more T's except for the letter that states he has returned his car and will be getting his final pay check in full.


    Please, Please tell me I'm wrong  :doh:


    I just cant envision as screwed up as this entire organization is that these guys stay.



    TD did this to get the fans reved...that's all. It's a token.

  11. NFL fans outside of WNY, (or not being Bills fans), are ALL scratching their heads and wondering what in the hell are TD, MM and the rest of the Bills brantrust doing. Look at what has happened in the past couple of days;


    - They have a young QB that needs playing time, (yet they pine him to let a rag

    armed QB with more huddle savy play).

    - They resign a mid-level player - hopefully future starter, (currentplayer with

    buzz quality on a board like this.


    these moves are distractions ment to get the true believers reving for a season ticket run next year. Look at how the Jets are playing out the string - they IR'ed the talent they know they have and are starting rookies and fringe players everywhere - why? To see what they have in preparation for next year? they have the luxery of doing this as they will sell out games next year regardless.


    TD is once again doing what he always does and is working to get eveyrone back on the bandwagon for a "run next year". The sad thing is - from what I have seen on this board - it's working. The true believers cannot help themselves.


    Face it - the organization is once again f-ing with your passion for this team in an effort o get excitement. If this organization had any direction - we should be seeing Losman starting, with parrish, Evens, the damn rookie RB, Duke Preston, Josh Stammer and the rest of the unknowns. Instead - let's get momentum for "next year"...Just like he has for the past 3 years...This team is 4-12 next year unless Ralph realizes this he only has 2-3 seasons left....

  12. As this season winds down - the good;


    - TD finally seen for what he is - a poor GM enamored with taking "skilled

    players" and unwilling to take a strong coach. Good riddence.


    - We don't have to wait too long on draft day to see what the Bills do.


    - Jason Peters - FA starting tackle...that'll work.


    The bad;


    - We still don't know what JP is....


    - McGahee - seems to have lost his drive somewhat...I would rather have Travis

    and the first rounder back.


    - Moulds took a black eye after being such a good "Bill"...


    - The Team... they are Bad.....


    The Ugly;


    - Some fans on this site - off the bankwagon they fought so hard to support. be

    true to yourselves.


    - The O-Line - so much for the the miricle working O-Line coach....


    - Spikes decision to come here - I feel horrible he came here and left Cincy...Poor


  13. I just got back and cannot recall a worse effort. I would have thought they would play like they had nothing to lose and make an effort...but they totally laid an egg. I have never seen a pro team do this. Do you think the team is siding with Moulds, (or against the caoches and management)? Actions are louder than words - and they said alot by the way they played...

  14. Going back to the off-season that saw Mike Mularky brought on board, I have openly thought that TD had flaws making him incapable of building a winner. Tom Donoghoe Lovers and Apologists, (L&A's), often took shots at my thoughts, and attacked my football insights.


    To the L&A's - apparently stallworths like myself, SoCal Bill and Swaggert the Whoremonger were not so far off base. It's somewhat eerie how you have all dissolved into attacking Eric Moulds and Mike Mularky, but have conveniently left teflon Tom untouched. Now that his body is in the ICU, and soon for the mogue, one last review of the flaw that will prevent him from succeeding -


    Going back to Pittsburgh, Tommy boy lost the battle of favorite son with Bill Cower, causing him to avoid string coaches like the plague. he is incapable of 2 sided collaboration when conducting player/personnel aspect of being a GM. It's his way or none at all. He feeds this need by surrounding himself with scapegoat ready yes men. We'll see him do it again at his next job, and we'll all post jokes about this on this site. Just remember, many of you supported this fool when he was the man putting people in the seats...

  15. I can't wait for this Sunday, when the Pats are eventually beating the Bills by a wide enough margin, and Flutie is inserted into the game. He will be a reminder of the last good teams Buffalo had, when they were competitive in each game, and actually made the playoffs. Say what you like about his shortcomings (no pun intended), but after he left, it has all gone downhill for this team. If only Flutie had been chosen over Rob Johnson, the disastrous personnel decisions made after his departure would not have happened.





    I normally prescribe to the observations and visions you boldly share with us - but on this subject I could not disagree further. From the mullet hair-cut to the tasteless Flutie Flakes, that man was nothing but a blight upon the once beautiful face we called WNY.


    Watching him play on Sundays was akin to watch the hurdy gurdy man's monkey rally for change in the park - comical and somewhat amusing, but an insult to musicians and zoo keepers alike. Flutie was about entertainment for the masses, be it playing the drums in Thursday in the square, or flashing that commercial smile to passers by at the Mall, he was an enigma that prganization needed to unload.


    I know winning comes with a price, (one I would gladly underwrite at this time), however, I never felt his act was the driving force behind the wins. I think it took courage for the team to unload him when it did. Unfortunately, courage like that has not been seen at Once Bills drive since they made the bold move.


    I'll cheer for floutie when he's playing the skins at the tralf, but I think i'll reserve the same at the Ralph - that's reserved for true heros of the red white and blue like Sam Aiken or Coy Wire.


    Again, please don;t takje this email as disrespectful, merely a disagreeance on the subject matter.

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