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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. Addendum to the post and and underlying question the pipe asks - is it true what I read on other posts - the head of our scouting is actually Ralphs daughter or relation of his? Can someone confirm who this Linda Bogdan is? Is she perhaps the ill fated wall poster we knew as Saprano? I have been highly critical and have joked that we just buy draft guides, but what are this womans qualifications? Prior cheerleading perhaps? Maybe she was one of those girls I see taping collage players' ankles in a time of need? I am sorry, not tryng to be sexist or anything, but I believe a successful scouting lead would be required to have a vast network of collage coaches to provide leads and feedback on players...and yes - the NFL and Football is an old boys network....
  2. Does it really matter if Jouron is scapegoated out of Buffalo? In the end the Ralph will be tabbing his successor and we will fall victim to the latest in a long series of ill fated season ticket sales efforts...
  3. What are her crudentials????
  4. I don't know Joe - with those two things, I bet this team would be 8-5 at worst right now...That would keep the wolves at bay for at least another couple of weeks. The ingrediants are not all that bad, the chef, or team of chefs, just is not too good at using the tools we have. Just look at Miami - they added what was perceived to be a dead armed QB to the mix and they are tied for 1st today...
  5. Everyone can debunk what was reported - but there is enough reporting out there to positively report - the man interjects too much...But since he owns it, hell, if the man wants the running back from Fresno, who are we to argue...Just keep shoveling sh-t down our throats and call it caviar...
  6. Mershawn Lynch, Lee Evans, Leodis McKelvin, Terrence McGee - If any and all were on a team in a major market with more frequent coverage - they would be balloted for Hawaii...
  7. I would disagree. You would of course mourn the loss, but I do not think it would be a wrenching as if they were to leave when they were an NFL power. I'll forever remember the late 80's and 90's (those will always be my Bills), but this current edition is frankly somewhat foreign to me. As someone previously noted, they are lacking the heart and character we had come to expect and respect from our organization.
  8. Perhaps you have hit the nail on the head. I lost the desire to spend any time on watching them, (at least live) after the loss to Miami in Miami. It was then that I realized the team lacked something and that something might be heart. As noted many times before - i really believe they will continue to lack this key ingrediant until we have change at the highest of places. Given the choice between taking my kids to do something and spending a Sunday afternoon watching the Bills - it is not even a contest any longer. The bowel releasing pizza from Chuckie Cheeses has a greater draw these days.
  9. Or maybe....Tom G needs to generate some cash in our failing economy and this is the best source for it...
  10. Perhaps the deafening silence of the Rogers Centre unnerved the poor soul into it...he simply lost his focus you see.
  11. I fail to understand the tact of attacking those who share your passion for this team. While I agree, whining and dreaming for changes to facilitate a meteorotic rise to the top of the power polls is wasted energy, I believe your efforts would be better suited supporting your fellow fan - dare I say empathizing with them in this time of football crisis? Commiserate with them my brother and bask in the glory of mediocrity...
  12. Beast Mode - you are a man of your word then. I believe if the collective fandom of the Bills decided to boycott the Pats game and quit watching at least live, the silent protest would be powerful enough to be heard at OBD. I expect no change, but would enjoy the satisfaction that knowing Bills fans are not veal cattle gladly sitting in their white huts being managed to the slaughter...
  13. You see, I do not think it is that simple for some. Like the crack whore to her rock, she cannot ignore the lure of the putrid substance, regardless that is has ruined her life. I think many Bills fans would live happier more fullfilling lives if they were not tormented by the mental beatings they take year in and year out...but they cannot stop as they need their fix. Perhaps this is why so many remain in WNY when there are greener pastures elsewhere. Memories of high school glory or a nice July evening fuel hopes for a turn around - much like we hold on to our memories of Thomas being our 2000 yard man and Kelly to Reed or Smith leading the league in sacks. Hope is floating an entire region and a legion of fans. Come February, once the pain has dissipated, the ire will turn to hope and hope to expectation come the summer and the crazy train will leave the station in September...again.
  14. PTP - As I have tried many times on my Bills Fan Outreach Ministry, it is a sad truth that the Bills will only improve with the demise of it's one and only owner. While I find Tom Donohoe's incompetence mind numbing at times, we cannot ignore the truths learned from his demise - good GM's are driven from this organization for a reason, we have a meddlesome owner who still feels he has his fingers on the pulse of todays NFL. While he certainly deserves tribute for bringing WNY it's true passion, (without it, I have little doubt WNY would now be comperable to Erie PA), we need to be honest and come to grips with where the problem starts. True Jouron is the milktoast of this coaching generation, but we have ownership that will not build a strong willed organization that rewards honesty and success. From the crows nest, we have a bunch of yes men happy to collect a check and be politically correct. Nothing wrong with it, but if WNY football fans are happy just being able to attend an NFL game, by all means, continue with the charade - but demand nothing more than cheap beer and reasonable ticket prices. Dreaming about the Superbowl, avant guard coaching and leadership and marquise free agents will get you nothing but disappointed. This is the first year in many that I have not attended a home game, and I do not foresee a return to the Ralph any time soon. In fact - the NFL ticket has been canceled as I am willing to watch only whatever is piped into the house now. I cannot escape the lure of the game on TV and I would rather not tempt myself any longer with wasting time in front of it or even on the Tivo.
  15. "Just wondering, but why would the good people of Toronto even want the bedraggled Bills about now? Canada to Western New York: "No, thanks, Buffalo. You can keep 'em.''"
  16. IF they leave Buffalo and you want to support a winner - just pick a good team...you will no longer have a home team to root for....
  17. He's right though...we have no continuity....
  18. Oh my God - You are on the band wagon still....Keep the faith brother - and keep playing the lottery - Bills to Superbowl have about the same odds....
  19. How about you hire a hitman to snuff Ralph - this is what is needed...new ownership.
  20. So true....so true....
  21. Hhhhhmmmm - Left Buffalo beating the niners off huh? That'll learn ya.
  22. Come on - some true believer out there has had to run the numbers and regression analysis through the Bill-ieve model to generate what the opportunity to make the playoffs is right? There must be someone still on that red white and blue bandwagon keeping the seats warm for next year's season ticket push.... Maybe not at this point...On a serious note - I sincerely hope we put our best foot forward to focus on what players should be kept and who should be cut loose or traded. I know it is a dead horse, but this team needs the Parcells treatment - complete overhaul...again. If anyone really believes this is a playoff team - please - raise your hands and be heard!
  23. He lives in BriarCliff Estates...
  24. They are so far from good - picking up Kassel is a waste. They are best suited to draft a future franchise QB then picking up a JP or Anderson from Cleveland to start for years 1 & maybe 2... Just my 2 cents...
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