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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. I think each passing year of futility builds into the crescendo of anger you see before you. What has made this year even more entertaining is that we started so well and had the expectations pulled out from under us. No worries though, but this time next year, we will be asking the same questions....
  2. Is Jouron coaching today? Is Peters Blocking today? If Hardy running patterns today? Too many questions and too little time... Enjoy your day, but please, do not expect too much in the way of a football game. Go in with the mindset that it is an exhibition and you might get lucky and a game will break out...
  3. VJ - I am actually hurt, I thought that we had come to an understanding and buried the hatched in an odd Bills fan sort of way...but perhaps as the Pipe notes, you are drawn like Keith Richards to his brown sugar. Again, I respect your position in the matter, and would only expect the same courtesy. That said, I have no desire to waste 3 prime hours this Sunday viewing the Carnage on the Swamp. A with the past 4 games, I'll Tivo and if reports are such that it is deserving of any time - I'll watch. Anyway, if my suspicions are correct, there will be more venom being spewed on this site Sunday at 4:00 or so and the movement will gain more momentum - Viva the Revolution!
  4. Can I hire you to do some marketing for me? Genius, sheer genius...
  5. I'll take a stab and try to build on some hope: "They said it couldn't be done, but Albert Haynesworth is a Bill" "He said he would't come - welcome Tony Gonzalez" "Don't worry Mershawn, Jordon Gross and Mark Tauscher will make sure you have room to operate" "Opposing QB, meet Terrell Suggs" "2009 Buffalo BIlls season tickets, make sure your there to see how Dick fu(ks it up..."
  6. VJ - I sense hostility again. You and I both know, this is good banter, but in about 48 hours, we will see the first of many "It's almost Game Time" and "We'll win the Next 3" posts...and Bills nation shall rise like the phoenix from the ashes to an excited pitch for yet another Sunday...now if they happen to score only 3 points this week...well, we might see some real traction, dare I say a grass roots fan based riot in Orchard Park that gets the gangster in all of us fired up...stay tuned and relax would you?
  7. VJ, (you don't mind if I call you that do you?), why the hostility, the anger? Comparisons are used to further illustrate and by no means are ment to compare the magnatude of the action. Again, you chose to do nothing and be complacent, OK, I take no umbrage with this as you enjoy rooting for the home team. Said, you should not put down those that want better - life, liberty and the pursuit of a winning organization. Now perhaps I shall draft the Declaration of some sort. I believe I would have the concurrance of Pass-The-Pipe and some other well written and impecably articulate fans of the red white and blue...(Bills that is)
  8. Amen brother - I think the analogy to WH Macy in the critically aclaimed sensation Boogie Nights is a bit drastic. Perhaps a Bills fan can be more likened to Henry Hill of Goodfellas fame. In the game, enjoyed a little glory, but in the end, never really accepted with the ultimate destiny of being just another also ran eating ketchup for pasta sauce...
  9. And I advocate you stop living in fear...
  10. I mean no offense of course, but by your own admission, they are not recipricating the love you are bestowing upon them, who are you rooting for? This is akin to buying a diamond ring for your girl who is already making hay with the guy up the street...she is as good as gone, let her leave. Along this same train of thought, you are afraid to piss off RW with the outcome of him perhaps moving the team (a foregone conclusion to many already including yourself)....so you find your girl in bed with the poolboy, but you say nothing for fear she may leave you? Does this make any sense? Have some pride in yourself man. Look, I don't care if people up and leave or drink in the lot the whole, game, but what I am advocating is being honest with the organization and yourselves - if you are happy merely being able to attend a game and cheering for a team because it is from Buffalo - be happy with that, but stop bitching about the quality.
  11. Wow - I did not hear/read/see that one...If I had a Mitchell Jersey, I owuld toss it when I got home...that's a shameful comment for an athlete to make...
  12. AussieW - I sincerely understand your post, however I believe that the players are equally dissatisfied with the current structure. We now have locker room turmoil and player dissatisfaction - Ask Fred jackson how he is feeling today? How long before we cannot lure any player to this organization...or worse, retain our own talent? Undoubtedly, there will be some collateral damage, but players want to be on a winning team - Buffalo is an afterthought.
  13. VJ91 - I pay respect to the emotional and time investment you have placed in this organization - truly a feat to be admired, however, if you think that attending games with the lowest ticket prices in the NFL will keep the team in WNY, you might be the one in need of some chemical sedation. As it stands, I think everyone knows, but have to varying degrees, not yet come to grips with it, this team has better than a coin toss's chance to be in another city in 2012. Maybe this is the right time to finally stand up as a group and call Ralph on it. Look, I know he is the owner and can (and will) do whatever he wants, however when is enough enough? Ralph knows he is pushing an inferior product down the cumulative pie hole of WNY, but he has no problems with it because he knows you will lap it up. In the end - Ralph himself will never move the team (too old and too much time invested), that fate will be determined by the new owners and the league itself. That said, maybe the time is right to let the whole the Bills Nation to show a display of their dissatisfaciton with a naitonal spotlight on it once and for all. It it miraculous what a bunch of people can do when they band together...Just ask King George III
  14. This is an old trick and gimmicky. It means you'll still pay for the sh-t, you just are embarrassed for being a fan. People need to say, they will no longer pay for this treatment...
  15. Tarkus - This is good too. I am not sure that it would reach ralph though as they would shield the crumudgeon from this form or reality. I do believe Brandon will get the message though. That is why I think a nationalyl visible show of not going at all or even better, leaving at the 1st QTR would be most visible. You see - this tugs at one thing that is important to all of us - Pride. Most Bills fans still wear their Bills attire and there days, our pride is put to the test (especially those of us living out of WNY). But to have all those people walk or tune out, would hurt his pride. Money aside (he has that), pride is something that cannot be bought...
  16. Oh....I thought this was a celebrity death match post....In which case, I think Jones would take the scrappy Wilson, but not unitl after RW manages to pop JJ's drum like facial skin to make it close...but in your scenerio, they both meddle too much for their teams own good....JJ on the grand scale of making the big splash and causing too many distractions and Ralph in the little things that matter in building a team. Both would be aweful to work for...
  17. Or as many have suggested - Ralph dabbles too much in the GM's job to make it a fruitful position....
  18. If you could be at the game - would you bother?
  19. I think the 1st QTR walkout would be more visibly powerful and garner more attenton...
  20. The dude must abide here - (Lobowski will understand that one) You need to get open often enough to get that treatment - Evens simply does not. Anyone thinking he is comperable to Steve Smith knows as much about football as I do abot curling...(seems appropriate given the debacle in Toronto)...
  21. Idiots - all a bunch of f-cking idiots - You fans who think that Ralph doesn't care or that you can do no good with some form of organizated, nationally visible protest are the dumb sheep the Bills' front office counts on to buy their overpriced hype year in and year out. There are a bunch of factory workers in Chicago garnering national attention by have a sit in...I bet you there are those that thought the act was fruitless and foolish as well. You don't think that failing to show up or walking out after the 1st QTR would not garner publicity on ESPN or the writings of Peter King ETAL? Your idiots - sensationalistic stories sell this day and age and this would be a good one given the nose dive the team is currently engaged in. Look - I believe most of you rationalize because you bought the damn tickets and you'll be damn if you do not get to sit in your seat and cheer your team on...Cool, but don't B word and moan that you deserve better that you are getting...
  22. Agreed - Lee Evans is no comparison to Steve Smith - other than size, one is a complete player and the other is one dimensional and certainly not a game changing presence...
  23. Be gone Lnda Bogdan...
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