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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. Somehow a befitting visage for this organization...
  2. You know, I almost feel bad about how the whole JP thing turned out. It seems like just yesterday that JP was rallying people into cleaning up the West Side, was viewed at Sabres playoff games and enjoying camera time...You really felt the guy could become that next face of the franchise we were so desparate for since Jim Kelly departed...wait a minute, I think he may have become the face of the franchise - a manifestation of poor draft picks, laughably coached and unable to execute the most remedial of plays, desparately desiring to put WNY in the rearview mirror. How 'bout that, it did work out...
  3. I'll play along - you'll have to forgive as I see some good in the bad: - I think we found that Scott is a pretty damn good safety - firther found Whitner is quite ordinary (Identifying weaknesses is a good thing). - Our 7th rounder out of Kentucky (Johnson) was a good value pick - hopefully he will continue to improve - McKelvin was a worthy pick - will only get better. I sure there are more, but without proper grooming of talent and culling the weak, we will continue to spin wheels...
  4. I do not think Brandon gets bent over, but if there is limited interest in him, there is a chance they 1 year deal him as our back up again...
  5. If sources are correct, I believe he was laid off by DHL last week. He was hoping to bust back in the game with the arnea league, but now that the season has been cancelled, things are looking a little tough right now.
  6. Well the game was not the flaming plane crash I had thought, but the TEAM itself did manage to build on the lore of the organization and gut wrenching losses we have been so closely identified with. How has this latest loss impacted the movement to boycott or otherwise denegrate the ownership and organization as a whole? From the well oiled and highly polished confines of Mel Kipers head, I truely feel that the loss itself was a knockout blow to the gut of the fanbase, but more importantly, to the players themselves. On the national media outlets, (all of them), we pulled one of the most boneheaded plays of the year. Not only do we the fans suffer self induced anger and humility, but now the national media has fanned the flames and added to the pathetic catastrophe known as the 2008 Buffalo Bills. From some of what I have read - players are now exasperated. If retained, how can Jouron get the team back? All indications are he will be back, so perhaps a boycott or some form of financial assult on the ownership is still in the cards...
  7. RR - for what it is worth - I have long enjoyed your post game opinions...usually spot on...
  8. Me too - this was my 5th week of Bills sobriety...hell I am even wearing my Bills sweatshirt today and not even caring what people say...it's kind of nice.
  9. This is one of the greatest posts EVER - will the Bills survive! F-ck America - will the Bills make it...I love it...
  10. What do you think the guarantee covered? Cost of tickets? Emotional expense?
  11. I like the way you are thinking...Very Wise.
  12. So we can count on your support for the Patriots game?
  13. Fully expect the Jets to beat us with a nice balanced attack - 2 TD's through the Air, one on the ground. We'll once again struggle to put TD's on the board - Final Score 27-6. Ralph will again laugh maniacly, but do nothing - attributing the loss to injuries and poor execution....
  14. When the Sgt Hulka of the foot fails to heal, your doomed....
  15. I swear this post has been recurring for the past 5 years.... Ralph is really trying his best to win...he just sucks.
  16. The guys a loon - he's lost his marbles...throw a net over him and get him som pudding - he's done.
  17. Poor coaches...boo hoo - they fu(king suck....
  18. Yes - certainly was portrayed that way in the media...
  19. Amen - I was talking to someone about this a couple of weeks ago....
  20. I can't disagree with on you both fronts - though I think in the end, Crowell is benefitting most as he is free to go anywhere he wants now... He was indeed childish, but I think DJ's move was equally silly...
  21. From 6 weeks ago - when we were still a playoff contending team: "The Buffalo Bills' top pass rusher, Aaron Schobel, will miss at least another two weeks and could potentially be out for the rest of the season with a left foot injury...There is concern that Schobel sustained a more serious injury in the mid-foot area, where a cluster of bones forms a small arch between the ankle and toes, known as a Lisfranc injury. It is the type of injury that ended Indianapolis Colts defensive end Dwight Freeney's season last November, the person said..." But hey, let's IR our best lineback from the past year to prove a point....
  22. Well - he acted so expeditiously in the Angelo Crowell decision, I would have thought this one would be easier....
  23. They are now considering the IR for Schoebel...Clearly, this man and the staff with which he meets and seeks counsel lack the know how to run an organization.... Pitiful.
  24. I knew this was going to happen - AAArrrrrggggggghhhhh - Stop it.
  25. Of course he will leave - RW has run everyother GM out - why not him???
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