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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. What...Orakpo didn't find a phone booth to change into cape and costume?
  2. Anyone who calls this home should care....
  3. Have no fear...wait til the real bullets fly and T.O. creates more tension. We havn't seen a thing yet!!!
  4. A clever rouse indeed -
  5. Fantastic - must read for every true Bill-iever....
  6. Following up on this - you are absolutely right. I recall hearing Gruden say last night - I want to see Sanchez throw an int to see how he comes back from this - he wants to see resiliancy. Edwards has failed this test miserably. Sorry, but he has had sunshine blown up his a-s ever since the "Genius" told Marv he drafted a great one out of Stanford. There's a reason why he was marginally rated, not the lack of a great arm or mobility - leadership and resiliancy - completely lacking. This guy is Kent Graham version 2.0
  7. Speaking of lame arguments - this is about as lame as "I am following directions". Why in the hell do you go about with a preseason unless it is to evaluate talent and make hard decisions on personnel? Is it to show off the pretty uniforms? It's a dress rehersal - and based on that - we are in for a long year. I am not sure when you started following the Bills - but I recall the superbowl teams - they would play one, maybe two drives, carve the living sh-t out of the opposing defense and retire to watch guys fight for a job. In case you have not noticed - our "A" level players are the one's getting carved up and there is no reason to believe there is a playoff team playing under the cloak of "we're not game planing" or we're trying some new things out"....
  8. Pass-The-Pipe was right - Schobel's best days are long gone. He will never be what he was and for that - he should go to a tam and become a role playing pass rusher. (Unless he takes a pay cut and does so here...).
  9. You think this is a good thing? History recognized the courage to challenge the status quo and frankly the status quo around One Bills Drive sucks. We don't need a QB who values his job - we need one who wants to win and has the courage to step up be accounted for...not fly under the radar and get a couple of atta boy's from the lame duck coaching staff...
  10. And another thing - "He's doing what he is told" is a chicken sh-t excuse for sucking. How many times do you think Kelly changed a play or did what he knew would work better that what he was told? Same could be said for any great player. Fact is, Trent will make a nice back up QB and perhaps a great coach - but a star QB or even a bonifide starter, I have seen enough, he simply does not have "it". The Nazi soldier defense for marching Jews into the chambers was "I was doing what I was told" - so were they good soldiers? Good sheep - perhaps, but a good soldier, hardly. That said, Trent is at best a good sheep and a mediocre quarterback - but a good QB, hardly.
  11. Like Sulivan or not - fact is he is better at his job than Trent is at his....T.E. did not like the message - but it is something we are all saying. Let us hold hands and pray the Bills get Colt Macoy next year....
  12. Not sure that they look horrible - Ravens look good though. The one guy who I thinks sux on the Jet's is Golston - I see another Mika Mamular here....I pray some of the NFL scouts were wrong about Maybin when they compared him to Golston...
  13. I fear the Sabres and Bills will be equally hapless this year....it will be a long cold winter in WNY this year...
  14. I ave been calling for 5-11 all off season and I have no reason to believe they will be any better....5-11 it is...
  15. New coach and some player turn over - 3 years....
  16. The Pack is plain and simple a better team. We were outmanned and outcoached. Be a homer if you wish - but the truth will play out over the next 2 months. Nothing wrong with listening to your heart, but everyone's eye's are not deceiving them....Sorry - the only embarrassing thing here is out team.
  17. Why the hatred for Lonnie Johnson? Maybin hasn't earned any from me yet - his agent on the other hand....
  18. T.O. hs seen enough to know he jumped the gun signing to quickly with the Bills. He is in T.O. preservation mode and will play 1/2 heartedly this year, then focus his energies on T.V. or whatever else his celebrity will bring him.
  19. For athlete's - the abs are the base for everything - very important...
  20. I would rather keep him and cut Kelsey....but to answer your quesiton - yes.
  21. While I agree witht he statement - this is not one of those times our franchise is to blame. I think this is more driven by dollar signs the agent has painted - if Crabtree wins his posiiton - Maybin will get another couple of million out of the system. It's a million dolar gamble and I do not blame the Bills for holding fast....
  22. Amen....And this makes me fear - is he afraid that this will be the best contract he ever can get? Maybe inside, he knows he is a one hit wonder....
  23. Marshall will probably cost more than Roy Williams - 1st, 3rd, and a 5th....If Parrish - it would be Parrish, a 1st and a 5th...at least....
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