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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. I just read Bob Diceseri's article and could not have said it any better....the Organization has duped the fans of Buffalo and as long as everyone is willing to buy the product, why change. Go cheer 'em on I guess....
  2. Give me three good showings...I might get on the horn...but I would bet this is a 6-10 team at best.... I think we will be talking about Shottenheimer by week 12....
  3. I obviously had more vision that the front office - the team's offense was sh-tty and the O-Line had no hope...and look at that...they're blowing it up!!! Brilliant.
  4. I recall hearing that the Bill's ticket sales for this coming season are somethign like the 3rd highest ever...in light of the resent demolition work on One Bill's Drive - how does everyone who invested hard earned money in thie product feel? I killed my NFL ticket in a fit of rage after the Packers debacle...and I have to admit, when they started shooting key people so close to the opener....I felt pretty good that I am not wasting a cent on the train wreck. I thought things would come unglued at about week 6....but week minus 1???? Anyway - to those who have committed hard earned money and time to this years product - how do you feel? If you were offered a refund by Ralph, would you take it? I am interested in some honest thoughts on this...
  5. This is what it took for you to realize this???
  6. Nope....The right guy got whacked. I am pretty sure Jouron is not the answer, but after reading what I have about the Turk, he simply would not have cut it as our OC. He made a couple of huge tactical errors; 1. Not really being a part of the coaching team, (sort of know it all). 2. Complicated offenses are a waste - the best teams have 3 or so bread and butter plays that can be run out of different formations and Turk's offense sounded needless complex with a yound and inexperienced Qb at the helm. In the end - I am hoping the AVP remembers the way it was - a couple of counter runs and 3 pass plays they relied upon...
  7. Welcome to the dark side....we have been waiting.
  8. So what did Ko cost us...a 3rd rounder???
  9. Um....pretty obvious... that's why we traded him......
  10. Do you think Dick told him he was going to fire the Turk!?!?! Not sure what he was told - but I wonder how much B.S. it was....
  11. He was packing a gun when busted right? You think that he's never fired one? Your nuts if you think that he is above popping someone one day...
  12. If McCoy can play the O-Line - I'm in!
  13. Visk sat in prison....missed way more that our dope head loser will...until he busts a cap in someone....
  14. Don't you dare mention Bruce in the same breath as Maybin....heretic!
  15. Brilliant...F-ing brilliant....
  16. and we picked MIke Williams over McKinney...Not a great T, but better than what we have....I hate the Vikings now....
  17. Right about now....I think ESPN is pissed that the BIlls are on the docket for the Monday night opener...they are a dog - if not for Terrell Owens - what would the story line be - Jouron on the Hot seat?
  18. Speed of connection at work probably much better than home...
  19. - It would take God to fix this team over the course of the next two weeks. At best - the team can hope to go 6-10 this year. Schobel is done. T.O. is good, but Edwards will not have any time to find him. Wear the rose colored glasses proudly, but the inevitability of drastic change....again....is here....New coach...new QB....it's all coming....
  20. In about 2 hours will do....
  21. best we could hope for is a 0-0 tie then....We can't move the ball
  22. You know it's bad when you start to look kindly on the Donohoe / Williams regime. Criminy - we are so freaking bad.
  23. You forgot the timeless - "We are saving our 3-4 gameplanning bag of tricks for the Patriots game...We can't show them our cards yet...".
  24. This is going to be a painfully long season. The only thing I am left wondering right now is who is going to get fired for Jouron or Shoenert? The O-Line is so bad - keeping Peter's for the extra $5 Mill seems like a bargain right now. Sorry - this is a B-A-D team right now....
  25. You gotta love Bill Parcells, I think he axed 5 guys already...the man can make decisions...
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