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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. It is a painful trust right now...anyway, I think both of those guys had to go when they did as they could not success with Donohoe thinking he was GM and Coach....neither guy was strong enough to deal with him....
  2. Were you visited by men in black suits after you reported seeing lights in the sky? There is no conspiracy or cover up - trust me if a weasle like Jerry Sullivan got his hands on a story like this, he would proudly detonate this bomb on WNY and say I told you so..... Are the Bills going to move one day? Probably, but let's not get some grand conspiracy theory going to further work the collective inferiority complex of WNY back up into a lather....It's hard enough admitting your from WNY without having to be fearful that people are scheming to steal your football team....
  3. Too early? The only reason I think it is too early is that you don't know who the coach is, so you're not sure what kind of team they want to field. Where we are picking though, never hurts to grab a franchise QB....
  4. Nothing....Zippo.....Nadda....None. We have a lame duck head coach and a Chief Operating Officer, (oh I mean GM), who for all intents and purposes is a lame duck. Unless Ralph demands it - they're not making any trades or doing anything other than grabbing waiver fodder for the rest of the year. Ralph knows they are out, so why would he make any blockbuster move at their direction. You can hope or dream about glory days with John Gruden and trading T.O. for a 3rd rounder, but this is a rudderless ship adrift with a hapless crew and fans about to mutiny! October 11th....and it's already a long off season!
  5. - That'll learn'em! You go guy....Hopefully Ralph will personally hunt you down in his golf cart to ask you to come back to the lot!
  6. I love it - lemmings! I prefer the sheep or herd mentality that causes people to inexplicably show up at the Ralph or HSBC arena when their God given senses tell them it is the wrong thing to do. Anyway, a boycott will never work with the Bills - Yesterdays cancellation of RW getting his HOF ring was a personal slap in the face. So what if poeple don't show - games are sold out...he won't care!!! Anyway, I have given up watching them and will not buy another Bills related item until change is effected. God bless all Bill's fans - but life's tough enough already!
  7. Can Marty play linebacker? I am in!
  8. Ah hah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Just when I think the joke is over, it get's better!!!! All you can do is laugh a little and move on. I am throwing support to the Jet's for the rest of the year - at least their coach is kind of cartoonish and fun to watch....
  9. Your assuming he has talent. We screwed the pooch passing on Orakpo or Everett brown...Maybin blows.
  10. I think at this point in the game, Ralph has no support for this team in Detroit (or wherever his family is). The old koot is just playing out the hand now and I bet his familiy see's the Bills as Ralph's Fantasy Football team and will indulge him as such - but support him spending much on the team. When he was younger, he did what he wanted, but at this time, I am sure he is doing it on the cheap....
  11. Brilliant (only because I hypothesized this 2 or 3 weeks ago), but yes - Ralph and Al have had their glory days and the game has passed them....
  12. I think what you are seeing with the Bills is a classic example of ownership that is not interested in throwing any more "good money" after "bad". I would hazard a guess than Ralph is thoroughly frustrated with this team and organizaiton - I bet he's hurt by this. Anyway, Ralph probably has no support to continue to spend the families inheritance in bringing in Gruden or Cower, but he is still in a position to have to do something - he is a Hall of fame owner and has too much pride to sell before he passes. As long as RW lives, it's a pretty predictable pattern - this will play out in the off season with Jouron getting axed, a mid-level coaching prospect like Russ Grimm or Jim Fassell or perhaps a Brian Kelly or DeWayne Walker from the collage ranks coming on board and promising a fresh start. They'll bring in a "football" guy (perhaps a Jim Kelly) to assess talent and move Brandon back into more of a Marketing / Operations position and strike off on a new season ticket sales campaign. A large part of me feels bad for Ralph - he threw a lot of good money at bad personnel moves over the past 5 years, including drafting of players that were not worth the moneies paid to them. Ralph has shown a willingness to pay for players, but when it comes to the front office situation, he seems unwilling to pay and I think at this point in his life, he is getting counsel from his estate to not throw any more good money away. In their eyes, they don't want the team so anything spent is a waste. Ralph is just too damn stubborn to sell before he passes, so we are stuck with a hearted attempt at a pro franchise...which accoridng to most here, is better than none I guess....
  13. You are right - Ralph simply does not make mid-season changes. I think it is cheaper for him to keep DJ for the next 12 weeks and then clean house. I would get ready for Russ Grimm or similar to come in and make some changes - we are definitely 3-5 years away from competing. When you draft the likes the likes of Aaron Maybin at 11, you just don't get it.
  14. Until the next home game right? Ralph will not make any changes this season as; 1. Only once has he made a mid season change 2. Who would he promote? 3. He's a cheap bastard who only cares about the weekly take and not winning Anyway, I hope you have conviction and cease supporting this piece of garbage....
  15. Any of the players comment about this? Each and every man on the roster and employed by the Bills should be embarrassed and ashamed that on the day their owner was recieving his HOF ring, they laid an egg. Who is the leader in the locker room? We have a rudderless ship with no heart. As much as I think Ralph deserves this, I feel sorry for him....
  16. At this point - I would say running even with the Rams for the worst. At the year start, I honestly thought 4-12, after the first two games, I thought maybe 6-10. After the last two weeks, I am pairing down to 3-13. We will be in the running for Sam Bradford or Colt McCoy.
  17. I can't blame them on the beer consumption - if I was paying to sit through the sh-t the Bills are serving in Orchard Park, I would be tying off for some Heroin....
  18. ding ding ding ding ding ding....we have a winner! Keep supporting this toxic pile of dog sh-t and what does he care? As a business owner - pure genius.
  19. No reason to not believe this information....of course nothign is set in stone, but I have to believe that Ralph's estate will reap the maximum reward for the franchise if the bidder were CA based and could thrust the Bills into a major market. I really call it a 50/50 proposition, but certainly not something to be whooly discounted...
  20. A man of conscience....You have my respect. I am with you - I would not spend a nickle on the team at this point nor attend for free. We all as fans should expect better - the conditions at One Bills Drive are wholly unacceptable and will not change until RCW feels it in some tangible way. A full house, sales of hats and shirts, etc. merely reinforces the Buffalo Bills fan is the sheep he believes they are....
  21. Apologies - you are right. I got him confused with the HC in Indy these days....I guess I have mor ein Common with Ralph than I thought!
  22. You're right, my bad...let me get back to looking for Crowell's stats.....
  23. Hand picked successor to Cower I believe...
  24. They are so far from must see TV. I'll preface this with the fact I am a huge European Soccer fan....but rather than watch the game, I watched the Liverpool v Chelsea game I tivo's Sunday morning....(only after I knew we were sucking ass yesterday...).
  25. Yeah...I just saw that little sh-t smoke some poor receiver...glad we got rid of him....
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