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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. A bit paranoid are we? He said nothing wrong or that should be construed as a shot. When you see a beatiful woman and say that she is one, does that mean that your current partner or previous one is/was not?
  2. Welcome - once you admit this to be true, you will feel liberated...free to do what you want to do and enjoy football for the entertainment it is.
  3. I love seeing Ryan Clady's name on the the list. We had a dire need at OT and we passed on a very good prospect for the illiterate but Athletic Leodis McKelvin. Let's hope Buddy Nix was not behind this selection as well...
  4. And that wee bit of hope would be they are still in WNY I would imagine - correct?
  5. You sir, are the embodiment of my post. Thank you - this is why I like this site so much. Cheers and here's hoping you receive the joyous news you so desperately dream of and deserve.
  6. Sometimes weakness needs to be dealt with harshly to yield the desired results. Weather it's an overweight person who needs to be pushed away from the table or a coward soldier forsaking the betterment of his people for fear of his own life, at times like these, one's own strength and fortitude may simply not be enough and they need some guidance if you will. To that end, whatever coach is brought in, he had better be able to lay down the law, practice in the elements and force players to bend to his will. not easily done in an era Prima Donna celebrity athletes. It could be argued that the much hated coach Bellechik (sp) routinely shoots players who choose their own selfishness over the general wellbeing and structure of the team. Hate if you will - the team comes first and there is no playoff drought there. The Bellechiks, Pattons, ETAL who have the strength to conduct business on their terms for the benefit of the greater cause are to be admired and celebrated.
  7. And there it is my friends - mediocrity ad nausium continues at one bills drive....
  8. Yes Stussy - all valid and agreeable points. You forgot - the teams future is basically day to day with the current ownership's age and lack of succession planning. Would you take a job where you have to deal with all of the items you list, plus cap to cash and the potential to have a new owner come in and want "his guy" in place. Unless you are starving for an opportunity...any opportunity, you would avoid this firestorm of the unknown.
  9. Is it your belief that potential suiters for the Bills vacant HC job of perusing this site to gain insight into the job and factoring that in to their decision? If that is the case, then I would offer - no need to talk them into it - the Bill's have a fan base that boarders on the fanatical - i would come to coach in a minute for a chance at success in front of this hearty lot. But please - let's check reality - nobody of coaching significance is reading the board, (except Coach Tuesday of course)
  10. You must have read my post from earlier this week then.
  11. Exactly - the fate of nothing meaningful hangs in the balance - yet money is being collected, letters sent, flights tracked - essentially an massive expendature of resources for the pure passion of the team. Epic.
  12. I know I gave my diagnosis and informal epitaph regarding the problems with the Buffalo Bills Organization, but with each passing day, watching the disappointment boiling into frustration and anger, I really need to express my fascination and at times admiration for those of you willing to cough up monies to pay for a billboard admonishing ambivalent ownership in a desperate plea to be heard, tracking flights and desperately clinging to rumors originating from sources reportedly in the know. You “true” Bills fans are simply amazing – a true character study in perseverance. Not since the hardy souls in Stalingrad defied Hitler’s Nazi forces and ultimately won in 1943 has the world seen such steadfast resolve. Who knows what disappointment lies around the next bend, be it the draft, free agency or the coaching search, one thing we do know to be true, once the shock and dismay wear off, you will be there to eat up whatever bland concoction Buddy and the boys cook up for you the opening week of pre-season. Much of me admires your fortitude, but the part that keep’s me coming back and watching is to see how the true bill-ievers react. Simply amazing. I sincerely am hoping there will come a day when each and every one of them gets a chance to say I told you so.
  13. Not gaga - he's just a candidate that fits the most likely to take the job....
  14. Get ready for much of this....Buffalo simply is not an attrative option to anyone these days. The Leslie Frazier train will be pulling in WNY next week - Wednesday I say.
  15. All right - What the F--- are you doing with your drunk'in ass on-line right now??? Stop talking about the proud things Tim Russert used to brag about and start being it. I think your family needs you sober and confident right now. Great example your setting for your "prick" son-in-law - things get tough...get hammered. Seems you have kept your sense of humor, but get your sh-t together and start making things happen instead of waiting for them to happen. Perhaps you and your Russert worshiping drunken antics are a microcosm of what ails WNY. You wanted to be a cowboy - well cowboy up then be a man. Sorry...but hope this helps keep your sanity....
  16. I don't believe these two are mutually exclusive. Unless Buffalo is going to rewrite the informal rules that guide where viable coaching, administrative and valued free agents would like to play, the system merely magnifies the inadequacies of Buffalo as a viable major league market. Let me be clear - I would like nothing more than to see WNY and the Bills in WNY thrive once more, but I do not see it as reality. My annointing the Sabres as a more likely candidate to succeed in WNY (and to pin hopes on) is by design. You see the value systems of those successful in hockey are more the general fabric of the society of WNY - blue collar, working class persona whom were given nothing and earned their keep. Football players and the culture of the NFL (and that which feeds the coaching ranks) is glitz and glammor where the lack of any kind of moral foundation will be ignored if you can run a 4.2 40. Perhaps my original thought was misunderstood - Buffalo is a good city and has nothing to be ashamed of. That said, I believe the NFL and what it takes to succeed in the NFL has changed drastically and the city offers no draw to those talented enough to be a valued commodity in the league. An unpopular thought to be sure, however, current history has shown this to be true. I even believe Mr. Wilson would echo this sentiment - the area has simply been too good to him for him to sell or move the team. He'll let this occur post mortem.
  17. Well...could have been me....my company is acquiring something in the Philly area and we will fly provate from WNY....
  18. I agree with you 100% - I would wager there are a good 10 plus members of this site would would have done BETTER than those in the previous administrations. No argument. I will disagree on the free agent possibilities - I think the Bill's still had a draw when Spikes came. Today, I feel the organizaiton has lost any of the luster it once had. It is a shame, but any good will won over by the Superbowl era teams has been wasted and for the most part, forgotten on today's NFL.
  19. If I understand you correctly, we are to complement the organization for what appear to be making in some cases hasty decisions and in others for making the move a year late? Interesting - we are entering the off season with no clear direction on offense and defense or organizaitonal philosophy for that matter...but we are to bestow on the current brain trust our appreciation. By all means, continue with your kudo's then.
  20. Yes - in my allegory, these fans would represent the grieving dog owner who simply cannot admit the animal is suffering and continues to throw money at the veterinary doctor in the hope that the animal will return to what it once was. I understand and feel for you and fans of similar disposiiton, however, it has become plainly obvious. It is a fallacy to believe, since the city has a pro sports franchise supported so fervently that it must be deserving of it. The people you need to succeed in the industry of top level pro football are not willing to come there - therefore, you cannot succeed unless you are hoping, (again, like the grieving dog owner), that by dumb luck the team will grab the right administration and draft without fail. To succeed, you need to be able to draw the right people, and I believe that cannot happen in Buffalo.
  21. I think you are underestimating the good people of WNY. They have overcome a socioeconomic environment that is a Steven King novel for economists. They are a hearty breed who will rebound with the gusto they always have and move on. Undoubtedly, some will move out, but the region will reinvent itself around the resources they have an abundance of - the outdoors, educational centers of excellence and good people. This is not a wish I have - I think it's on honest reflection of the reality of the region.
  22. I must admit, like many on this board, I am disappointed and amazed that the Bills cannot generate excitement about obtaining the vacant head coaching job. From what I have read, positions in Cleveland were openly fawned over – coaching, front office, etc., but in WNY, nothing remotely close to excitement and (outside of our small community of course), anticipation was generated for the GM/Player Personal role Mr. Nix took, let alone where we are today. The dust has settled and the organization has presumably made calls to Cower, Gruden, Shanahan and reportedly any qualified candidate and we are met with stunned silence. Like many on this passionate site, I too have done some soul searching and pondered the root cause – the ownership, cash-to-cap, personnel, the city – all were considered and I have arrived as a conclusion that I feel many know in their heart of hearts, but few are willing to acknowledge. That is, Buffalo is not a city deserving of an NFL franchise. Buffalo is a small hockey town first, capable of supporting second tier professional sports, lacrosse, arena football, minor league baseball, etc.. There is nothing wrong with this – I myself live in the Capital district outside Albany where collage basketball and AHL hockey are the local sports products – rightfully so, but we have no illusion of being a big time sports city. It's OK. Buffalo simply is not a draw to anyone these days, be it business, upscale professionals, young people, and professional athletes. Buffalo is on par with the Calgary’s, Edmonton’s and Columbus’ of the world. There is nothing wrong with this, it’s OK and needs to be embraced to move forward in life. Buffalo is the “6” looking guy trying to date a “9 or 10” girl – simply out of its league. Undoubtedly in its day WNY was a good home for multiple top tier franchise teams, but due to corruption in local politics and an antiquated economic engine built around industrial revolution policy, the city is no longer a player. The people of WNY deserve some love, but this is not the “girl” for her. The Sabres are more realistic, perhaps we can hope for a Professional Soccer team to rival the one in Toronto – that seems more right. That said, I also believe the NFL deserves better. In this spirit of fair competition, I do not believe a team can compete in WNY – key front office personnel are reluctant to come and we would be fooling ourselves if we did not admit, top tier free agents will not come either. At best, Buffalo is to the NFL what the Pirates have become to major league baseball – fodder for the rest of the league. Like a beloved dog that was hit by a car and currently exists only on life support at the vets – we can throw a lot of money at it and hope for the best, but some times, the right call is to let the suffering animal go. To that end, Edward Roski seems to have the best of intentions and will provide a team with the support they need to compete – let’s hope they get the chance they need and this suffering ends.
  23. Um....I think he already made his decision.....
  24. Just stop with this stupidity already...Yeah, we'll show him...he'll beg Ralph for the job....Stop it.
  25. What happened - last week we had guys tracking flights, people posted in the airport waiting for a climpse of greatness...and today we have Ron Rivera turning down an offer to talk? Let's face it people, there is something wrong with the job in Buffalo...maybe it's the city, maybe it's the owner, maybe it's Brandon as some have surmised....but it's certainly something. Seattle can coax Pete Carroll from the cat bord seat in sunny S. Cal and we cannot even get unknown mid tier candidates to talk? Maybe we need to get Jesse Ventura and his team from Conspiracy Theory to delve into this matter.... I am prepared to eat my share of crow if they can get a dynamic and proven guy in here to coach, but as I have offered since the Jouron firing, we will be saddled with a disappointment in the coming weeks. Put the ball gag in and get ready...
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