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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. 11. Draft Vontaze Burfict to inject some anger and ego into this defense...
  2. Thanks God...there was some sense in the front office when this deal was crafted....
  3. A good piece that accurately portrays what it is like to be a Bills fan outside of WNY...and let's face it, it is quite over.
  4. The scary truth over the past three weeks is...he's been spending all his time focusing on the offense and we've mustered up how many points?
  5. Agreed...however, this is the Bills and seldom is what you HAVE TO DO to field a winner applied. Even money says frustrations will continue as the front office believes we are close to a playoff contender.
  6. These are words of wisdom, not shocking really when you consider all that you and the good people of WNY have endured. Beyond buying the Bills experience, they have paid elevated taxes...and emotionally - please, if Sandusky's victims can sue PA State for the damage caused them, every Bills fan residing in WNY should be able to sue R.W. and the Bills for the countless hours of counseling needed to have any hope at a normal life.
  7. I fear you have hit the eject button too late - this baby has burst into flames and the eject button is no longer functioning.....yuor trapped...but at least you have the good sense to attempt an exit.
  8. Please scan and copy the post office label as verification.
  9. My God...when you bring up the wife beater and wildcat acquisitions made by this organization together, (coups really - akin to the 70 year old garage sailer striking gold with her "new" lamp acquired for 50 cents), then throw out the Mansfield Rotto card, any semblance of respect you might have had for this front office is sent spiraling to a rightful end. Try as you might with a flurry of freightening and often hair raising facts about the Organization, little can be done to correct the questionable wiring of the Master T's of the world. Your observations are like a fine Bordeaux offered to a bum or an exotic Venezualen beauty to Jerry Sandusky - marvelous offerings that simply cannot be appreciated by the recipient.
  10. When the opponent says this about you - it's all over..."In the first half, when we jumped on them, the way the game was going and the way they were playing, they laid down," Bell said Sunday after Miami's 35-8 victory. They laid down...but hey, we're just a game out of a playoff position...Go Bills Right?!?! Embarrassment to the city and any supporter of the team...
  11. Well done. Though, if you already have the tickets, your stuck with them. I say make the trip, maybe you'll meet someone else at the event...
  12. Therein, the gist of this topic. Heartbreakers are good, you build character and garner support...fuel hope. This game...the Dallas and NY games? They are what the coaches call "burn the film" games. This team has real problems to deal with beyond injury.
  13. And therein lies the reaosn why this team will not be a playoff team for a long time. While we can draft and draft well - we will never get a top tier free agent to come to the Bills - there is not feel out there that they will be a winner any time soon...
  14. Being a fan does not entail blindly supporting bad decision after bad decision because they are wearing the right colors. Most Bills fans I know are such due to the fact they were born there - it's not a choice...it's a birth right. That said however, I can't be the drooling idiot Bills Jersey wearing fool in the bar or in the stadium rocking back and forth in his seat or on his bar stool insisting they can come back or still make the playoffs. At some point, you appear to be a couple of chromosomes short... I do have the requisite Bills garb anyone cursed with being born at Millard Fillmore hospital has, but, fortunately, the good lord saw fit to bless me with an adequate supply of chromosomes.... You keep whipping it up - it makes you a blindly faithful fan...I'll keep gnashing teeth and be a demanding fan...in the end, we're both a fan.
  15. Funny - I said the same thing to someone a couple of hours ago. Not only a shame as he was one of the last really good players we have had, but now we almost undoubtedly will have to spend another 1st round pick on a DB....Lord knows McKelvin cant play.
  16. I dont know that the Pipe is rooting for the old codger to die - more pointing out that there will be no change with regards to being a good organization until he does...to which I, along with a good many on this board by the looks of it would agree. Long live Ralph I say - watching the carniage following another Bills season wreck is near as fun as a playoff run...
  17. You would have been better served sitting pool side or at the beach than in the stadium. The team did indeed take your money and waste your time. I feel bad enough for the 1 hour of my day spent watching them today - you, I am presuming you made the trip, then had to sit in the stadium adorn in some Bills garb looking the part of the court jester and being made a fool by people wearing tourquois and orange.
  18. Absolutely right we screwed the pooch there. Peters was the mid season All NFL Left Tackle tis year....And we got what for him? Let's hope Darius turns into the next Reggie White so we can trade him for a 2nd and a conditional 4th the following year to take a hyped punt returner from the SEC and a High Motor White defensive lineman from the Mountain West Conference...
  19. Bills Freak - Your post is fantastic...Can I follow you on Twitter? Well done.
  20. I love the fact that people are so moved to change, but there is NO CHANCE Chan or Buddy are replaced at seasons end...unless Ralph goes to the great big superbowl in the sky. If that happened, unless Colonel Sanders or Foghorn Leghorn buy the team and speak Buddy-ese, these two are fixtures at One Bills Drive...
  21. You left off - with the exception of the '90's, this organization has done more damage to the reputation and National perception of WNY than any force, act of God, or public disgrace save for perhaps the Blizzard of '77. People want the Bills to do well - all over the nation, they really do...but this team, er, Organization time and again fails...not just a little, but in an epic way. They hung tough for enough weeks to get some National play, got some big media types on the wagon and in the National consciousness , then BLAM, it slams into the wall only to have the National media back peddle and run for the life boats like the Titanic disaster it is. Perhaps as you call for, not until Mr Wilson passes will there be meaningful change, be it on the field or to another city. Until such time, there is little chance for success, even a prolonged dance with lightening in a bottle....
  22. You had me until the "Go Bills" part....like you said, the sting will go away, but what we saw today...and last week for that matter, was so bad, maybe the worst 2 week span of football I have seen this team play in a couple of years...it's going to take a long while to get excited about them again....
  23. If you watched todays game - you should have seen one thing...only one thing, not a play, or series of plays - just one thing that should convince you that, regardless of the mathematic possibility and how close we are to a playoff spot, this team has no chance to make the playoffs this year. THEY QUIT. I have not seen that in Buffalo in two years, but the players, the coaches, the whole shabang - QUIT. I pray Ralph has a come to Jesus meeting, (no, not an actual one with the big guy), but with his coaching staff. Sure Fitz sucked a-s, Spiller was an embarrassment getting slammed on the goal line and the D just plane blew, but the coaching staff has lost this team. It's time for the D Coordinator to be shot and let Wanny interim it for the next 6 games to see what he can do. This organization has given more black eyes to WNY than the corrupt leadership, horrible economic development and stagnant real estate market in the region ever has... Pray to God your local county government is not stupid enough to spend millions of your tax dollars on revamping the stadium to keep this NFL pariah from leeching more of your time and money. Rose colored glasses off - the bandwagon has been totaled. Oh...and we quit against the Dolphins. Any Bills fan worth a damn would walk away screaming from this train wreck...
  24. Forgive me, please carry on. Perhaps your voice will somehow tap into something with this team and make them something they are most assuredly not - good. As I have said before and will say again, they were LUCKY at the beginning of the year. What you have now is a shell of what they were - injury and confidence (or departure of) have taken the air out of this thing. Again - If you watched today, you saw a team flat out quit. I am not saying don't root for them - but what I am saying is there is ZERO, NADDA, NONE, NO chance of anything but a top ten draft choice this year. Again - please carry on...and oh by the way, get a lottery ticket - there is still a chance for you to be a millionaire - I would put my money on you over the Bills right now...
  25. You are kidding with this post right??? This team has no life - for the first time in 2 years - we saw them quit today...there is no chance this team wins 2 more games, let alone enough to bring your pipe dream to life...
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