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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. Rex doesn't care about such things...he ran with Sanchise, then Gino...Neither had a minute of experience - Hell, EJ and TT are vastly more experienced at the NFL game than either of those two. Roman succeeded with an inexperienced reclamation project in Alex Smith, then Kapernick... I think an unmolded EJ or TT more to their liking out of the box...
  2. I love hindsight... Tuel is a better Passer!!!!! ...and then some This man...he gets it.... not so harebrained any more is it? ...he wins the starting job and leads the Bills to the playoffs...
  3. Aren't both EJ and TT veterans? If the value of the 5th and 7th rounders is cap space to keep Darius, Bradham, etal, so be it...
  4. I didn't know this was the decision the Bills brass was faced with....BTW - Kiko out with a sore noggin and McCoy out with a sore Hammy...should have kept Fred - at least he's durable
  5. I think it was a leak...
  6. There might be some truth to this...
  7. Wow - I wonder how Elway or Payton Manning connected with their black teammates? Perhaps they made a mean soul dish? In the lockeroom - respect is won on the field, in the weightroom, etch.. The argument about race of the QB is the craziest thing I have read on this site in a long time...
  8. This backs up what our eyes are seeing too. Meh is exactly that, meh... not scaring any DC's right now. In a league where games are decided by 3/4 plays, we need to start the guy who can make a couple of plays...
  9. If they name Cassel the starter, was it ever truly a QB competition? When the bullets mattered, while they all performed well, it appeared Taylor won, followed closely by EJ and lastly Cassel. Perspective being taken is who was most effective scoring and maximizing mismatches for the opposing defense. Cassel is not better than a Trent Edwards and in a league who tilts the favor towards QB's and receivers, the weak armed, habitual check down guy gives away the benefits league provides to passers these days. Next two weeks will be interesting...
  10. This is interesting - why was he getting zero snaps with the 1's all week??? Ryan is hard to figure out...Though, it really screws with the head of the Colts... Rex - put icing on the cake and start Simms next week....
  11. To be honest - I wouldn't touch this game or that line with anything more than $5. The game could be anything from a Bills blowout to a Colts blowout...and everything in between. This early in the season, I lean towards defensive teams, but Andrew Luck is a wild card of Manning like proportions...Don't touch this one... B-I-N-G-O
  12. This is the equivalent of the general populous complaining that CEO's make 800% more than rank in file workers... Go be a QB if its so easy Michael...
  13. Unless something drastic happens this week, it's (1) Cassel (2) Taylor (will wildcat) and (3) EJ (nobody offered anything significant...yet). And there is a "friendly" disagreement in the clubhouse about who should start, Cassel or TT... As a defense first guy, Rex knows how much of a pain it is to plan a defense around a mobile QB (aka Team Taylor), but the other side of the house wants something safer, (aka Team Cassel)...to the point of this thread, there doesn't appear to be a Team EJ any longer...
  14. To some extent, I blame both the players union and the NFL for allowing this. Instead of rolling out the HOF guy, (though Carter does not belong), they should roll out the Ryan Leafs, Aaron Hernandez or Lawrence Phillips type - people who had a chance, drafted higher than most, but failed via bad decisions... Make them watch 'Rand University' or the Marcus Dupree story on 30 for 30 - cautionary tales...not some buffoon like CC or Warren Sapp - two guys who got more chances than the kids watching in those seats will likely get. More draftees end up driving trucks or other blue collar work as opposed to slipping on the Gold Jacket. Let them face that reality and stop dangling the ultimate prize in front of them. As to Carter - He doesn't belong in the Hall. Good for him that he straightened his troubled life out, but he's a poor example of leadership. He's a clown, more cliche' than substance. I would never let him be my example of what hard work yields - he was gifted a collage career and given 3rd and 4th chances in life because of his talent. Hard work is Fred Jackson, or (don't hate), Tom Brady - people who worked for their lot in the NFL.
  15. After review, if we are being honest - we do not have a QB on the roster qualified to start and win in today's NFL. Until remedied, anything beyond a wildcard birth is out of this teams grasp...
  16. Hey.... This is good analysis... well thought out.
  17. This is interesting - from two separate sources - neither can agree who was better, EJ of TT.... Something I find interesting though, thru 4 practices and OTA's, Cassel is "Cassel" I guess is the best way to say it - he never does anything to excite, but never does anything make you panic...ideally, he would be a backup as when EJ or TT look sharp, they are much better than Cassel. The Bills just need one or the other to be consistent.
  18. Rest assured - they're not 'hoping' for anything.... There's a reason why on day three of camp they're running pro sets with three TE's and the FB on the field... they're not hoping someone pans out, they're building an offense around the limited QB play we will get.
  19. I've heard from sources, those same within the franchise that gave me the EJ lead and moving up for Sammy - the team is quietly trying to see what, if any interest exists for EJ - if the season started tomorrow, it's Tyrod, Cassel and SIMMs right now... Granted, it's August 2nd, but perception is reality, EJ isn't making the grade. They love the intangibles, but he is not consistent enough to be considered an NFL starter.
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