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Kipers Hair

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Everything posted by Kipers Hair

  1. As a fan, I agree on Tuel's shortcomings and would have rather had plan C available last night, but again, if Marrone is a man of conviction like I believe him to be, I see him trying to coach up Tuel for the next game. Unfortunate, but expected. As to recruiting, as it stood, I think we were/are a 6 win team at best and frankly, (fingers crossed), if EJ returns in 5 weeks, he will have not had to suffer through a rough 4 weeks coming up where I do not believe we would have won a game. From what I see - the Bills will have no problem recruiting the right guys for the organization.
  2. Perhaps you are correct. From what I observed first hand yesterday evening, there was little rational behavior noted before or after the game. At best, alcohol fueled optimism.
  3. Again, pessimism, understandably fueled by years of losing. What if Tuel wins 1 of the next 4, (same as I would have expected of EJ), then EJ returns to bring the team 0 more wins to get to your 3 win ending? I find it incomprehensible that Tuel is the lynch pin for a successful recruiting campaign next off season. Again, recruiting will be done by the current stars, plus Jim Kelly, Bruce, etc.. Also, trust me, the ownerships proclivity for hoarding money flies in the face of the Mario contract - yes? Our cap situation is by virtue of our cheap costs due mainly to the age of the team - soon enough, when we pay our future stars, we will be at the cap. Think, don't just react.
  4. This perhaps is the most astute observation of the day.
  5. You would assume Tuel would tank, while other may consider it is an investment in the organizations future - the development of yet another asset. This is a staff that has since day 1 preached next man up, and if they are to be consistent, Tuel is the next man up. You are a Bills fan, therefore, a pessimist by nature - retarding Hackett or Marrone is the negative - if the team continues to play well and show movement in the right direction, it will only serve to build their legend. It is without a doubt a QB is necessary, but to play behind Tuel as the next man up. As to recruiting - playing Tuel will have no bearing on the teams ability to recruit for the 2014 season and beyond. EJ, Mario, Eric Wood, ETAL on the other hand, will.
  6. To be a Bills fan is to understand the reasons behind the observations you share. Caught up in the excitement - the team appears to be a bit ahead of plan and that fuels the senseless optimism, continually fed with the Bills Koolaid....Fire nobody, stay the course and have a good draft next year...then, and only then, will we have cause to think the unthinkable, and rise above our meager lot in the NFL. In the end, the Bills are not Conquerors to be hailed in victory, but Liberators, charged with freeing and lifting your spirits...human nature fuels the madness.
  7. If we are wishing, perhaps we can parlay Jarius Byrd and Doug Legusky for Andrew Luck.
  8. Simple. Logical. Correct.
  9. Fans are fans...It's a love/hate thing....
  10. I noticed Peter King had him as his 1st QTR All Pro Kicker....
  11. This is after this coming Sunday's loss..."Just sell and Move the Team already!"
  12. This is genuinely an epic post. Brash, visionary and beyond all, indicative of a true Bills Fan. Cheer on brother...cheer on.
  13. 7-11 is wasting a roster spot....
  14. ...and we certainly don't need an Ocho Cinco, Randy Moss or T.O.
  15. OLB should be a P2 - we have no playmaker there...
  16. To be expected - Whitner is a Duffs guy, Lynch, Anchor Bar.
  17. This, as painful as it might be, is the most honest assessment of the difficult situation before the franchise. We don't reward our good players, the climate is simply not very good and the fans, while passionate, will turn on you quicker than a rabid dog.
  18. It's kind of a tired facility, but the Doubletree has a few things going for it; (1) It is within walking distance to the stadium, (2) the free Cookies there rule and (3), It's cheap. Company rate there is $104 a night - well worth it....
  19. HHHHmmmmm....Easy win for the good guys this week; 27-13. One of the scores comes via special teams for the Bills....over and out. Oh, been to Panthers Stadium - nice place, in a proper location, (the city). Many friends there - in the end, until Can Newton gets some help, you are going no where....
  20. Patriots 37 - Bills 10...Game over by the half....
  21. Being a Heisman finalist doesn't guaranty a good pro....The Combine, coupled with their bowl tape showed the world what he was - a slow player with a big heart, played up by the N.D. Hyping Irish machine....
  22. I think your observation is a microcosm of the hype around the draft. Were it not for the draft hype machine, we would not have heard all too much about him...except of course, for that fictitious dream girl. I have to go now to feed my flying tiger....
  23. I think the Giants also used a straight forward pass rush when beating them in the Bowl....that said, our line leaves a little to be desired and is not one to compare with that of the Giants a few years back...
  24. This is one way to get some love on ESPN...If only we signed Golic Jr to the practice squad....
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