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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. I was there. It was a beautiful day and nobody left the stadium. Crowd was chanting "We beat Miami" as the clock ran down. Fans rushed the field, tore down the goal posts and passed them up and down the stands at Rich. One upright got delivered to Ralph - passed right up to his box. He had it cut-up and a local radio station had a promotion giving away pieces of the goalposts. Younger fans have no idea how torturous those 10 years were. The Bills lost in every conceivable manner. And Phish players just laughed. Zero for the 70s is the one major reason why I'll always hate the phish and more than any other team. Ive been to some great games and experienced some dramatic sports wins for my favorite teams throughout the years but this game is top 3 of all time for me.
  2. A must for us whenever we're in the LA area.
  3. My wife and I were both in tears. Thanks for finding!
  4. Looks great Scott!!! Thanks for the work & years you've put into making this board a great place to visit everyday. It's a true service to all Bills fans.
  5. Aged Gouda (not the regular stuff). Distinctive taste, IMO. Rich, creamy flavor yet dry and rather sharp. $$$ http://www.artisanalcheese.com/prodinfo.asp?number=10716 Also, a good Asiago is great by itself or with a little Vino.
  6. That was one of the best threads ever!!!
  7. It's a possibility I suppose....Darn it! Now I MUST see it again!
  8. Yep. my beer of choice when I'm having more than 1 or 2. I must say that SNPA just doesn't measure-up if I switch to it after having something like a Mojo or Stone 60/90. It's certainly acceptable if I start with it though.
  9. Just checked their website and it's 6.9%. Hey, that's under 7!!!
  10. Do you like anchoves?
  11. I've been an IPA fan for years and have tried an awful lot of them. My absolute favorite, believe it or not, is brewed right in good old Upstate NY - Southern Tier IPA. I just looked at one of the bottles in my fridge (using all of my will-power not to open it yet) and the alcohol content isn't listed. I'd highly recommend this brew. Not sure where you are located but I can buy it down here in FLA at Total Wine. Good luck!
  12. Right! It was definitely wobbling. And the kids were exactly the same age, same clothes, same position in the yard - even though it was some indeterminate time since Cobb left the US. You're either on to something or on something (apologies to the Common Man).
  13. I'm starting a different thread because I don't want someone to read this if they haven't seen the movie yet. So, in the last scene, do you think the token stopped spinning or to Cobb, it really didn't matter??? Usually, those types of endings really bother me (see Sopranos). But in this case, it was almost appropriate. Great movie!
  14. Just an idea: sell the dryer in NYS, take that money, add it to what you would spend on shipping and you may have enough to buy a new dryer right there in Washington.
  15. No, that was George. Levi Brown invented the Electric Chair
  16. Week 1 Mon, Sep 14 @ New England Patriots* WIN* Week 2 Sun, Sep 20 Tampa Bay Buccaneers WIN Week 3 Sun, Sep 27 New Orleans Saints WIN Week 4 Sun, Oct 04 @ Miami Dolphins LOSE Week 5 Sun, Oct 11 Cleveland Browns WIN Week 6 Sun, Oct 18 @ New York Jets WIN Week 7 Sun, Oct 25 @ Carolina Panthers LOSE Week 8 Sun, Nov 01 Houston Texans WIN Week 9 Sun, Nov 08 BYE Week 10 Sun, Nov 15 @ Tennessee Titans LOSE Week 11 Sun, Nov 22 @ Jacksonville Jaguars WIN Week 12 Sun, Nov 29 Miami Dolphins WIN Week 13 Thu, Dec 03 New York Jets (Toronto) WIN Week 14 Sun, Dec 13 @ Kansas City Chiefs WIN Week 15 Sun, Dec 20 New England Patriots* LOSE* Week 16 Sun, Dec 27 @ Atlanta Falcons LOSE Week 17 Sun, Jan 03 Indianapolis Colts WIN 11-5.
  17. Never once said anyone wasn't a fan. Maybe questioned their sanity for posting on this board. Tough times indeed. Since they'll only be MY Bills next year and not yours, I'll go back to my original question, just directed at a different poster: Why are you here? Certainly not to share your rapier wit.
  18. Never claimed to be super fan and pobably should have left that part of the post out. I only included 'cause the original topic was concerning season tickets. That being said. who the hell are you to question how I spend my money? My entire point was if the poster I quoted feels that strongly about the direction of the team and feels it necessary to trash season ticket holders who want to renew, then why bother being on this board at all? Say your peace about the team and how it's run, cool. Don't spew garbage about those of us who choose to support the franchise with our dollars.
  19. This is the type of post that kills me. I just don't get it. Why are you here? Why do you post? Why do you care? Go away. I travel 1800 miles to go to Bills games as a long distance season ticket holder and will renew. After reading your post I just don't understand your interest in this team. If you chose not to support it, cool, fine, GO AWAY. If these are your feelings, great. I'll just assume that this is your last post on this board because I don't need, nor care to read your thoughts.
  20. Thought you'd like to know that I finally made it to Ft Myers. 75 degrees with blue skies and a slight breeze off of the Gulf. I think I'll watch the Bills game this afternoon at the beach.
  21. 60 degrees and sunny in El Paso. Trying to get to Ft Myers but delayed 4 hours 'cause the incoming flight is stuck in Chicago
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