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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. Fitz on IR per ESPN
  2. Nissan Runaway Bride Amanda Booth
  3. Thanks Levi! Yeah, we've actually changed our reservations now to Manchester. An extra c-note but looks to be a much better choice. I was also thinking that driving around an unfamiliar town at night after enjoying a beverage or 3 might not be the best decision. So I'm now gonna make Uber my best friend for that night and probably try a couple of places in/near Cohoes. Bye-i Brewing looks like a very promising candidate! It had already caught my eye and the recommendation pretty much seals that deal. Appreciate the info!!! T.
  4. We should all get out more! Lol. Yep, Wolf Rd doesn't look too far from Cohoes. Sounds like a good option for sure. Wish we had additional time to see more. Always happens when we go back to NYS. Never enough time. Thanks for the info!
  5. Appreciate the advice Gugny. I'm always in for really good Mexican food!
  6. My wife & I are doing a trip back home for the Bills/Fishies' game and are going to kill a couple additional birds. We're renting a car in BUF and driving to Albany to see Tab Benoit at Cohoes Music Hall. I've never been to the Albany area and have no ideas on a good place for dinner and a cocktail pre-show. We've also never been to Vermont so we're planning a night in Bennington before heading back to BUF for our Halloween/Bills weekend. For some strange reason, the members of this board are extremely knowledgeable when it comes to great food & adult beverages.😇 Any suggestions in the Albany and Bennington areas are greatly appreciated. Also, if you've ever been to Cohoes Music Hall, how is it as a venue? Thanks!!! T.
  7. Try this link instead Pretty positive analysis.
  8. https://www.skornorth.com/report-vikings-danielle-hunter-agree-to-reworked-contract/ Just signed an extension with MN.
  9. Thanks for all the input. Yeah, I'm a 5-6 times a year guy. I'll most likely continue to do fresh unless I think I'm going to make wings again in a week or two. I've never gone the peanut oil route and may try it next time.
  10. How many times do you re-use your wing oil before changing to fresh oil? Do you change every time? Or, do you judge by a certain time limit (rather than uses)? I've been using fresh pretty much every time but man, getting a bit pricey!
  11. "Allen's only 24? And he'll be in this division for the next 15 years?!?!"
  12. Wow, this is kinda weird but have to say that I kinda like it. wish I could have had it like this last year...LOL!
  13. Is it somehow just my feed or is anyone else not getting the ESPN announcers audio? Getting crowd noise and studio music but no PXP
  14. Hey MGK: is that you hanging on for dear life on the right? lol. I do know the guy straddling the crossbar in this pic.
  15. I was at the show they performed at the AUD during that tour. A rather awesome event - complete with quadrophonic sound!!!
  16. Sorry for your loss. As you said, it's never easy. You can take solace that you gave him a great home.
  17. In this order first 3 Rds: Edge, OLB, CB. Bills need pressure from their front 4 and have only been getting good pressure on the blitz. So I see Edge as a priority. As stated by Dr D, especially if Milano doesn't re-sign and even if he does, I also see LB as a need. You can never have enough CBs and Beane seems to be able to find good ones.
  18. Link Looks like Dare is being cut - was Buc's ST captain LY. Bills love versatility.
  19. Holy Schlitz (the beer that made Milwaukee famous)! Stay safe 707. Devastating to Napa/Sonoma from what the media is reporting. Very tragic.
  20. Hopefully this one is more definitive
  21. HBO renews for season 2
  22. Agree on all points. As I mentioned above, I thought it was a bit slow in the early episodes but as you said, the plot has thickened nicely. I haven't really read many of the reviews but wonder if the seemingly slow pace early on has something to do with it. Only 9 episodes does seem a bit short for where we are now in the story. I just hope that HBO orders a 2nd season.
  23. If anyone has stuck with it, Sunday's episode was the best so far. ****SPOILER FROM HERE ON**** Sure took a long time to get there, especially as an "origin" story. I let out an audible shriek when the guy sitting across from Mason said..."Hamilton Berger"!!!! I'm hoping it continues with the upward trend.
  24. One more...the late, great Johnny Winter. Again, one of his last performances. Damn... I've seen a of lot of dead guys!
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