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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. LMFAO!!! Welcome back!
  2. I think we need the instructions on how to uplaod the cowbell Avatar???
  3. I forgot that!!!
  4. Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick, don't ya think?? Nobody else even replied ( I think it's pretty sparse around here today) so I gave it a go. Maybe it'll help him figure it out. I dunno...
  5. Has to be the same guy. As soon as I read this post, the guy's face just popped into my head but I never knew his name.
  6. Try this link Johnnie me boy. Info should be found there. Cow bell thread link
  7. Ok dammit. It's the 1964 AFL Championship game and my older brother had been taking me to just about every home game for several years. We are big underdogs against the Chargers. My brother and I are sitting in endzone seats (where we always sat) shivering through the first few minutes of the game. The Rockpile is at it's best: smells of hotdogs, beer, piss and cheap cigars permeate the place. It's looking like my beloved Bills are gonna get run on all day as Keith Linclon, the Chargers star RB is making some nice runs. On one play, Lincoln takes a swing pass out of the backfield and as he turns around CRACK!!! he gets laid out flat by the Bills nasty LB, Mike Stratten. The beauty of the Rockpile was that it was pretty tight as far as the seating went and also had acoustics like a tin can. The hit that Stratten put on Lincoln reverberated throughout the stadium and then the crowd went kind of quiet. The Chargers helped him off the field but the damage was done. Mike Stratten had broken Keith Lincoln's ribs and with that one hit, the Bills took over the game and completely dominated the heavily favored Chargers and won the first of two back to back AFL Championships. Those teams were awfully good and in those days it was like the BCS You'd never really know who the best team was because the AFL & NFL didn't compete against each other. But ask any Bills fan who watched the '64 & '65 Championship teams and they'll tell you that those two teams could have given the Packers, Colts and other top NFL teams of those years a darn good run for their money.
  8. I remember seeing OJ play one time at the old Rockpile and I'm pretty sure it was against the Fish. Anyway, IIRC, it was 1969 and the Bills had pretty much used OJ as decoy for most of the season. It's snowing to beat the band (where does that saying come from and what does it mean??? ) OJ got the ball out in the flat and was pretty much immediately surrounded by several defenders. He makes a couple of unbelievable moves and like 6 guys fall down on and he's off to the races. This was a California kid who'd pretty much never played in winter weather. I said to my friend that this guy's a great mudder, borrowing a horse racing term. OJ was probably the best RB of all time on messy fields. He was uncanny in his ability to stay on his feet while making everyone who was trying to tackle him, fall down or miss. He was truly a pleasure to watch and every single time he got the ball the entire stadium would get electrified - he could break any play at anytime. That's how good this guy was. How sad...
  9. Absolutely one of my all-time favorite sports experiences! As fans, the 400 pound gorilla was lifted off of our backs that day. I remember looking out into the parking lot at the 2 minute warning and not a car was moving, not one. The 10 years of losing to the hated fish, every imaginable way, had built-up tremendous aggravation & pressure and it all released that opening day. The fans broke out with a spontaneous chant of "we beat Miami" as the clock wound down. it was great! I didn't even leave the stadium until about an hour after the game ended. After the fans tore down the goalposts, they passed the cross bars up the rows of seats, hand over hand, to Ralph Wilson's box. He had them cut-up and they were used as giveaways on the radio if I remember. Adding insult to injury: the only place new goalposts could be gotten for the next week was from the maker who was located in Miami. And if you didn't know, a prime reason that they are the "hated dolphins" is because the Bills did go "oh for the '70s" losing 20 straight games to Miami.
  10. My best friend and fellow Bills fan, bet $50 with me that the Bills would not finish better than .500 this season. He's pretty po'd right now. He'll NEVER bet against the Bills - ever again. He wants to take my money (sibling rivalry, sort of) but wants the Bills to win too. He knows that he wants Buffalo to win out but he's scared that they'll finish 9-7. He'll lose to me and the Bills would likely miss the play-offs. A double loss for him. Bad bet on all counts. My Bills brothers and sisters: If the game is that easy for you to pick and it means betting against Buffalo, pass on the game. It will be like blood money. Your team loses but you win a few bucks. BFD. I'd rather not win gambling on the NFL than bet against my team. It's not worth it. There's what, 14, 15 other games to chose from if you must bet the NFL. I just couldn't enjoy the dough knowing that I profited from betting against my Bills. It's like betting against a family member.
  11. I really like Glenmorangie. I'm not as fond of all of their flavored varieties as I am of their plain old 10 year old. I actually like the 10 better than the 15 year. Smooth and tasty! Glenmorangie
  12. ICE would have a friggin' stroke! He wouldn't be able to b!tch about MM & TD & DB. He'd have to LOVE those guys, man! If THIS team won a Bowl...Ohhh Myyyy Hey Iceman, what the heck WOULD you do if this team won a Bowl? I know you believe in your heart that it can't happen but....What if???
  13. No link to bookmark, just a big THANK YOU for making me laugh at the end of a crappy day!!!
  14. I meet-up with Ken at virtually every game I go to. I wonder if there's a record for consecutive fan attendance and if there's actually any way of substantiating it? I know that Ken's always at every game but what about in other teams? Maybe we should start a campaign to get him and his Pinto into the Hall??? B)
  15. Yep and AJ Smith is in SD now too. I think that in the end, TD and Modrak will be counted in the same class as the others are.
  16. Is he related to Vincent Gallo?
  17. 7 years of college down the drain
  18. 51. Just got back from Vegas 2 weeks ago. Hard Rock hands down. Especially if your buddies like Rock N Roll. And where else can you eat at The Pink Taco?? Great pool. Great lookin' women. Great Music. One of my absolute favorite casinos.
  19. The point would be that some people could then resort to what they love doing most: B!tch about someting, anything pertaining to the Bills. Can't even enjoy a terrific win. Sheesh!
  20. yep, it is.
  21. Hilarious! Make sure that you have your volume turned up really high!
  22. Did we read the same article???
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