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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. I think you have a very good team for picking 11th. I like your starters this week as well and imagine that will be a pretty consistent line-up for you throughout the season. Good luck!
  2. Just an FYI: Winners is the Canadian division of TJX Cos. which also owns Marshalls, TJ Max and Home Goods as well as several other off-price retailers throughout North America and Europe.
  3. Yep, carry mints with you all the time and when your speaking with her, put one in your mouth and offer her one as well. Should sink in about the 3rd or 4th time.
  4. I work with the retailing industry and have for my entire career. The IKEA phenomenon has been going on for years. Whenever they open a new store, the area experiences tremendous traffic issues during their first few days. There’s always a lot of fanfare when they open. What you’re seeing, in addition to the desire to get a good deal, is the “shopping as entertainment” trend that Americans have always been drawn to. People think it’s fun to shop at and IKEA and go just to walk around and see stuff. That’s not necessarily who I am but it is true of a surprisingly vast number of folks.
  5. Yep. Global/MSNBC reporting 291 on board many injuries but no reported fatalities. Also that most of air operations were shut down due to weather and that the lightning detection equipment at Pearson was not operating properly. The airport is now closed with flights being diverted to Ottawa and Buffalo. Belief is that the flight was possibly at the proverbial “point of no return” on approach and may have encountered a down draft or possibly lightning.
  6. Thanks for the update!!!
  7. So long ago, I had to think hard to remember. Rebel Stoner Jock Geek
  8. I just love reports like this morning's Buffalo News' on Milloy's offseason. I read stuff like this and I can't wait for the season to start!!! Milloy on Losman: ..."I just tell him, "Hey, realize you inherited a very good team. You don't have to go out there and beat everybody by yourself.' " Can the Bills win this year with Losman? "Yes," Milloy said. "We have no choice. That's the thing. It's not just him. Everybody wants to focus on him, and quarterback's a big position. But the faster he can learn how to just not make mistakes, the better off our team will be. We're not going to let him fail. "We want to win a championship." Man, "We're not going to let him fail"... Gives me goosebumps! Bring it on!!!!
  9. Bills 2005 Schedule Ok, here's my shot: Sep 11 Houston W (1-0) Sep 18 @Tampa Bay L (1-1) Sep 25 Atlanta L (1-2) Oct 2 @New Orleans W (2-2) Oct 9 Miami W (3-2) Oct 16 N.Y. Jets W (4-2) Oct 23 @Oakland W (5-2) Oct 30 @New England L (5-3) Week 9 BYE Nov 13 Kansas City W (6-3) Nov 20 @San Diego L (6-4) Nov 27 Carolina W (7-4) Dec 4 @Miami L (7-5) Dec 11 New England W (8-5) Dec 17 Denver W (9-5) Dec 24 @Cincinnati L (9-6) Jan 1 @N.Y. Jets W (10-6)
  10. Sorry if already posted...
  11. Heck, if he can throw ANY type of screen pass or something out into the flat and not have the ball rocket into the turf at 90 mph, I'll be thrilled!
  12. Thanks, nice link. Take a good look at the first photo, his eyes have that weird look... ya know? Not only will he hurt someone but I think he's gonna really enjoy doing it!
  13. He must be tryin' to overtake "Pinto" Ken Johnson's record. When he calls, tell him Tony from Minney sez "Hi".
  14. Hey,. wasn't that Mark Vader at the draft??? He lives in the Bay area...wtf?
  15. I couldn't agree more. I just finished reading that POS and thought, where the heck did this come from? "TD created this problem himself" What problem???? You are 100% correct: TH plays his butt off if he's still a Bill next season 'cause that's the only way he'll get a big FA deal. This column really has my blood boiling and is typical of the tripe that this guy has been putting out for years. Someone on the Wall said last year that Sullivan always has an agenda when it comes to TD. He obviously doesn't realize that when he writes such blatant crap, it makes him look extremely petty.
  16. A couple years ago, the same topic came up for discussion on the board and there were some pretty spirited discussions. I've always used (and will continue to use) a real estate agent when buying or selling a home. But in the past two years, the Internet has really changed the way that buyers approach real estate. A realtor told me just yesterday that over 75% of buyers do at least some research on the Web. Taking this into consideration, the answer is a little less apparent than in the past, IMHO. For us, the key is bringing qualified buyers into our home. You can tie-up your home with an offer from an unqualified buyer pretty easily. If you’re selling a moderately priced property, then finding a qualified buyer may not be difficult. However, if you are priced at or above the mean selling price for your area, a Realtor will help make sure that the buyers that see your home can afford it and not waste your time. It’s true that FSBO can save you money but one offer that falls through can take you off the market for weeks if not longer and that can be extremely costly. Commissions are negotiable and again, depending on the selling price, can go down to 5% here in Minnesota. There’s always the question of security (like, who area you letting in through your front door) and as mentioned by other posters, knowing exactly how much your home is worth. When taking all of the above into consideration, we have always chosen to go with the professional and negotiate the commissions. That would be my advice. Good luck!!!
  17. A future in politics, methinks! "Seven years of college down the drain..." " Senator & Mrs. Blutarski"
  18. Yep, Gaviscon is great short term relief. It actually creates a foam barrier in your stomach to stop the acid from passing into your esophagus. But as SIC stated, it is only for temporary relief until you can see the doc and get a prescription.
  19. Avatar. Close second: Lookie lookie, here comes Cookie.
  20. I've thought about this many times over the years and the answer is an unequivocal, absolute no effin' way. Didn't root for the Clippers and no way in heck could I root for the Bills if they moved.
  21. I guess that's what happens when you're the bargain basement of head coaches. Ya know it's tough to make ends meet here in Minnesota. If Latrell Sprewell can't feed his familly on $14MM per year, how the heck can anyone expect Tice to feed his family on a mere one million???? Tice = Dauber (from the TV show "Coach")
  22. I guess they decided not to show the sacks and fumbles.
  23. I always liked Bledsoe as a person but as has been beaten to death here and elsewhere, having watched every play since he's been a Bill, it's obvious that he just doesn't have it anymore. The poor guy is in total denial.
  24. BTW, love your byline. I've wanted to use "thread killer" for my byline for years but never figured out how to change it.
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