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Tony P

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Everything posted by Tony P

  1. Blah, blah, blah
  2. We talked about that very fact near the end of the game and came to the same conclusion. Put a receiver in motion to bring the entire defense to the middle and then run right where your motion brought the defenders. A$$inine play that was run at least 8 or 10 times. We could only determine (spelled h-o-p-e) that they are trying to set-up something for the future. But man, what a crazy play that seemed to be.
  3. More "good" news for the Rigas family. Not that it will affect the old man much but the boys may be Bubba's B!tches for a whole lot longer than they thought. Linky
  4. Anything can happen over the off-season: injuries, FA defections, retirements... If you (Bills management) believe that your team has the ability to win the division or be a Wild Card team, you must make this move. JP's development may be slowed a bit but the team just can't continue to throw away opportunities. If the D continues to suck and they continue to lose games, then you can put JP back in for the second half of the season to get his OTJT. However, if you beat the Phish and the Jests in the next two weeks, you're right back in the hunt for the division. Now's the time to make the move. 7 of 15 for 75 yds and a pick ain't gonna do it. I say that if we (as fans) want the Bills to make a run at the division, we applaud this move. Way too much can happen between now and "next year" to waste the chance.
  5. That thread sucked!
  6. What's your problem with Minnesota, squidbreath?
  7. It makes you wonder what the *&^$ they practice all week. How can you be THAT far off on so many throws???
  8. The Bills D just flat out sucked the past two weeks and I don't see a lot of opportunity for improvement. EVERYONE knew JP would struggle this year and the D was supposed to be the great equalizer. Stats, they say, are for losers but the Bills D stats so far spell l-o-s-e-r. Shades of Walt Corey's "bend don't break" squads! Couple of 3 and outs may have turned this game around which was very win-able. JP's passes were terrible but as was said earlier: they put 16 on the board. Not a lot but more than enough if you have a "dynasty" defense. Team loss and plenty of blame to go around but the D needs to make a few stops once in a while.
  9. Tice. 'Cause he refuses to lose that ridiculus pencil behind his ear Coach Dauber got this great vote of confidence from new owner Ziggy Wilf who was asked yesterday if Tice was in danger of losing his job: " Mike Tice is our HC right now and I look forward to working with him to make our team better". Might not want to build that new multi-million dollar lake place just yet, Mikey.
  10. Portis, Jones & Willie Parker
  11. Congrats Fez!!! I know it was a long time coming. I hope you fully enjoy it even though this means we'll probably never see you at the new bar.
  12. Nope. I have Big Ben, Brees and Kurt Warner (and it's a 12 team league!). My plan is to play the one each week who faces the weakest D. Worked in week so we'll see. Any ideas on my "problem" for this week?
  13. agreed.
  14. I kinda like Gary Coleman this week. Give the edge to Leftwich.
  15. do it.
  16. bump
  17. Duly noted. I'll take care to keep that in mind!
  18. Sorry. It's just that soooo many people don't know the difference. Like at the resaturant when I order a glass of Zin and the 20 year old waitress looks at me and sez: "now, you know that it's RED zin?"
  19. Outstanding vino! Reasonably priced and always consistant! Next time you're at a liquor store, try a bottle of Zinfandel (NOT white, just Zin) that comes from the Dry Creek Valley region of California. Most of the winemakers up there do a nice job with that grape and if you like the Ducale, you may find some nice "value" wines.
  20. Please, please, please: Try a nice cabernet next time you have that ribeye. Cool, not cold. Please. You should be able to get a nice one in Temecula. Try Baily or one of the other locals down there. Don't take offense but (IMHO) calling white zin wine is like calling Odoul's a stout lager I know it's personal taste but...
  21. Willie Parker, Steelers RB - He'll be the starter for a couple of weeks at least due to injuries. Good luck!
  22. Need to start 3 of these 4: (50% ydg & 50% TD's) LT, Willis, Julius Jones or Willie Parker. Normally, this would be a no-brainer and I'd start the 1st three but Parker, the kid who looked great against the Bills last year, had a strong preseason and had a great week one and is still the stater for the Steelers. This time, I don't think that I'm over thinking this... I'm thinking that WP & LT are for sure starters this week and my choice is between Willis and JJ. Thanks!!!
  23. Coles & Williams, IMHO. Good luck!
  24. LT is THE man so I think that you got the better of that trade for sure. Bettis will be back in a couple of weeks so you'll have a great group of backs to choose from. Is Willie Parker available for a FA pick-up? if so, I think that he'd be a great acquisition until The Bus returns. Good luck!
  25. Agree 100% and having Smith back is a key as was mentioned. Good luck!
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