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Tony P

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Posts posted by Tony P

  1. I'm watching it at home with my wife and our two dogs. I'll be talking about the game on the phone with a couple of fellow MSP Bills Backers.


    More than likely, I'll be turning it off at halftime :P


    Gotta get ready for work the next day where all of my co-workers will look at me with pity in their eyes and ask: "what happened to your team ast night?"... not really expecting an answer.


    Several will comment that I'm in earlier than usual and look a lot more alert than on a normal Monday. It's no fun drinkin' when the Bills are stinkin'.... :P

  2. I have read that this was the main reason the staff turned it around - the players were offering $ to the female wait staff to join in... :blush:



    That's the main hub-bub right now. To me, if they'd been smart enough to do this party in private (like most every other person of at least average intelligence would have done) this would never have been an issue. But the dumb $hits not only did this in a public venue, they are alleged to have offered jing to the nubiles serving drinks on the "luv boat". Not cool nor smart..

  3. Daryle Lamonica...that's just my two cents, just because he is my dad's favorite player from those days, and he still curses the day Buffalo sent him down the road.



    No offense but, "your dad's favorite player" automatically eliminates you from the vote...just on general principle. :blush:


    The mid 60's Bills may have been THE best team of the era (NFL & AFL) but we'll never know how they would have fared against the Packers or Colts. But they were the first team to stress Defense in the wide-open AFL and their D was superb in that era. I think that answers the poll...I must confess, the thought of hearing my fellow Bills Backers chanting "Lookie, lookie here comes Cookie" was very tempting but I'm thinking TS is the way to go.


    Thanks for all the great input!

  4. Incerdible music, but after some time, all the originals musicians left and their music did a lot of changing too.



    Not completely true. Jay Beckenstein and Tom Shuman are original members and not to discount the contributions of the other musicians who have come and gone over the years, these two have really been the heart and soul of SG since the beginning.

  5. Just a quick review: if you like solid jazz musicians, you should check out their show if you get the opportunity. This group can still cook after all of these years. It was really a terrific show. Even my bride, who's not a big fan said that it was far more than she expected. We almost stayed for the late show but alas; it was a school night. I think the fact that it was back in a club environment had something to do with it as well. Not such a big production, just good music.


    After the show finished, I got to speak with Jay Beckenstein a bit reminiscing about the old clubs in Buffalo and how they enjoyed playing around town. He's a nice guy and a great saxophonist, IMO.

  6. If so, a couple of us are going to revisit that experience tonight. Spyro Gyra will be playing 2 shows at what's basically a 200 seat club in downtown Mpls.


    If memory serves me right, I saw Jay Beckenstein regularly perform with a pre-Spyro Gyra band called Spoon and the House Rockers. Used to go down to the One Eyed Cat and a couple other joints and listen to Jazz, Blues and R&B 'til 2:00 or 3:00 in the AM. :blink: Then get up for work at 7:00 AM! Hah! Couldn't do that now if you paid me a million dollars. And we did it 4 or 5 nights a week!


    The shows tonight are 7:oo and 10:30. You KNOW that I'll be at the early one :D .

  7. I've had it since it was first available. Though watching the Sabres is not as much fun as it was when I'd get to watch Hockey Hotline on Empire after the games(damn you Rigas), it's still great. Of all the things that remind me of back home, hearing Rick Jeanneret call a Sabres' game is on the top of the list. And you're usually lucky enough to get that feed about half the time.


    I've always enjoyed watching the Leafs too so it''s a double win for me.


    Center Ice is a must if you're into the NHL, IMHO.

  8. Could this be the start of the Los Angeles Vikings?



    They've been worried about THAT threat around here for years and this situation, as I suggested, may have a real negative effect on their proposed stadium deal.


    BTW, the state is in negotiations for 3 separate stadiums (Vikes, Twins and Gopher football) costing over $1 billion with about 50% coming from the public. The Governor was trying to get a special session called to consider the proposals. This event pretty much puts the screws to that deal.


    I really hate to say this but if an existing team HAS to move to LA, well; I'd rather it be the Purple than a certain team based in upstate NY. Although it would be devastating to a lot of my friends here. Moving teams is a bad thing all the way around...



  9. This is going to be a BIG deal before it's over. The story is basically that 90 people chartered a well-known, family run boat service for a 3-hour cruise (I know: “the weather stared getting rough…” but I digress) on Lake Minnetonka. The boats have 4-member crews made-up of 20-something kids who serve drinks and clean up.


    Story is evolving that the party guests, many of whom were pretty hammered, immediately started paying for lap dances with strippers who were part of the group and that the whole thing, on both boats, quickly turned into an orgy of sorts with sex acts, including lots of sexual aids, being performed all over the boats.


    The kids serving drinks got pretty nervous and also started being propositioned by several of the reported 17 members of the Vikings team present to join in and were offered money as well to do so.


    Now, if you go to Sundowners or any Club, you expect to experience various degrees of adult entertainment at an establishment that is licensed to provide said entertainment. The real problem that will stem from all of this is that these partiers took over a public, non-licensed charter boat and subjected the employees to conduct that they were not prepared for nor expecting.


    The media here is having an absolute field-day with this and on top of all the other ridiculous things that have surrounded this franchise over the past decade or so, it could well delay a new stadium here (which is badly needed) for years.


    The Charter Company has retained a very well known attorney to advise them on the best course of action. UGLY is what this will become for the Vikes new owner.


    I bet the Purple are really glad that they got rid of that no good trouble making Randy Moss. :doh: I’m betting that right about now, they’d gladly take a fake mooning of Packer fans over this crap.

  10. Congrats on the move and new job.


    As for Buffalo natives, this might be a good place to start:


    Bills Backers log-in page


    Just register and go to Nevada. I believe their bar is located in Henderson. If they're like most clubs that I've been to around the USA, there will be plenty of WNY'ers there to help you aclimate to your new surroundings. Not to mention a place to watch the Bills game each week.


    Good Luck!

  11. If I recall correctly, Thurman always kept his helmet at a certain spot under the bench just before games.  I think someone else moved it without him knowing it.  When he went to go get it, it was not there. 


    Anyway, that is my recollection.




    I was going to mention that. You are correct. But hey, it's more fun to blame it on him ;)

  12. That's a joke son, lighten up.  Geez.  ;)



    I know, but it just po's me when one of the greatest Bills players of all time is constantly bashed for missing one play in a game that the Bills were so out-classed and out-coached. It was a non-factor.


    The guy did so many great things for this team over his career yet people always seem to bring up the negatives. He's an automatic for Canton.


    I dunno...It's proabably a half full/half empty thing with me. When I remember the guy, I prefer to visualize all of the great runs, catches, touchdowns and blocks.

  13. We talked about that very fact near the end of the game and came to the same conclusion. Put a receiver in motion to bring the entire defense to the middle and then run right where your motion brought the defenders. A$$inine play that was run at least 8 or 10 times. We could only determine (spelled h-o-p-e) that they are trying to set-up something for the future. But man, what a crazy play that seemed to be. :D

  14. Anything can happen over the off-season: injuries, FA defections, retirements...


    If you (Bills management) believe that your team has the ability to win the division or be a Wild Card team, you must make this move. JP's development may be slowed a bit but the team just can't continue to throw away opportunities.


    If the D continues to suck and they continue to lose games, then you can put JP back in for the second half of the season to get his OTJT. However, if you beat the Phish and the Jests in the next two weeks, you're right back in the hunt for the division.


    Now's the time to make the move. 7 of 15 for 75 yds and a pick ain't gonna do it. I say that if we (as fans) want the Bills to make a run at the division, we applaud this move. Way too much can happen between now and "next year" to waste the chance.

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