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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. He is defeated and deflated. He has a Harvard degree you think he doesn't know he will be riding pine in a week so we can see what we got in TJax. The trade being upgraded to a 6th round pick is over. The only good thing for him and bad for Bills fans is TJax is not an NFL quality QB so Fitzy will be back in 2013.
  2. You know this has the potential to be the least watched NFL game in the last 30 years. With the game blackedout in western new york and the fact that the Jags have less than 50,000 total fans this game is going to have very few eye balls on it. I'll be watching on the Sunday ticket but I don't think there will be too many other viewers watching along with me.
  3. So its nice to play with what is technically possible and applaud your use of blinders and blind hope. This team does not pass the eye test from Week 1. The Defense stinks (yes it is starting to gel a bit now). The team is fundamentally flawed We have a QB that can't throw and a top WR that can't run fast. Every offensive play is like being in the red zone because they can't stretch the field. They punt consistently from inside the 40! This is amazing that this happens in the year 2012 once, let alone atleast 6 times on the season. The play calling on 3rd and short and in the actual red zone is mind boggling bad. The team does not look, taste, smell, sound or feel like a playoff team. With the Eleventh pick in the 2013 draft . . .
  4. I don't think anyone wants Baybin and a 5 year contract. He will be a FA after he passes through waivers.
  5. Now twice a month some genius posts this same idea. Seriously can this just be pinned.
  6. The Season is over why would the Bills pick up a 32 year old DE and more importantly why would a 32 year old DE coming off an 18 sack season sign with a team out of the playoffs?
  7. If your Defensive scheme calls for a LB covering Reggie Wayne, the play is over before it begins.
  8. I Was beating the mason Foster drum pretty hard. No brainer over Shep imo. If SJBF and I ran the Bills draft the last decade the Bills would be in much better shape. Prince was injured most of last year I don't think you can hang a bust label on him yet.
  9. Has had two years to impress in the super weak ACC. Hasn't done anything to impress. Looks great on paper not during the game. He is worth a 3rd day, late round flyer but not much more.
  10. Good Job Astro. Much better than the last two mocks. This would be a dream come true. What are the contract details on Moore and Merriman? I doubt they're signed for 2013. So taking a nice young DE in the 3rd is a good policy. As I said before I expect Barkley, Smith, Wilson, and probably Jones all to go in the first round. In the new NFL draft it is much more likely a team takes a chance on them early if they think they are the man. Also Te'O' is going top 10. He is a more impactful Luke Kulkey so yeah if he fell to the Bills everyone would spooge in their pants. As much as I would love Te'O falling to the Bills its not going to happen. A boy can dream . . .
  11. The rules are changed in most of the rest of the world, and as far as I understand there are no Lions, Tigers or Bears on the planes as a result.
  12. I'm not saying that Fitzy is the root of all the problems. Obviously the defense through 8 of the 10 games has been a disaster. But if two plays go differently. The Tennessee 4th QTR pick and if TJ Graham takes a left instead of a right the team is 6-4 and in first place in the AFC EAST. Mario Williams was never any kind of leader and any expectations that he would become one in Buffalo is strange at best.
  13. And you can tell what a sorry bunch these Bills fans are. The Buffalo Bills got a starting Left Tackle in the second round. Probably one of the biggest steals of the draft and only person has said. "Wow we got a real steal with Glenn." Seriously the Bills committed grand larceny with that pick. Even with the injury he looks better than a half a dozen Top 10 Left Tackle picks the last ten years. People should be excited that the Bills actually had something go very well for them on draft day. Not to mention, yes Gilmore gets burned on double moves but he will likely learn to counteract that over time. They have basically placed Gilmore on an island all season and he has been above average. Give him some time to season and he may actually be very special, just watch the aggressiveness on those double moves.
  14. In 2011 I can write a dissertation on the draft moves I would have made (and I have on this site multiple times) Outside of Keenan Robinson or Sean Spence over TJ Graham. The draft broke really nice. I personally wouldn't have taken Gilmore. I would have taken Michael Floyd for good or bad, but I can't be mad at that pick. And Cordy Glenn is an absolute steal in the second. If you would have a redraft today he would be a top 10 pick.
  15. Every game. The actual fact is that Matt Schuab has on average 33 passing attempts a game. The actual fact proves that Matt Schuab is not a caretaker QB. Comparing the actual facts to other teams passing tendencies is irrelevant to the conversation.
  16. I don't disagree. Still Schaub doesn't play the role of a Caretaker QB
  17. And none of this has anything to do with Schaub playing like a caretaker QB, which he does not. A lower number of passes per game relative the current pass wacky NFL doesn't mean that Schaub plays like a caretaker QB. He is asked to win games by throwing the ball to a great receiver. That doesn't mean Schaub plays like a careataker QB.
  18. The part where you say Schaub is a caretaker QB. I don't see an amazing QB. I see a QB is that is asked to win games by throwing the ball. Who is on the receiving end of the throw is irrelevant. A Caretaker QB is not asked to win the game by throwing the ball a caretaker QB is asked to hand the ball off and not lose the game i.e. Trent Dilfer. There are degrees between caretaker QB and Amazing QB.
  19. Chad Henne looked like really good yesterday. If Gaine Blabbert is still sidelined that game just got more difficult. I'm pissed about the Seattle game being in Toronto. This schedule is easier than the first half but they're aren't any gimme games, like the Brownies and Chefs.
  20. You're staring at stats on espn.com. Watch Schuab play he is not a caretaker QB by any stretch of the imagination. This is where you say. 1.)"I was wrong you know Schuab may be more than a caretaker QB." or 2.) Do not respond Stop trying to come up with continued nonsense to back up your nonsense statement.
  21. Noooooooooo! My fantasy team needs those TDs. How can you hate Gronk? All you haters on this thread would all have Gronk jerseys had the BIlls drafted him over Troup.
  22. There is no time like the present. By the way some of the people post on this board I think they're smoking something.
  23. Say what? The issue of firing refs was never brought up in any coverage of the union referees negations that I read. Where did you get that information from?
  24. Are you saying this is a good thing or bad thing?
  25. By your definition of caretaker QB. Joe Montana is caretaker QB because he had Roger Craig and Jerry Rice Jim Kelly is a caretaker QB because he had Thurman Thomas and Andre Reed and Matt Schuab is a caretaker QB because he has Arian Foster and Andre Johnson Matt Schuab is not a caretaker QB. Watch him play. He is asked to throw the ball to win the game early and often.
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