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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. So Some guy you read says Chance projects to a Perennial All Pro therefore "Chance Warmack is already better than Levitre" Awesome logical reasoning. I will make sure to highlight your amazing insight and strategy in the future.
  2. Getting old sucks.
  3. Getting anyones 1st round in 2014 is a no brainer for this team. I don't care if its the Ravens. Get a second 2014 1st and a second 2013 2nd and maybe someother stuff to balance if its a low 2013 2nd. The Bills are already favorites for the 2014 #1 overall having a second 1st will make it much easier to trade up and get Bridgewater or Manziel. The flip is in the 2013 draft you absolutely cannot trade the 2014 1st to move back into the 1st round. Cannot. It would be history repeating itself. The Bills basically traded Aaron Rodgers for JP LOSSman. That's a bad trade.
  4. Phew. Davis is a bad influence in the locker rOom. A rookie HC and SJ13 wouldn't be enough to control him imo.
  5. Is he fast? Does he have hands? Maybe we get him to play TE for the Bills? 6-6 240 would be a nice target for our rookie qB.
  6. I'm amazed at the absurdity of this post. Chance has played 0 downs in the NFL. Glenn is not a Guard. Glenn is a good NFL LT. Pure Drivel. According to some of you David DeCastro is a HoFer Guard too.
  7. This. The Very Good vs Ellite argument is fan speak. Levitre is a bird in hand Warmack is a dozen in the bush. I'm sure Buddy knows all about that type of a thing.
  8. David DeCastro went #24. Chance ain't going Top 10. Plus why the hell would the Bills use a first round pick on a position they wouldn't pay to extend in Free Agency. It makes 0 sense even for the Bills. If Warmack pans out the Bills have already set a precedent that they are not willing to pay top tier money for Guards. Therefore why would you take a Guard that high.
  9. Did you ask him about Levitre? Did you ask him about signing a contract extention? Did you ask him abour Morrone?
  10. Only Undefeated team in the Playoffs in the 21st century
  11. Have you heard of Chris Cooley? Pro Bowl TE?
  12. Which is why I wish the Mods would change the title of this thread.
  13. Where would you rather be? Church, the grocery store, getting the car washed, stop by Target, get my hair cut . . . Strive for 14.
  14. He does have better people to do. I mean things.
  15. I think your logo is actually tougher and more relevant logo than a random dolphin swimming. They are neck and neck with the Flaming Thumtacks for worst logo in the NFL now.
  16. Mods can you change the title of this thread. It should read "Some people do not understand Hyperbole" or "Stevie Johnson does work out in the offseason" One of the two.
  17. I could live with that situation. Wouldn't Love it, but could live it.
  18. This is called Hearsay and is not admisible in a court of law in many circumstances. It is also said about every ND NFL draft prospect every year by someone. Its like on TBD someone comparing a draft prospect to Maybin. It happens all the time and in most cases it is only noise. Te'O was recruited to take over for Maualuga, Cushing, and Mathews at USC and given it is the PAC10; He would likely still be talked about in this draft if he went to USC. It was actually a surprise when he decided to go to ND. IMO the only semi-plausible argument is that if he went to the SEC he wouldn't be talked about. To rebut that I say look at Jarvis Jones a primetime Pac10 recruit that went to the SEC and is still talked about today. So the talk radio bluster isn't very compelling imo.
  19. I wanted the Bills to draft Brandon Spikes (in the second). He was slow, he ran 5.0 40. But he was a Baller, clearly could play football. Brandon fell in the draft and landed right on the Patriots' lap. He had a rough start but now is one of the better LBs in the league. The 40 time doesn't reflect his football ability. Te'O will be one of the better LBs in the NFL, I have little doubt. Especially if he falls right in the hands of Pittsburgh, Baltimore or New England. I originally didn't mind taking Te'O as high as #8 based on his leadership qualities. I originally thought he could be the QB of the defense and raise the play of the players around him. I followed the GF thing prior to being outed as a CatFish prank. He would talk endlessly in interviews about the letters his GF wrote before dying and how he would open each one up the night before the game. It seemed unbelievable like a hollywood movie (which I'm sure some script writers in Hollywood were already working on. {and probably stil are}) Now I think he was lying for most of this. You can't be a leader if everyone knows you're full of ****. Maybe in a few years people will forget and follow him. However I wouldn't want to take the risk at #8 overall on a position that is already a risk to take at #8 overall. But if he fell to #41 the upside is pretty damn high. You'd be hard pressed to find a player at #41 that has as high as an upside. Not to mention that is almost impossible that Te'O will be there at #41. An NFL GM is going to go for the upside. (BTW all the people saying the watched all his games and thought he sux are either lying or brain dead. Especially calling out those calling out the Stanford game as a poor performance. Te'O dominated that game and made the play that prevented the ball from crossing the line of scrimmage. Yes the ball carrier did cross the line but the ball did not. )
  20. I sure hope we don't. I sure hope he signs with the Jests. He'll be suspended before week 1 in NYC.
  21. The great part is he represents himself in court and says he didn't throw the bottle but there is video! Halfway through the video you see he clearly pours the bottle on her then pulls it back then throws it. http://www.washingto...e-nightclub.php It was Clintonian word play. “I didn’t throw the bottle—the bottle came out of my hand,” he testified. “I released it, I didn’t throw it.” “I didn’t throw it at her. Period.” Again he clearly thinks he can do whatever he wants even with video evidence of his actions. Where ever he goes whatever team it is, he has an almost certain chance of getting in legal trouble again. Next time the NFL will enact the personal conduct rule and he will be missing games. It is almost a certainty. I believe it is more like a god complex. He knows it is wrong but believes he is above the law. Which is a huge red flag for me. If the Bills sign him, 1.) He will bring other players down with him. i.e. Trent Williams. 2.) He will not be allowed to play 16 games by Goodell (9/10 times I think most of these personal issues by the young men in the NFL are blown out of proportion, in this case you have a clear pattern of knuckleheadeness that has no indication of ending)
  22. Where is the moral police? 1.) Fred Davis threw a bottle at a "Pimpette" and his Birthday party and represented himself in the court case. http://m.nfl.com/news/09000d5d82a3a46b/ 2.) He has 28 speeding tickets since 2008 3.) He smoked marijuana during the regular season! This is just plain dumb. Smoke week in Feb-April. Lay off for 4 months during the season atleast. His actions are one who clearly has no respect for others and thinks they are above the law. Big Ben banged a drunken co-ed with a nametag that read "down to !@#$" in a bathroom stall and this board erupts and no one would trade a 7th round pick for him. Fred Davis has a history of being a complete idiot with constant legal trouble and this board is lined up to sign him.
  23. He is very talented and he can be an extremely productive receiving TE. Anyone saying different hasn't really watched his play or aware of what he is capable. This man threw a bottle at transvestite pimp and smoked weed during the season and got suspended. Usually I have a more liberal view on character issues, these are young men, they make mistakes. However that is just some really stupid stuff, really really really stupid. I wouldn't want him passing out doobies in teh locker room. Listen to the interview that is a smokers voice. Look at those eyes at the space ship on his shirt. He might be high in the interview. How many times does he say "what?" and the interviewer has to repeat his (stupid) question?
  24. Your opinion of Christian Ponder may differ from others. See Flacco 2010.
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