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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. Thanks for doing the math. I met to scale it out too. I'd need 175000 to make a 125000 over 4 months or recoup the 175000. Oh wait I don't have 175000 in cash. Anyone have 175000 in cash? I have a business plan.
  2. The reason ask about the Pats is you can hedge your bet pretty easily. The Jets or Dolphins aren't winning the division (and the Bills aren't either) Put a stake on Pats that breaks even on the Bills beat and you win or break even almost guarenteed.
  3. If you bet 25 on the Pats what do you win?
  4. In PreSeason Game 1 EJ couldn't put the ball in position for Receivers to run after the catch. The rookie is going to have to spend some major time on this. Its very early in his career with almost no sample set but I'll be watching for the development of ball placement this pre-season and year. With the speed of this team, the ball has to be placed to allow them to yac it up.
  5. I'd be 1-0* *denotes that the win is not really a win against the Patriots because Tim Tebow was the starting QB and we all know he sucks. So good try maybe you can get an actual win against the real Patriots in week 17 when Brady will be back.
  6. Noooo! I want no excuses on weeek 1.
  7. 3rd place!!!! Woot Woot! I highly highly doubt that. I'm thinking its more like we're 4-3 and everyone is getting psyched for a possible playoff run, then we finish 7-9
  8. The NHL already has variable pricing system. The NFL is different in a few regards: 1.) Much Smaller Sample Size only 10 pre-scheduled events in each facility. (And For the London and Toronto Crowd even less {Do season ticket holders of London teams get tix to that game or a discount on seasons?) 2.) A Majority (18 according to a dated wiki post and I'm thinking it may be in the 20s in 2013) of stadiums are completely sold out through Seasons. Some stadiums actually have to reserve a few single game tickets. 3.) No one is really complaining because everyone knows you're effectively getting Pre-Season for free or near free. If the NFL dictated that Pre_Season was mandatory free you likely wouldn't see a change in the cost of most season ticket prices.
  9. I was just joking but yeah It seems like a boom or bust year. The Sad thing, in Buffalo, 8-8 would be a boom.
  10. Last year at this time we were making the playoffs, that clearly means Fitzy > EJ.
  11. This defense isn't typical. Pettine has 3 safeties on the field. Pettine will play the best players in the best situations. Don't worry.
  12. I'm sure you can google that yourself if for some reason you think its relevant.
  13. All things are not equal. You need to see Tuel with the 1s against an opposing team 1s. That hasn't happened and may not. Tuel beat up on a team that might not be able to beat Hutch Tech. I like what I saw too; The command of the offense, accuracy, confidence. Tuel looked like a Man playing against boys but its not the same thing as having Mathis chase you down. Lets realize it was Game 1 of the PreSeason. Tuel will likely have the whole 4 PreSeason game to himself. Still won't be playing with or against the 1s but if he still looks good then its going to be tough to try and stash him on the PS.
  14. Not saying you said that. Just sayin' Wow excoriate. I had to look that one up. Yeah that is accurate I am removing part of the surface of the skin and looking at the ugly truth behind the media hype. We have a long way until week 1. Good luck to all the young WRs.
  15. I mean I'd love for this guy to be the next Randy Moss but you have got to earn it. 23 offensive plays and 1 catch. Thats not impressive. He was invisible for most of it. SJ Goodwin TJ Graham Woods are all locks. The next 3 could be anyone.
  16. Listen others have pointed out the flaws in your statement. Signing an Non-exclusive Franchise tendered player and then paying the compensation to the original team if the original team doesn't match the offer isn't a trade. In fact I don't think it has ever happened before. You made one incorrect statement and keep trying to prop it up. That isn't going to win you lots of friends or mindshare on this board. You're a newbie on the board. We love to have new voices just try to add to the conversation not defend your incorrect point tooth and nail.
  17. You'll get further if you just say. "Oh that's right he can't be traded" as opposed to creating the concept of "equivalency trades" in order to hide the fact you didn't understand the franchise tag system. Its OK. Awesome concept by the way. I think I'm going to "equivalency trade" some players in my upcoming fantasy football draft.
  18. Don't be stupid. Spend two seconds and learn the facts instead of assuming things that are incorrect. Any team can sign Byrd today. There is nothing stopping them. Byrd is a (Non-exclusive) Franchise Tag. The price for a "Trade" is already set by the NFL through the Franchise Tag process. All a team has to do is give Byrd a call sign him and give the Bills the draft picks. Simple. Byrd cannot sign a long term deal anymore with the Bills it is past the July 15th deadline. There really is no reason to hold-out at this time. He will be playing 2013 under the franchise tag salary or he won't be playing in 2013 and won't be collecting a paycheck. No NFL team is going to give up the draft picks to sign him. Any NFL team could sign him today. There is actually one more option. The Bills and Byrd can agree to a 1 year deal that is greater than the franchise tag amount, but at this point in time Byrd has no leverage. Why would he Bills pay him more than the tag amount? It makes no sense. Eugene Parker is just being a dick to the Bills and doing his client a disservice. Byrd should wise up and fire his ass asap.
  19. You also don't cut or trade a player THAT IS NOT ON YOUR ROSTER.
  20. There was a first down ctach by TY that did not look like he got two feet down. Its not a concern but it is a tool Marrone will have to get more comftable using. Even the colts loopy color man was like "well it looks like he got a great spot there . . . ."
  21. You can Spin the ball all day long after a TD. You can't spin the ball AT an opponent. The zebra decides if its AT an opponent. Pulling something out of your arse with no basis isn't an opinion. You may want to call it complete unfounded speculation in the future. There is no reason to believe the coaching staff has any confidence in Rogers. He clearly has a lot of work to do, and its inside his helmet. Its pretty clear why he wasn't drafted. You need to be able to pay attention, and learn the playbook to be success. The entire roster of WRs seemed to know their role but Rogers was not on the same page. He also gave up on a "fumble". You learn in little league to play to the whistle. That video is going to scare away a lot of teams. Its pre season you're trying to make a roster. You sprint behind that player returning the fumble. He demonstrated he has No heart. You can make due with scarecrow syndrome (no brain) or Tin Man syndrome (no heart) but not both. Its early but Rogers dug himself a hole in week 1. TD or no TD.
  22. #50 was all over the field even had a QB presser. He has to be on DROY watch list. Let's just say the starting Bills QB has the inside slant on OROY. Le'veon BEll Will be competeitio for OROY. What are the Vegas odds on TUel?
  23. The Bills cannot trade a player that isn't under contract. Byrd is not under contract. All 32 teams can sign Byrd today. If any of 31 team that aren't the Bills sign Byrd they must give the Bills a 1st and 3rd round pick. (Shouldn't everyone know this by now?)
  24. Wood should be locked up now. I don't want to hear any of you OBD apologists say "Wood is good but not dominant." 1.) EJ is building a relationship with him at Center now. No need to cause a change next year. 2.) We had one of the best C-LT combos in the league last year. Why get worse and let the C and LG walk in consecutive years? 3.) He is a team vet and respected in the locker room. 4.) You got tons of cap space. Go Bills
  25. There are 3 QBS on the Roster and there will be 3 QBs on the regular season roster. Usually you have more than 3 QBs in preseason. If you see the Bills add a veteran 4th QB before the end of preseason AND Kolb looks helpless then the odds may change. Right now there is no shot he is cut. That can change since we haven't even played a game. I read that Kolb won't play tomorrow. So EJ may get the whole first half and Tuel gets the second.
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