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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. Just get the ring. I'm not going to get my panties in a twist if they stole opponents signals or took some air out of a ball. Just get that Lombardi Trophy.
  2. The Bills draft visits are pretty much all of the QBS minus Winston and MM. I think it a very safe bet they're drafting a QB.
  3. You put a Helicopter pad at the practice facility and one at Rivers house. It wouldn't really be that expensive. Throw it to the contract and it is all a business expense for the Chargers. Problem solved. When Philips came into the league he had a stacked WR core, TE and LT. That team certainly hasn't been generous with the tools for Phillips. I'm guess there is something more to it than LA.
  4. I'd trade every single 2015 and 2016 draft pick for Philip Rivers, All of them. The Chargers can have #32 pick in 2016. We go from playoff Dark Horse to AFC Chanpionship favorite in one move.
  5. 1.) Those aren't bullets. Wabbling late throws at best. 2.) The down and In where Hogan lines up on the left is late and behind him. Hogan can't catch it in stride. If that is how EJ throws against air all this hope of development is going to be shattered when there are players in front of him. As soon as Hogan makes the break and turns his head the Ball should be on his hands in stride. If you can't do it in practice against air, how are you supposed to throw it on time against opponents. That tape should be hid not put on Instagram.
  6. This is a double punch to the Bills. It allows them to sign clay. Then we have to deal with Stills twice a year. He has already carved up Buffalo something nice. http://www.neworleanssaints.com/news-and-events/article-1/Kenny-Stills-nominated-for-NFL-Rookie-of-the-Week/bdef442f-5f5e-4a44-b6de-6d3063306502
  7. I agree usually. It reminds me of this: https://movies.yahoo.com/video/public-announcement-internet-etiquette-184435132.html My gripe is this is a thread saying the starting QB is going to get cut is not 1.) A rumor 2.) a result of inside information. I'll move on now.
  8. Leroi didn't start this thread. Your same conversations could have happened without this thread.
  9. 7/23/2015 the new new ones come out and it'll be a doozy!
  10. He never said he had inside information.
  11. He is not a franchise QB today. I don't believe EJ will ever be a "franchise" QB. I define franchise QB as a QB that allows the team to win more games than the team would have won if the QB were replaced by an average QB. These people think he will be a franchise QB one day, and/or think "he has the potential to be." The Real Buffalo Joe, KikoSeeBallKikoGetBall, Hopeful, BillsFan-4-Ever, K-9,fridge, YoloinOhio, ALF, MarkAF43, chris heff, johnwalter, The Wiz, Uffalo Ills,C.Biscuit97, 1billsfan, SpunkysSD, bananathumb, Maddog69, Mike in Horseheads, the skycap, buffaloboyinATL, KOKBILLS, What a Tuel, RichVP, sir andrew, kota, ScottiePippin, Show Me The Baby, BillsFanM.D., Andy1, Mij yllek,RipfromPA, DCBongo, die hard bills fan, 1billsnut, nrod424, 8and8Forever,d_wag, KRT88, BuffaloFan68, The Poojer, dickleyjones, RI Bills Fan, Matt in KC,Cugalabanza
  12. Love how someone that never said that they had an inside source for the information gets their words taken advantage by some nincompoop that can't read, imo.
  13. The post says imo not "from inside sources". I know you're board in the off season but come on.
  14. Sorry. you can never have too many hugs. That other guy clearly needs as many as he can get.
  15. You two should give each other a hug.
  16. Does that mean I will continue to see "You have 10 more articles" or not? I've never cleared cookies or cache or registered. I just get that stupid warning every time I click On an article.
  17. incorrect. there is a chemical mint sauce added to a shamrock shake, giving it the tast of a robot leprechaun penis. Not that I can confirm or deny what an actual robot leprechaun penis tastes like, but it tastes like a shame rock shake.
  18. Is that a shamrock shake? Never since Levy have I wanted to hang out with a Bills HC so bad. I'd drink scotch and discuss world events in the Study with Levy. Then crush some cases of Blue and play beer pong with Rex the next night.
  19. Ask yourself this, Is the Possible QB acquisition better than Jeff Tuel? If the answer is yes then acquire. In other words we have a real real real real big and deep whole at QB and no apparent plan except maybe hope Manning chooses to take one last run with the Bills.
  20. Doesn't Ryan Leaf get out of lockout before training camp? Just sayin' he could finally prove the Colts wrong.
  21. Whaaaaaa! Carr had a better rookie year than Bridgewater. Well atleast we don't have to hear "The Bills past on RoY WR ODB for Sammy."
  22. I thought it was fact based on this thread. upon rerearding it appears to be speculation. http://www.patriots.com/team/coaches/steve-belichick/5dda0f6b-0e66-4fe1-8bbf-46417aad07cf
  23. The kid that took a pee is Bill BELLICHEAT's Son!!!! WTF! No wonder they came out so hard in defense
  24. That original tour looks like a great idea.
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