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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. You got me there. Although he may have lost his eligibility.
  2. There is no reason Kolb should be on any NFL roster.
  3. So far: 1st Place: Second Place Third Place Honorable mention stroking my ego: Extending Wood and pounding out a deal is crucial in allowing Manuel's release of the balls. We can penetrate this topic deeper.
  4. Whaley should extend Wood, bang it out, and put this to bed ASAP.
  5. You're going to need to do this pool again after the Deadskins game.
  6. Stretch those hammys out, you couch potato.
  7. I was just talking about this. There is way more raw athletic talent in its prime then those Ravens North Defenses the Jests had a few tears back with old broken down vets. Like I said earlier this defense is going to terrorize the NFL, I'm calling it now. First!
  8. But most do not having 100s of thousand dollars on the line if you do smoke the weeds. You have to be an idiot to not abstain for 5 months.
  9. Idiot. He will be tested by NFL now.
  10. I don't think there is a P1 Unlike in years past there isn't a glaring whole but every position could be improved with competition with special focus on the O-line. P2 = CB, OG, OT, TE P3 = S, C, OLB P4 = QB, RB
  11. Crazy, flipping through the channels and I saw the 9ers at KC game just as the coverage zoomed in on Andre clowning around with Bowe and another coach. I saw Andres at a bar for the San Fran game last year and he didn't have those grey whiskers he looked like he could have still suited up. Good for him.
  12. Naming a starter is a stupid process. Why would Marrone or any coach in the NFL ever want to ever name a starter to the public? What is the benefit to the team? The people in OBD know EJ will start week 1 right now. Anyone paying attention knows EJ will start week 1. Concern over naming the starter is absurd.
  13. This is an example of Troll post: The word dreadful is incorrect. Screwed the pooch is excessive. The is no reason why there has to be a vet backup. The Bills can cut Kolb tommorrow and there is almost no impact. Don't feed the trolls.
  14. So can we count Leslie Frazier and Jim Irsay as terrorized by the Bills new D.
  15. It doesn't take a minute of game time further to know that Kolb should never a start a game in the NFL for any team for any reason. I'm not saying the EJ has proven he is starter quality. I'm saying that Kolb has proven he can't play in the NFL through his career and through last nights first quarter. Fitzy>Tuel>Kolb
  16. Boss Hogg had to have draft picks pried from his cold, almost-dead hands. So I'm thinking he had little to do with it.
  17. If the Rams called the Bills today and said. I'll trade you Tavon Austin and TJ McDonald for EJ Manuel, Kiko Alonso, Marquis Goodwin, and Chris Gragg, The Bills couldn't stop laughing long enough to say No. If the Colts wanted to trade Kelvin Seppard for Jerry Hughes, that would be a big negatory as well. Early Returns are looking good. Give the man props.
  18. Yeah its week 2 of the Pre-Season. Yes the Minnesota centers appeared to be trying out for long snapper on 1st down. But seriously this defense looks fearsome. They are shuffling the D-Line like back in the day when Bruce would jump around and attack the weakest link. They are fast, like my fast is faster than your fast, fast. Jerry Hughes was wide wide wide and got to the QB fast fast fast. The Safeties are bringing some major wood when someone gets the ball. It has been a long time since the Bills had a defense that sparked fear in the hearts of the opposition. I have been trying not to believe the Pettine hype until I see it with my own eyes on the field. I've seen it now. Yes its pre-season but it looks real. I'm calling it now. Bad things Man . ..
  19. I've been to Jerrahland. They do that today. During breaks in the game they go around the NFL. Jacksonville wasn't proposing full game RedZone just during breaks. By the way its an excellent idea for all stadiums.
  20. Do you know someone that can set up and commish?
  21. That IS kinda sick. How DO you live with yourself? here's the scenarios I'm hoping for, ranked from most to least: 1. Tom Brady Scrambles towards the sidelined and is crushed by Mario Williams in bounds and not flagged. Brady Fumbles and the fumble is returned for a TD. Meanwhile the momentum of the Mario hit carries Brady crashing into Bellycheat where Brady's Helmet cracks Belichek's skull and concusses Brady so bad that they both have to retire. 2. Similar variants * * notice there is no scenario where the Patriots score.
  22. If you need a spanking just send me an invite and I'll dominate you for a season. You mess with the Bull and you get the horns. (Actually I was thinking of reaching out to a few TBD regulars, like core reasonable people, and see if anyone wanted to do a league on NFL.com/fantasy. They pick a random player to be a co-captain on the Pro-Bowl. Even though its a long shot I'd like to have an entry in the that. {Plus if I were Co-Captain with Brady I'd lose it and probably Nancy Kerrigan his knee. } I Commish two leagues and just really have no time to Start a new league from scratch.)
  23. I actually try to avoid Bills players because I don't want to jinx them. (Maybe its not working) The last 3 years I went out of my way to start the TE or RB that will be facing the Bills defense. I have multiple championships over that time. See I don't track my fantasy score live though. I'm in multiple leagues and I'm starting every star and playing every star at the same time so the live tracking dosent help. I just check in Sunday night. So if the opposing RB has a typical 120 yards and 2TDs against the Bills I'm not getting any instant gratification on live tracking the score. I just get a win on Tuesday. I do avoid AFC east players for the most part. Also other than Brady there really haven't been many sure fire offensive stars in the Division so its been easy. I may have never started a Dolphin but like who would you want on your Roster? I started Dustin Keller a few times. I can't think of a time I owned or started a Patriot or Dolphin. Actually I had Gronk on one of my Championship teams but he is from Buffalo so he's not completely a Patriot.
  24. This is seriously a crazy deal on Amazon. $99 and you get Sunday Ticket Max (online) only for free. http://www.amazon.com/gp/feature.html/ref=amb_link_376741782_3?ie=UTF8&docId=1001215841&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_s=hero-quick-promo&pf_rd_r=12EX28BCGWB6PTG3482X&pf_rd_t=201&pf_rd_p=1588469242&pf_rd_i=B00CF7KVGE
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