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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. Don't feed the trolls. That was either a failed attempt at humor or complete and utter ignorance.
  2. It was the guy in front of the ball that screwed up the call. He also didn't call the obvious PI. This thread should be about how refs probably have money on the game or are in on a fix because that SJ clearly had other intentions then calling a clean, fair game.
  3. I'm loaded at RB in a twelve team league, 2 RB, 1 Flex(WR,RB,TE) I have forte, muscle hamster, cj2k, someone dropped Steven Jackson and Fred Jackson and I picked them both up. FJ is #5 in most formats. I havent had the balls to start him over my other studs. Should I start him over CJ2K @ Sea? BS. Did he say something?
  4. This story is despicable and I hate having to know this happened. The waste of DNA that did this' life expectancy, justifiably, just plummeted.
  5. Is this a good time to bring up that Justin Houston was a no brainer pick over Kelvin Sheppard? If you wanted a MLB Mason Foster was also a no brained. I mentioned that in 2011. Is it too late in 2013?
  6. Doesn't have to be open but you have to allow it to give you updates. At least on the iPhone
  7. Take a look at the recent Super Bowl Winners. It is the opposite of your statement.
  8. Why? It's perfectly reasonable to equate Lad Thewis to Tom Brady.
  9. Bigger picture. In the Pittsburgh video Lad Thewis doesn't look like aBrohmination style QBing.
  10. Good assessment (which everything after "suspect" could have been written with or without seeing any video) The Defense and Special Teams are going to have to score in order for the Bills to win.
  11. Its a blessing for Lad Thewis, he gets atleast $22K this Sunday. Its a blessing that the Bills maybe figure out a serious backup QB situation. Its a blessing for EJ if he learns how to freaking Baseball slide, and really practice baseball sliding seriously. Not so much a blessing for EJ's development imo. I see the point you're trying to make, but its a bit of a stretch.
  12. That was a really nice baseball slide. If Thad Lewis does nothing but teach EJ Manuel how to baseball slide the Bills will be in a much bette place. Clearly QB Baseball slide is not being practiced enough. I like the zip on the ball. Much better than the Rainbows Tuel was throwing. BTW anyone else notice how after one of the throws Wood © was talking to Tuel and he was making a Rainbow hand motion then making a straight line hand motion? It seemed like he was saying don't throw the ball like this (Rainbow hand motion), throw the ball like this (Straight line hand motion)??? Anyone else see that?
  13. Has this been confirmed anywhere else? Russo seems to be the only one making this claim.
  14. Do Practice Squad Member get Super Bowl rings?
  15. Yeah I noticed that too. On a 12 yard out, Fitzy was straining so hard to make that throw. I think that was also a problem in Cleveland on Thursday. When Tuel went in, He wasn't great but he the WRs dropped like 6 passes that should have been caught. I don't know if it was a different spin or what the problem was but a lot of the passes could have been caught.
  16. We need another QB and we can't be picky. Between Tuel, Lad Thewis, and Flyn/White/Dixon one of them has got to be serviceable right? Blasphemer! Do not talk ill of the High Life. No High Life for you!
  17. Is that a real stat that someone keeps? Most penalties on other team on third down I'd really be interested in seeing that.
  18. They called a "Touching the Brady" Penalty right at the end to try to give the Patsies the win.
  19. That is a completely valid and healthy opinion. Thank you. Now that we cleared up that mystery. [/thread]
  20. Because Prior to the Cleveland game they thought Tuel gave the the best chance to win. The world is filled with dynamic situations. You don't make a decision in September and then sit on the decision for the rest of eternity. Things change with new information. Thad Lewis can slip on matt and they can sign Joe Montana tomorrow. Then Joe Montona will start. This will have nothing to do with the decision that was made in September. [/thread]
  21. Do you know he went to Harvard?
  22. Now that everyone had their two cents on the QBs "He sucks. he doesn't suck. " Have we come to the realization that we need to sign two QBs not one? Especially if iDennis Dixon is signed that dude is fragile. That was the least positive thread I have read. It literally could not be any worse that what you wrote. If all you people really think EJ hasn't done anything in there then how is Pat White a down grade? He can hand off to Spiller and Freddy and throw a pass here and there. So whatever your winning record expectations were with EJ they shouldn't chang with a stop gap option; if you really think EJ has played poorly that is . . .
  23. Jinx ! You just jinxed the Bills! Seriously though Josh Freeman can play QB in the NFL. Jeff Tuel cannot play QB in the NFL. There is no discussion.
  24. No he was put on season ending IR. He will be cut by the Bills the minute h is medically cleared to play because he is horrible at playing football.
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