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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. You can make a point that some teams in different sports have a policy of maximizing revenue without trying to maximize wins\championships. The Clippers have made a very profitable business out of this over the years and there are articles about how the owner is making a nice profit without putting any effort into trying to build a contender. The same could be true in the NFL but its doesn't seem to be as prevalent as other sports. Many of the teams that are currently at the bottom of the league right now were at the top of the league in the first 10 years of the century (Bucs, Seagulls, Lambs, Raiders, even the Chiefs were playoff bound with Priest Holmes.) Really just the Deadskins and Bills have been continual losers, and the Desdskins made the playoff even in the '00s. HOWEVER PTR's point weighs very heavily. Top decision making in this organization has been severely flawed for years. They aren't trying to field a loser they just seemed to be incompetent at building a winner. Rob Johnson, McNewKnee trade, "The Character squad" There was a correction made this year and we are in process. Right now you can take a negative or positive view of Nix\Chan. Nix comes from a good pedigree of GMs. Is he an old timer that never got a shot to be a full fledged GM for a reason or is he wise and experienced NFL exec that will make intelligent decisions to lead the Bills back to relevance if not championships? The Bills have alienated many of the coaching family trees by their hiring and firing of coaches (Gggreggg Williams, Mularkey, Fatty Cowgirl.) PLus there was not a lot of faith in the in the Bills' former front office by "NFL People." Basically the orgniazation has to prove that can be a winner before a big name coach or big name free agents will come to Buffalo again. The Bills had to reach out to coaches on the outside of the NFL looking in. In Comes Chan. He seems to have had a decent first run as head coach and build a competitive program in the ACC. So is Nix an NFL cast off for a reason? Either way I think its tough to say the Bills are content, sitting back and being mediocre while reaping a nice profit. They appear to be a franchise that is still in free fall (maybe even a crash landing by now) since the firing of Bill Polian. Maybe Nix and Chan can pick up the pieces and get the organization of the ground again? We will see.
  2. When Jerry Sullivan dies, it will be a great day for Bills' Fan and the City of Buffalo. The man is a world class pessimistic A-Hole and is party to blame for setting the negative tone of Fans in Buffalo. I will piss on his grave on a regular basis.
  3. +2. The Bills didn't go after a QB with the #9 pick for an obvious reason the QBs available weren't very good. Not to mention that Bills DID go after a QB in the draft, Mr. "QB of the (Distant) Future" Levi Brown.
  4. So Haden and Anthony Davis are both signed. Spiller has to be close. http://backseatfan.com/index.php/2010/04/2...signing-status/ 5 years 35mil, 20 mil guaranteed is where the contract should be around. We'll see if the Bills are trying to get it closer to 25 mil and 15 guaranteed. Alright NIX time to take care of Gailey's "Waterbug."
  5. There are no 1st rounders signed and only 1 second rounder signed in the NFL. http://backseatfan.com/index.php/2010/04/2...signing-status/ It is likely that this year there are an abnormal amount of hold outs. 1.) Agents are worried about a strike\Lock-out so they want huge money upfront for early round draft picks. (These guys don't have a warchest of money to last a season {in the lifestyle they would like}) 2.) Agents are worried about a Rookie Pay Scale. So this could be the last season to negotiate huge deals. The Bills are partially to blame for rookie holdouts. They don't like to set salaries. They're happy to let the picks around them sign first then negotiate in between those numbers. Since we're surrounded by the Jags and Raiders, its likely that Spiller's signing will come after JOe Haden from the Browns and Anthony Davis from the 9ers Alualu was a weird pick so the Jags could sign him for less than what Anthony Davis will get. Although the 9ers played it tough with Crabtree last year so the Chargers @12 signing Ryan Mathews is going to be very important to the Bills. Usually a team drafting lower will wait for the higher pick to get drafted of the same position to start the negotiating down but since this is the Buffalo Bills, Ryan Mathews will most likely be the starting point to negotiate up with Joe Haden as the ceiling. Go Bills! Unless Buddy Nix somehow kicks the organization in the Arse and gets them to set the pace with a CJ Spiller signing. Either way get ready for a lot of waiting and posturing.
  6. I've read rumors and innuendo in a few outlets that Luck is planning to stay an extra year. Supposedly: 1.) His Sister is on a college Volleyball scholarship for Standford. She is a Freshman this year and he is rumored to want to stay on campus with her as long as possible. (How Cute) http://www.gostanford.com/sports/w-volley/...aryellen00.html 2.) He is a serious student and wants to graduate with his Engineering degree which he could finish in Spring of 2012. Mort Report has a recent twit that isn't specific but it seems that the feel that the people covering Manning Camp got from Andrew Luck is that he is going to stay another year. Everyone was impressed with Andrew Luck's throwing motion though. http://twitter.com/mortreport RT @NFLmoneyMGR: @mortreport too bad Luck ain't comin out this year. I'd be really surprised if he comes out ...>> I think you're right.
  7. Lopez and "yous guys" are using the "rule" wrong. Its meant to help determine the success rate of High Round draft picks. Meaning if you have to pick a QB in the first 2 round of the draft and you have 2 QBs that are equally matched in your evaluation the use of the 26-27-60 rule will help guide your decision. Its not meant to be applied to every QB ever drafted or undrafted. There are plenty of QBs that went undrafted that Played at some non-BCS school that fit the 26-27-60 rule. Its meant to help GM's decide should I draft Peyton Manning or Ryan Leaf coming out of college.
  8. Brohm has not proved or dis-proved his value at QB. The Packers let Brett Favre go, and he had one of the all time best seasons ever for a QB in 2009, as far as QB rating goes. {12th best for all you contrarians http://www.pro-football-reference.com/lead...gle_season.htm} So the Packers deciding to let Brohm go doesn't mean that Brohm is garbage. Ted Thompson thinks he is the smartest man in the room in every room he enters; sometimes he can actually be wrong. Brohm has a lot to prove in pre-season to earn the starting job. Edwards actually looked good in early 2008, but clearly has turned gun shy after the concussion. (I was at the 40 yard line, 10 rows up at the University of Phoenix stadium and I could feel that hit from there. ) The offensive system for the Bills especially in 2009 was complete garbage. Extra conservative and completely disorganized, firing the OC days before Week 1 was world class self destructive behavior. You can't judge a career by the first 4 games of 2008, but you can see potential exists. Will this new offense breathe a breath of fresh air in Edwards? Who knows? Edwards has a lot to prove in pre-season to earn the starting job. Fitzpatrick is the only known commodity. Fitzpatrick is a custodian QB. He has proven that with the Bungals and Bills. He doesn't have what it takes to be a winner and put a team on his back. He can execute offensive plays and not turn the ball over to give his teams a chance to win. He is a good back-up QB. With that Wonderlic he is clearly smart or has the ability to learn information quickly so he is an asset to the coaching staff to help teach developmental QBs. (Its not unlikely you see him on the sidelines as a QB coach or OC in about 10-15 years.) Levi Brown is completely unknown quantity. He can fling the ball around real good in a wide open offense. (YOU MUST WATCH THE GMAC BOWL LAST YEAR IT WAS ONE OF THE MOST ENTERTAINING FOOTBALL GAMES EVER. IT WAS LIKE AN ARENA FOOTBALL GAME ON A FULL SIZE FIELD.) Brown has a lot to prove in pre-season to earn a roster spot (he most likely will have a roster spot as he appears to be Chan's pet project but it'd be nice to see him perform well and earn the Roster spot based on performance.) Its way too early to pick a winner. There is a lot of Practices and Pre-Season action before anyone knows anything about the QB "battle" in Buffalo. And odds are high that this is just a 1-2 year solution as the "QB of the future" is still probably playing college ball (like usual for Bills' fans.)
  9. I think there was a caveat around this that Lopez and everyone else if forgetting. The study that Football Prospectus did only looked at 1st round QBs maybe 1&2nd round QBs. There are a ton of college QBs that meet the general rule, but they noticed the difference between High Round Busts and High Round Booms were the High Round Booms met the 26-27-60 rule. The High Round Busts did not. The commonalities are meant to be used to determine High Round Busts not to determine successful QBs drafted in later rounds or undrafted.
  10. Hey if people want to give their money away, why not give it away to another Bills fan instead of Las Vegas. I can use the last 15 years of Bills' history as proof that I won't need the 20 mil.
  11. If anyone wants to put money on the Bills winning the Super Bowl this year I will take all bets big or small. I will even email you a little ticket you can keep and show your pals. I will give you 1,000,000:1 Odds. Thats means $20 will get you $20,000,000. Not a bad return Please respond to this thread for my PayPal information.
  12. If the odds were 1,000,000:1 I wouldn't but a $1 down. Its not in the realm of the possible. However I would put $100 on 120:1 playoff odds. That would be sweet. Vegas has the odds of the Bills winning the AFC Championship from 20:1 to 60:1.
  13. The competition hasn't really started. I'm not pulling for anyone. What is that you're basing your voting on? Chan will put these guys to work at the end of July & throughout August. We will get to see them play in pre-season "games" in the new system. Post this on August 23rd when we've got something to work with. Right now this is just an off season boredom post.
  14. Bad timing for this post. We're inbetween camps. This is when players have alot of free time. Maybin is having a huge party in DC this weekend. Cross your fingers.
  15. Ignore this person. The hotels in Green Bay are Super Cheap as in Sub $120.00 a night
  16. Plus Thomas Jones, Leon Washington & Shonn Greene is better backfield than Shonn Greene, LT and Joe McNight. "Experts" talk about their free agent pick ups but in reality their backfield got worse and if Cromartie is still banged up they may not have helped them as much as it looks on paper. I'm glad the Jets are talking Super Bowl in July. It'll be that much sweeter when they don't live up to expectations in January.
  17. FedEx Field Bills @ Redskins, the Shawn Taylor tribute game. I sat infront of a 4 feet wide by the entire stadium high structural pole. Daniel Snyder is a penis face. He remodeled the stadium to squeeze in seats. I had to watch the game on a 36" Tube TV that was hanging precariously, at an angle from the ceiling. If I ever see the Arse in person I'm going to step on him.
  18. I got 3 tickets already on Stubhub. Definitely busted the road game budget on these tickets, but the hotel was like $79. Its Lambeau, its part of NFL history. Atleast the money is going to the stockholders\residents of Green Bay.
  19. I'm pretty sure "None of the Above" would win this Poll. He has a noodle arm but the kid has heart.
  20. These threads are so boring. Everyone who starts these threads seem to think there is only 1 offensive Tackle on the field when the teams take the field. I guess they think the Defense is on a permanent power play. The Ravens NEED GAITHER TO PLAY RT. They don't have 3 good offensive Tackles they have 2. 1 Proven at LT in the NFL; 1 Proven in Biographical movies with Jesse James' ex-wife. Why would they trade a LT that performs at top 10 levels in the NFL for a scrubby CB? What is easier to find a stop gap CB or STARTING RT that was one of the better LT in the league? What happens if Oher struggles at LT? What if Oher is meant to cover the non-Blind Side and Gaither is a better fit at LT? The Ravens won't trade for lower value. A Starting LT is worth a first round pick. Just look how many tackles were taken in the first round of the 2010 draft. None of them have the NFL resume of Gaither. Gaither will play RT for the Ravens on a 1 year contract and will play RT at an all pro level because 2010 is an AUDITION YEAR for him to grab a huge contract in 2011. You know 1 team will give him a huge contract when he is an unrestricted FA. Not to mention the Ravens are "close" and NEED A STARTING RT. Plus the Gaither team wants (and some can argue deserves) a huge contract. Anyone following the Bills for the last 50 years could gather that the Bills don't traditional pay many players in the Top-10 at their position. They try to run the team on the cheap. So unless the Bills offered a 10 year 120+ million contract for a starting LT for the next decade. (which BTW wouldn't be a bad deal if you back loaded the money but offered a 12 million+ signing bonus.) I don't see the Bills offering that. A trade between these two teams for Gaither is extremely unlikely.
  21. Yes KC RBs which just happen to have the same numbers as Okoye and Word are impossible to stop. I tried the Bo Jackson sweep and I was getting stuffed more than I remember in the past. It does seem to be a little smarter when it comes to tackling on running plays. Not much smarter but you can't just zig zag up and down the field like I remember when I was kid or maybe I'm just rusty. PLus remember Philly had Cunningham so they had that QB sweep that has hard to stop plus when you play as Philly you can just send all the WRs deep and then run Randell under them for 15 yards. Houston is also pretty dope with the run and shoot.
  22. Anyone with a PS3 that used to spend hours on Tecmo Bowl back in the day should spend the $9 for Tecmo Bowl - Throwback. The Buffalo Team rules. #12 is a rock solid QB #34 is hard to bring down out of the Backfield #83, and #82 have solid hands and always get open. #78 and #97 on Defense are studs. Definitely earns the Throwback moniker.
  23. Good Point. I didn't think of it that way. A poster in another string pointed out that Luck, is a pretty serious Engineering student. The rumor being he will not come out until the 2012 draft, until he recieves his Engineering degree, as the Luck camp believes the NFL will be there when he is ready. Plus adding 2 more year's of college football experience MAY only help his draft expeerience and supposidely his sister will be a Freshman in September 2011 on a volleyball scholorship at Standford. If those rumors are true; 2011 draft may have one less top tier QB in it. I still like the concept of gigantic QB throwing against the lake winds; but who knows if Mallet will come out. I guess hope does spring eternal Or the grass is always greenier or something.
  24. You are correct, sir; But the point still stands the 2010 QB draft class going into the draft was considered very sub par. This whole string is based on non-sense. And you can tell the level of knowledge of the posters when you see "Bills shouldn't have passed on Tebow in the 2nd." Tebow was gone in the 1st. It's not wise to doubt a guy like Tebow, but #9 overall is a huge reach. 2011 is TBD, but already there are 5 QBs that look like better NFL prospects than Tebow or Clausen and 3 that look better than Bradford. Watch those Stanford, U Dub, and Arkansas games this season. If Luck and Mallet don't come out or don't perform this season; You will have almost repeat of 2010. Because Locker, Devlin, and Ponder are probably on par or a better class than Bradford, Tebow and Claussen. Although you won't have the Catholic boys whining about how great Claussen is; you'll have the Florida State people talking about how Ponder is the greatest Seminole QB ever (which is like being the fastest swimmer in the special Olympics.)
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