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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. Because I don't believe in the fantasy aspect of ameature players, I'm not a good judge if it will hurt. I don't believe any bit of the scholastic atmosphere would die down. My university paid me $8.50 to work-study at the Bursar's office. I didn't feel like less of a student as a result. Giving DI scholarship athletes $50 an hour to play and practice then throwing the death penalty at any program with a loss of revenue associated with death penalty would get rid of most of this nonsense. With harsher penalty that have teeth the Universities will have to police themselves much better. An autographed glove goes up in a local diner and that player is going to have to explain how it got there to the university for fear of losing out on Billions in TV revenue. I had mostly a full ride and a meal plan and I desperately needed that $8.50 an hour Job. I can't get upset with these kids that look for a couple Hundo hear and there. Pryor does look to be a different animal. If the reports about the cars are true, he was reckless and went too far. Even still Pryor's actions weren't 100s of thousands of dollars in benes. Maybe 10s of thousands. When it comes to the Nike league. I'm all for it. The struggles of the UFL show the realty of creating a new minor league football league. So maybe when we all have jet packs to fly to work there will be another viable option for the 5 stars that want to get paid but right now there isn't a viable option.
  2. You realize your outrage for the discounting of a scholarship is misplaced. Great, you value a scholarship but your value system is not absolute. If you look at the systemic problem in NCAA football and wonder why the same problems don't exist in College Baseball, Hockey, and even the problems in Basketball anymore to the extent the sport was once corrupt in the past. Its because of two reasons 1.) NCAA DI football is big money sport. Big with a capital B as in Billion 2.) The players that only care about money and going pro above all else don't have a realistic alternative. Sure they can work out with a private trainer but don't be silly, they're getting drafted as high as a modern day Rudy if they take that path. I value a college education but I don't force my values on everyone. A Trade school is a good option for some people and a minor league is a good options for others. NCAA Div I football is a minor league for the NFL, run as an amateur sport. The contradictory nature of the league causes these scandals. We all know its a matter of time before there is another USC and Ohio State. What's the punishment? The Vest temporarily loses his job, but still pocketed Millions and lifted the glass ball. A kid gets kicked out and I'm sure OSU will have to "vacate wins". What a joke? The NCAA response "Just pretend it never happened. Return the trophy and we'll just erase this line in a book somewhere." But everyone knows who really won the Heissman or Rose Bowl or Championship game" Its a complete joke. Its all bark no bite. The vest will be back in coaching after 700 days, kids will still sign memorabilia for free tats, get sweetheart car loans and the Million and Billion dollar checks will still be cashed by the universities.
  3. This is a good point. We don't know if we have a back with a nose for the endzone. This is definitely a special talent, not every RB has the will or skill to squeak into the end zone when the defense is collapsed into a smaller space. It is a function of the offensive line for sure but the creaks and crack get smaller in the redzone no matter what line you have and you need a back that can work in those smaller holes. Freddy only had 2 TDs total under Mauron, his offense also liked to call pass plays on 3rd and short to close out the game so there is a little obscurity of the skill set there. He only only 5 in 2011, and Spiller is an unknown. Johnny White had 7 TDs in 2010. If he has a nose for the end zone he could find a place in this offense. But to your point we really don't have a known quantity as far as RB that can find the end zone. Seriously dude did you see that game? aBrohmination was an abomination at QB he didn't look he was familiar with American Football. You can't blame the line on that, although it did look the line was A-Ok with aBrohmination getting killed in that game. The team plays for Fitzy is what that game proved to me.
  4. Steve HOF Young was a supplemental pick by the Bucs. But I think that had something to do with the USFL folding so its a little bit of a different situation. Steve Young signed lets say a 100 million dollar contract with year 1 he got paid $1 and year 30 he got paid the remainder and I think Young is actually still getting paid today through some settlement. I read somewhere he still gets a USFL paycheck like a $100,000 until 2057 or something.
  5. What is awesome is the comments in Burt's article all unanimously call this guy a fool. I almost wish the lockout would end tomorrow just so he can have an article that says "Suck it Haters! I told you so."
  6. Can the dude take a picture of the Jerseys?
  7. Your definition of "running away" is as flawed as your definition of "fundamental." I guess "running away" to you means standing by it and restating it, in a way simpletons can understand.
  8. Like usual your reading comprehension is lacking. My point is OSU is not the only DI program where players autograph gear to get free stuff.
  9. Yes the rules of the NFL along with the lack of professional minor league force these young man to take a service(scholarship) they are not completely interested in exchange for their service(playing in the NCAA semi-pro league). Yes it will be enough. If you read the articles about the dirty agents the kids aren't asking for $100s of thousands of dollars. They're asking for 100s of dollars. Because they don't make any significant TV money. But you are not punished by the profession if you reach out to current professionals in that field. Thats called networking and is actually rewarded in most other professions.
  10. I appreciate that opinion, much more than "move him to RT " He is serviceable LT. Evidenced by the fact that he was a serviceable LT all last season. Will he be a stud LT, not likely, can he get better, probably. If he doesn't get better in 2011 and there is potential stud LT on the board in the first round and the stud QBs are off the board in the 1st round of the 2012 does it make send to pull the trigger on the LT? Yes! Yes! Yes!
  11. Until a college football systems comprehends that they are a forced minor league for the NFL for the Top tier talent there will always be problems. It's not 1920. The Top tier talent are the ones involved in most scandals, not the kids at the bottom of the scholarship ladder or walk-ons. A system has to comprehend that many of these young men would like to enter the workforce and earn money in the career of pro football but do not have an outlet to enter the work force and are essentially forced to play college football for 3 years until they can enter the workforce. The NFL will most likely never establish a minor league of their own like NHL, NBA, and MLB because they would have to figure out how to make it work economically. Right now the NFL has a free minor league. So when the NCAA comes out with some sort of revenue sharing system with scholarship athletes in DI programs for Football then this will always happen and will always have selective enforcement. Some media slub could stick their nose unto any major college program any day of the week and find the same thing. Go to a restaurant in a college town. Look on the walls. See that current player's jersey with the autograph. You think that got there through ebay? Its just a complete farce of and mockery of any kind of moral code or sense of justice. Big woop you got the vest for something everyone already knew was happening and is happening right now in every D-1 program. La-di-freaking Dah. Call me when you can give players a work-study program for scholarship athletes in the FBS, funded by the TV contracts. $50 an hour to play the game and practice. Then throw the death penalty to any program that screws around on the side. Then there is a sense of justice and a moral code I can get behind.
  12. Does anyone really think this is the only school, where player's trade signed merch for favors or cash? Does anyone really think is the only school where players or players family members get sweetheart deal on a cars? Just saying you would have to be really foolish to think this is the only place in the country where a kid gets a free tat for a signed jersey. Do you see the ink on Saturdays? Do you know how expensive that is?
  13. Moving Bell to RT is silly. Anyone proposing that has proven that they have no idea what they're talking about. Tackles are not interchangeable. Bell is not a RT. Only in Buffalo does a LT play well all season, only gives up a few sacks on the season, (most were when aBrohmination was in for that horrible performance) and he sucks. You know there is a range between sucks and all-star, right? When you talk about which revision of the line. Remeber the key guys on the line Wood, Levitre, and Bell were there and didn't move around. Its LG and RT where we had a revolving door. If you lock down 1 of those positions in 2011 you then have 4/5 solid starters or better. Which is better than most teams. Thats the point of this article, when comparing the Bills O-Line to other O-Lines in the NFL today they are not the worst or even one of the worst. If you compare them to the ProBowl offensive line then yeah, they're not as good as a pro bowl roster.
  14. He makes bad decisions. QBs need to make good decisions. Not worth the drama.
  15. Coincidently? What does Hardy have to do with anything? If you took a look at how they're using Nelson. You would see at the end of the year Nelson was running the seam route and he is streatching the field and is keeping defenses honest.
  16. What's funny is ignoring reality and continuously restate that the O-line sucks would be more akin to sticking your head in the sand.
  17. And this is where the overblown statements come in. David Nelson is 6-5 220. He can jump over a nickle back and is faster than a LB. Yes he isn't 270 pounds and can't man handle a nickle back like Lewis but he does pose a match-up problem when running routes that a traditional TEs would run. He has helped this offense. Getting a real TE that can block AND catch would be valuable but its not the end of the world or make a huge difference in wins and losses if the Bills use a platoon approach to the TE. When we were going "4-Wide" with Stevie Johnson, Evans (Donald Jones or Roosevelt) and David Nelson towards the end of the season. Nelson was running routes and lined up where a TE would have been. You can call it whatever you want the purpose was the same thing. Force the defense to use a nickel back or LB to cover Nelson because Nelson poses a matchup problem for either position.
  18. Welcome to 2011. Our offensive line has two Top 50 picks on it. A young, athletic LT that is a solid starter and if he can develop further can be better than just "solid." The RT and LG positions have seen a lot of turn over but Hariston looks to be a good fit to eventually plug into RT, but we'll see. So "our offensive line is horrible" was true in 2008. However things change and I think ranking the Bills O-Line in the 12-16 range in the league in 2011 seems about right. If Hariston pans out and Bell continues to improve Top 10 O-line in the league is a possibility. Yes Fitz is better than the horrible QBs we have had and deserves credit for having no conscience and just throwing the ball no matter what happens in his face. The O-Line isn't as bad as it used to be.
  19. Agree 100% David Nelson runs the Dallas Clark seam route. Signing a FA TE isn't going to change the wins and losses much if at all. Although Luke Stocker at pick 100 was kind of a no-brainer. It's going to be interested to see how Josh Freeman uses another nice young weapon in Tampa and think we coulda . . .
  20. I think you're correct and we get some snacks and stuff on top of the box. In that case I don't think its worth the extra Hundo. Why So Serious? is a man of the people, I'll be happy in the stands.
  21. I'm going. I have a friend that believes you can get a box for $2500 that can fit 25 people. He is currently working out the logistics. My question has been, you sure that's not $25,000? Something doesn't add up. We have about 15 of the 25 seats spoken for but if this happens. I'll post info on TBD about extra tix. The info he sent me does say something about an "obstructed view." I know Jerrah crammed as many boxes as he could in that thing so I wonder if obstructed view means no view or the giant mega-tron can obscure punts. Either way we have a nice sized crew heading to Dallas and if this box pipe dream doesn't pan out we'll be getting tix the old fashioned way, StubHub.
  22. Nice work Silk Elf Bra, Only on the internet, can someone take a fun thread and call someone out as "not true" as a result of their own poor reading comprehension.
  23. To answer your question. Anyone, that is paying attention.
  24. You're both welcome to your incorrect opinion. My point, is you really have to be board to insist that Maybin is coachable.
  25. You must be bored if you're arguing that Maybin is coachable.
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