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Everything posted by 1B4IDie

  1. So you must still miss the fact that his stat line in his 7th season in 2002, which is 3 removed from his "breakout season", looks like this: 100Catches 1292yards 12.9y/c 10TDs in 15 games If you think that's not a big play receiver and Peerless Price was, I wonder what Peerless Price's season looked like in 2002. Oh yeah its real easy to find it looked like this: 94 Catches 1252 Yards 13.3y/c 9TDs in 16 games. Yeah Price was way more of a big time receiver (in alternate Dick Drawn universe) It sounds more like you have something personal against Moulds more than you understand his potential and talent. Give it a rest you're way off base.
  2. Florence is Puerto Rico this week. Good thing is Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T all work there just fine so he should be able to get receive a call from OBD. You can Tweet Florence too http://twitter.com/DraytonFlorence @DraytonFlorence and let him know Bills' fans have noticed that he has been our most consistent CB and would like him back.
  3. "Filling in" is the operative phrase. I like David Nelson and the way he runs that classic TE seem route. He can still do that with Zach Miller on the roster. Zach Miller can block and receive and would be a great addition to the offense.
  4. Me too. Just do it though.
  5. Now that Free Agency is on its way, lets help the Bills get a jump start on Free Agency. I'd like the Bills to have a real tight end since #88. Zach Miller's Twitter is @ZachMiller80 http://twitter.com/#!/ZachMiller80 Send him some tweets of support. Let him know Buffalo is the place to be. (If you're going to post that this is bad idea; just keep it to yourself and it will have the same effect as posting it.)
  6. Free Agency on Wednesday. Anyone have Zach Miller's phone number?
  7. Get ready because free agency is going to be fast and furious. Hopefully they go after Zach Miller early and often. Looks like by next weekend there will be a boat load of new Bills.
  8. I'm not trying to make you look like anything; just some advise. Take it or leave it. Seriously though, it really is silly to screw up your and you're again. http://m.wikihow.com/Use-You're-and-Your
  9. I am not maturity. You are. I'm rubber you're glue and what ever you say bounces of me and sticks to you. You might want to check this out: http://m.wikihow.com/Use-You're-and-Your It's real mature getting upset over a business negotiation between two business entities where the end result of the negotiation will have almost no effect on your life. The most mature course of action would be to get some perspective, realize there will be a season, and take a chill pill.
  10. You are way off. You might want to use something other than your faulty memory as a source of information. Let's just start with some basic stats that show you have no recollection of Eric Moulds' actual production. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/M/MoulEr00.htm
  11. Yeah he was a victim of the curse of Rob Johnson. I agree he had HOF talent on teams that couldn't leverage it.
  12. There will be a season. Getting upset about a negotiation is just silly.
  13. I think Levi Brown and Dan Lefevour were some of the best 7th round\UDFAs QBs in the 2010 draft. I think Pat Devlin is one of the better UDFA QBs in the 2011 draft. So I think there is a natural comparison there. Pat Devlin has been touted by many leading up to the draft as a possible late round "flyer" type of QB. I watched the few clips I have available, regular season and bowl game, and I was just was amazed at how he stares down his receivers. His release looks inconsistent, his arm strength is questioned. He probably needed to stay at Penn State and work hard on rebuilding his delivery. Instead he went and played with inferior talent. He looked like a big fish in a small pond. He'll be a baby guppie in the NFL and get eaten real quick. IMO he is just a distraction. Josh Portis clearly has some maturity issues going from Florida to MD to DIII nonsense, but he has DI\NFL offensive skills. It would be interesting to see Gailey play with this offensive talent in a "Slash" role in preseason. He could do some really cool stuff in the 3rd and 4th QTR of preseason games. It would be fun to watch. The problem is you couldn't keep in our crowded WR group. He couldn't really be on as RB. So unless somehow he has some kind of crazy cannon arm he wouldn't make the roster, but would still be fun and good on the Practice Squad to scout athletic QBs or WRs.
  14. No way its done. It doesn't seem that the NFLPA wants to unionize again. This is going to drag out for a couple more weeks. I'm going with 4pm on August 4th. People like to lump this in with UAW vs GM buts its different than that. The players are the ones that want a free market for player salaries. The Owners are the ones that want a union regulated pay structure.
  15. Pat Devlin looks great on Paper but looks super raw on film. Dan Lefevour and our own Levi Brown look better on film than Devlin. Josh Portis would be interesting as a camp arm.
  16. Why do you think there will be a supplemental draft?
  17. I follow Ed Wang on Twitter and he likes to play video games, not even Madden. He seems immature and not dedicated to football. I lost hope of him ever contributing, and certaintly not at RT. I do have hope for Easley and Batten. Easely has almost been too hyped in Bills circles. I'm worried that he is doomed to dissapoin; Still hopeful he contributes though.
  18. Wow I never thought of it that way. Maybe NFL owners should just by 1 billion dollars worth of US Savings Bonds instead of one of the most low risk, highest yielding investments in the world. Genius!
  19. You're looking at it wrong. Its not a Billion dollar investment and the value of the investment isn't static. Its not 1B/1B. This isn't going to Macys and buying a tie. Take the value in the 2010 forbes compared to the 2011 Forbes. Do you understand now? Use whatever you want for financing numbers but that was already taken out before your profit number. And then, since you went down this rats nest. What does that number actually mean? The cost of sitting in a fully decked out Owner's box is part of operating costs. The cost of taking the private jet and flying the family to the Pro bowl or away games is part of operating costs. All of that is Millions in pre-profit benefits to the owner and need to be considered when evaluating the value of the investment. This is why the 1% number you derived is meaningless.
  20. I like Tim Graham just fine and Mark Gaughan too. The point that I think keeps being missed, is if he is getting guaranteed money in 2012. Then he played and contributed in 2011 which means that the Bills gamble payed off.
  21. Scott, My condolences. Nothing can replace your mother, but you can rest assured that your mother can be proud of you for bringing together people from around the globe. I will definitely be making a donation in her honer to the Genesee Cancer Assistance, Inc. 16 Bank Street Batavia. Thank you for all you do. Its very appreciated and not mentioned as much as it should be.
  22. Listen, I appreciate you determination to prove your point but you're applying the tools improperly. Yes you can bang a nail into a wall with screw driver and it will be difficult, but the measurement of difficulty isn't the same as if you used the proper tool, a hammer, to drive the nail into the wall. Just some quick googling brought me to this site: http://www.investopedia.com/articles/basics/10/guide-to-calculating-roi.asp#axzz1SV5bp6NB This may be helpful: Trust me, the calculation you did is mathematically correct but its as meaningful as measuring the difficulty of driving a nail into a wall with a screw-driver. Yes it is shocking when you look at the actual numbers how NFL owners are so far removed from the Salary Cap. I think if the salary floor is set to 90% of the Salary cap in the perspective CBA, as rumored, this will be the biggest problem for the game. It will cause outrageous salary inflation y-o-y from 2010 to 2011 that will take probably 30% - 50% of the length of the new CBA to normalize.
  23. You continue to be a source of comedy. 1.) ROI is a historical tool. Meaning you measure the ROI after you sell the Green Bay Packers not every day of the week you own the Green Bay Packers. 2.) You're forgetting that the Green Bay Packers value will increase over time. 3.) The dollars used to "purchase" an NFL franchise are generally "Leveraged" dollars, which means your initial investment was not 1 Billion dollars are whatever the purchase amount was at the time of the purchase. I don't really have the time to show how silly you are; just know its a really silly calculation you put forward. and here is the shocking facts that get in the way of the "Bills are cheap" mentality. It was real hard to use Google to find the information: http://content.usatoday.com/sportsdata/football/nfl/salaries/team You can use it to find any other year you would like.
  24. That 1% calculations is pretty funny. I can tell you're not a business or economics major. The Bills are not laggards in spending they are consistently in the #16-11 overall range when it comes to player salary for the last decade.
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