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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. Dan Patrick said today that there was more to the interview and the "context" issue. Bottom line is though, that he is a millionaire and please don't give me that crybaby stuff when there was a deal long ago that would have solidified the money. Good thing he is a Phuckin Philly Flyer too. I hate that team and Bobby Clarke. !@#$!! I am a fan of this game and when it returns so will I. I'm sticking by that even though they are all overpaid, but so what. It still is a great game!! Now get back on the ice you bums!
  2. Jerry Jones!! Not a player obviously, but man, do I hate that guy! Brian Cox for sure.
  3. YES! YES! YES! Also, Derek Roy will almost be guaranteed a roster spot as a 3rd Center. I think BIRON will be cut and I agree with the move if it happens. Time to move on. ZHITNIK needs to be resigned for one more season as he is still a valuabe D man. Kalinin too, He needs to be resigned! The Sabres are looking good in what will become the new NHL. The cap room they have created for themselves, should provide them to acquire some (2 guys) top talent IMO. LETS GO BUFFALO!
  4. no thanks! I live here.
  5. God, Valby is funny as hell! I would love to see him. I wrote his manager 2 emails telling him to get his butt out west and play VEGAS! He would certainly beat many of the shows on the strip hands down. I'm not kidding. This guy is pure brilliance. I have several of his recent releases on CD. Good stuff and a Buffalonian!! Check out his site - http://johnvalby.com/
  6. Hey, thanks for that link. That was really amazing how he survived. I agree with you on the movie too that they made the decline really fast. Still, I liked it and I'm sticking to it
  7. Just watched the Aviator. I thought it was really interesting about the life of Howard Hughes. My question is, about 3/4 thru the flick, does anyone know if that really happened in Beverly Hills when he crash landed his plane (the Hercules) into that country club and row of houses?? That scene was unreal and I just wanted to know if that was made up by Scorcese or did it really happen? Anyway, great movie!!
  8. You mean "Marliyn Manson"? Remember that rumor?!
  9. So many people are just rude at theatres. Cell phones, talking, eating popcorn loudly, getting up. Its like they are in their freakin living room!! And yes, the concession prices are like going to the Emergency Room. $300 dollars later. I mean, it is getting ridiculous for soda, candy and popcorn. Like $20 for three people. Sick, sad and greedy society. So do like I do; load up at home with some candy bars, can of soda, and any other smaller snacks that fit in your coat or pockets and bring it in with you. I'll pay $9 for a movie but another $20! Screw You theatres! Oh and one last thing. How many people get to the theatre early and have to sit thru that agonizing pre-pre view called "THE TWENTY"? Basically its 20 mins of TV ads, dumb shows, and teeny bopper music videos and songs. GOD I hate that!! Anyone agree with me! I think Brenden Theatres has it. Awful!
  10. Well, when you have movies like "Mr. & Mrs. Smith" it comes as no wonder. Keep making crap like that and you'll have a drop off for sure. Also insert, Honeymooners and The Longest Yard and you have a whole lotta junk up right now at the theatre!
  11. I have to disagree with ya on Marty. His lack of early game preperation put the Sabres in a early hole and although the trades helped they wouldv'e made the playoffs over the NYI if they had those early season game pts. To his credit, he played very solid down the stretch and we just missed. I'm just saying that we need a guy to really play loud right away, steal games and get 2pts per, and Marty has not shown that in the last 3 years. I don't think BUF can afford another early sag. If you have a strong OCT/NOV, then DEC can see some slide and close out the year. I mean, I know you can't win every freakin game (because the schedule should lose about 10-12 games a season IMO) but "Get the lead out Biron. However, I really like your BU line formation. I'm all for that. They could be a terror. Who do you have in mind for the third? I don't know many BU alum in the league off hand. SEASON/05-06/START/PLEASE/HOCKEY!!
  12. Try the Orleans Casino on Tropicana Blvd. They have pretty good tournys and affordable buy ins. Thought you'd like some local advice. Good luck.
  13. Yes! Definitely try to resign him. Alex still has a great hockey sense and a workhorse full of ice time. His presence is needed on the Sabres good but not great core of D-Men. They would be wise to get him back in the fold. Z takes dumb penalties from time to time but he sure knows how to move the puck. Amerks and rookies i'm excited about include ROY, VANEK, POMINVILLE, MILLER, GAUSTAD, PAILLE, MACARTHUR and BARTOVIC. JIRI NOVOTNY at Center could be good too with time. So all in all, I'm real excited about the Sabres prospects coming up plus many of the guys they already have (BRIERE, HECHT, JP, DRURY, GRIER, KALININ, MAX) There still are some ??? marks such as SATAN?? What about Ales Kotalik? Connoly? The need to sign a Defenseman Veteran. And the biggest one of all. The three headed goalie?? MILLER, BIRON and NORONEN. They need to get rid of someone and in my opinion it is Biron. His OCT and NOV boneheadedness really hurt our playoff hopes the last 2 years. Time to go. Please get back on the ice soon because I can't stand another season of NBA, Bowling and Dart Tournaments. Thank you!
  14. I like this suggestion for sure.
  15. See, the real fan appears!! Excellent! Know where I can pick up a shirt like that? "Give in to your anger!"
  16. Yeah, its not that bad as they make it seem. My 7 year old loved it and in no way was freaked out. Its not a horror gore film for cryin out loud. They do show bad burns on Anikin but its fairly quick. Have fun!
  17. Actually, I don't know if security has stopped this but during the early to mid '90s you could go out to the North side of the stadium (still in the game not the parking lot) and aprox right under the 50 yrd line walkway and there would be a whole slew of fans smoking that wacky tabbacky. There was lots of grass flying around for sure. So try that area during halftime and I'm sure some Buffalonian will give you a couple hits. Just don't tell them your a Canadians NHL fan and you'll do fine! HA!! Have fun you NFL stoner!
  18. Bring some of that Labatt Triple X beer with you over the boarder. Bills fans love that stuff. You'll make lots of friends too.
  19. Simple, TREK sucks; Star Wars rules!!
  20. This is definitely cool. I was at that Toronto show for Division Bell. Unbelivable!! Would love to see them again, but from this link, that seems impossible. Perhaps a pay-per-view or DVD would be cool. Speaking of DVD. When the HELL is FLOYD gonna put DELICATE SOUND OF THUNDER and DIVISION BELL tours on freakin DVD????!!! This is WAY overdue and I'm still waiting. Its been since '87 and '94 respectively. There is another "pot of gold" ($$$$$$$$$$$) from all the fans waiting for this to happen. VHS just won't cut it man. Does anybody have any info on a DVD release. I'm getting pissed writing this. I'd pay $100 bucks for both right now! This band is one of the best in the world and I would love to see another tour+new album, but its probably wishful thinking, huh?! Thanks for that link!!
  21. Foresburg already said he'd be back with the Av's. Allison is coming off a injury and hasn't played in about 2 yrs. I think the Kings still want him too. Kyria would not even give BUF a look. Face it Bucci, I appreciate your enthusiasm, but these guys will not come to the Sabres. On the other hand, I like them resurrecting the Blue and Gold. But they have to update it for a more modern look. Don't just go back to them. The old BLUE away jerseys were ugly as hell!!
  22. Really though, if you live in Buffalo, the "Mom and Pop" sub shops make the absolute best in my opinion, so there is no need to eat at a chain place. When I go back to BUF I don't even want to think of Subway or Quiz. They both suck when you can get a WNY original. Nino's in Orchard Park, Salfranco's, Just Pizza... etc!!
  23. I just hope that "blazing speed" means he won't get caught by a 250lb Linebacker esp at 168!! Still think he's better than Josh Reed and I haven't even seen him play yet!
  24. too freakin funny man!!
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