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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. That is why HOCKEY is first in my book. A way better, fast, exciting game with no where near the amount of commercials I have to sit thru! This SuperBore sucked horse balls and so does the NFL. Oh yeah, one more thing.... The league just couldn't get away from having Tom Brady in there for the coin toss huh? Had to have something PATRIOTS didn't they?? Freakin' disgusting!!
  2. Theisman is a whiny weiner! He sucks big time! I will listen to my CDs during the games instead of listening to his crap!
  3. ESPN drops hockey, so I dropped ESPN!! Screw them
  4. Sounds like the Bills. O line and D line!!
  5. I know. Just win us a freakin' Championship sometime very soon!!
  6. Hey Dingo, I didn't know if you were talking about Stuart Scott or quoting all NBA playas?! So how 'bout some of dat izzle skizzle....
  7. F NE and ESPN!!!
  8. Exactly. Imagine if INDY won? We would hear no such apology.
  9. Oh BuuuuullSh it!! It was a INT big time!
  11. Just like MARINO!!! YEAH!!!!
  12. Don't you worry....... THEY WILL
  13. "How many bottles of JAGERMEISTVANDERJAGT does it take to .........."
  14. That WAS a freakin' interception anyway!
  15. WIDE RIGHT ............. 25 feet wide!!!
  16. GET OFF THE BUSSSssssssss!!!!!!
  17. Bill's gonna crap cowher turds after this film review!! "AMAZING MISSED CALL BATMAN!"
  18. Unfortunately, they have 3 rings dammit!! We have ZERO!! As a Bills fan, I can say nothing because the Bills suck - they haven't won chit. You know it, wish it weren't true, but this team needs a !@#$ing championship badly. No matter though, great to see the PATRIOTS lose, absolutely. DIE NE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. I'm surprised. The Colts always win in their CUSHY RCA HOLIDAY INN DOME! They always lose when you have to play in a real outdoor stadium!! DOMES should be BANNED in the NFL
  20. Manning is good. No hate there. BUT.... New England... Now there is alot of HATE!! Ha ha!! So long Patsies!!
  21. YES!! Die NE Die. Great to see this team finally lose. No more Bruschi love fest... until next year! Also great to see Viniteri miss!! Just a good overall win by the Broncos and a big cry session for the Patsies. With sincere hate, Buffalo Bills Fans
  22. Amen to that, brother!!
  23. is it me, or is there alot of bumblin' jibberish coming from Simms?? god awful!!
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