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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. HA! Not as bad as listening to the Teddy Bruschi story 1,000 times during a game. Gheeesh!
  2. Sweet. Time to rack up my credit card. $1,000 bucks on the Bills for the Bowl. Its a sure bet, I'm tellin' ya!
  3. C'mon guys, 6 and 10 is doable!!!
  4. A farkin TOOL. Sounds about right to me FUG the PATS!!
  5. Dont they know we need a freakin stud lineman. Drafts are all ??? anyways, but taking a Safety #1 is beyond puzzling to me. Another joke come draft day.
  6. Hello, this is the JONES, SNYDER & CRAFT Trillionaire Club, asking you to $$donate$$ to our cause....$$$..........$$$........
  7. Alright. Now I can pull out my one of many "gone" player jerseys from the back of my closet.
  8. "gray" comes to mind
  9. Dick Juron; our new SuperBowl Leader Coach.
  10. E Moulds for J Haslet. That is just plain wrong!
  11. I rather watch the celebrations than go to another freakin commercial. Thats why the NFL sucks. TV ruins it!! Stick to the ICE - its way better fellas.
  12. The LA Buffalo Anaheim New York Bills of California. Yeah, has a nice ring to it! WTF?!?!?$@%^#!*&
  13. Then ESPN could have another Bruschi love fest in WNY with Theisman signing praise and slobbering all over him.
  14. This post sums up my thoughts to a "T". I want to see results too, not overhyped crap about a good up and coming team. Week 1, Game 1 will tell you all you need to know. Not the stupid combine, draft, FA, pre-season garbage were fed all spring/summer long.
  15. Yeah, sleeper team, as in I want to go to sleep watching this fiasco in 2006. The Bills will be lousy again without good O and D lines. Face the facts.
  16. Yeah, easy to say, when you have a freakin' offensive line that sucks ass and doesn't give the QB time to do anything. Like I said before, contracts don't mean squat in the NFL. Moulds is still a playmaker and I'm sticking to it. The Bills are boneheads on this one.
  17. No, its AVP who is the odd man out
  18. So there is room $$$ for him, correct? If so, I say its not wise to cut him. He is still a big threat receiver!!!
  19. Disregarding what Clayton says; cutting MOULDS is a stupid move by the Bills. They still need a playmaking receiver. Andre Davis, is like a 4th liner in hockey terms. PAY the man what he's deserved on his contract ya bunch of cheapies!!
  20. conspiracy, conspiracy, conspiracy....
  21. I think its a mistake to release Moulds this year. He still is a top receiver. Pay the man whats owed on the contract. Contracts don't mean sh-- in the NFL sad to say.
  22. U2 was awesome several bowls ago. Ashley Simpson however.... BWWWWHAAHAHAHAHAHA!!
  23. Boy, you ain't kidding! I really miss Mellisa Stark and her perky ta tas. At least she was plesant to look at. Does anyone really care what these sideline reporters report?? It's all a bunch of Bullcrap anyway. ...."Back up to you, Al"
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