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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. Just come out slinging JP, and you'll do alright. Fire it UP!!
  2. Looks like the Raiders can't satisfy Randy Moss and look to deal him. Doesn't look like the Bills will make a bid for him but he could definitely help and be a real threat compared to Price and Reed. I'd welcome him, that little crybaby that he is. Who cares, as long as he produces. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/2006/writ...moss/index.html
  3. Man, if they had a great O line, the Bills would be scary. Their middle of the road and the Vikes were'nt that great. That game was very boring cept for the PRICE TD and JPs moves.
  4. Dear Joe Thiesman, Can you ever, ever please just shut your freakin pie hole for one damn minute? Must you speak about every minute meaningless detail that nobody cares about? Do us all a favor and talk only when spoken to from Mike Tirico or Tony Kornblower from now on and the game will be so much more enjoyable for the whole family. Sincerely, The NFL Nation of Fans
  5. God, I love beer!!!!!
  6. Last time I saw the Bills in ChiTown, they got their asses handed to them as Jimbo threw 3 ill advised Interceptions!! Got to meet Dick Butkus though and proceeded to drink heavily before and after the slaughter. Think is was '93 or '94 season. Before the Soldier Renovations. Great City and super fun time. Bears have the upper hand in this one come Sunday I'm afraid.
  7. JP looked a lot better this game. Good for him. Pretty boring game though all around. Price had a nice TD and Willis was strong. Reed and Lee were catching balls all over the place. When will the coaches stop calling the same play 3 times in a row? Willis up the middle for 1 or no gain. Change it up!!!! Is it that hard? Try a screen, run to the outside, not the same damn play over and over when it doesn't work. Unfortunately, I think they will get crushed by Chicago next week. Stay tuned. Actually, this team should be 3 and 1; possible 4-0 without the Ref follys at Gillette Stadium, those Fuc$^%@#@!(!ING jerks.
  8. It looked like the receiver was covered and JP threw it off the mark. I just didn't like the call to the outside there I guess. The Bills COULD be 3-0 really. Fuggin NE getting all the calls!
  9. The very last play with under a minute left in the game was absolutely pathetic. Terrible throw.
  10. The TKO Rage is on!! YES!!!!! "Go get 'em Takeo"
  11. "Here, Here!" I'll second that
  12. I love hockey more than the NFL so I'm biased. The Sabres are so explosive on the PP that their confidence sealed comeback wins. The Bills just can't get over that slump. Also, having the Refs give everything to fuggin New England doesn't help either. Bastards!!
  13. Lets just say this. After yesterdays game, The NE Patriots are going nowhere this year. Oh, they will win games, but nowhere near a SB ring - Count on it!! Overrated piles of cow dung they are!
  14. They couldn't talk about TKO, they had to slobber all over Teddy Bruschi still. What a joke!
  15. I still don't understand the call on the 3rd and 2 when we got the first down (4th quarter). Next thing I know, its a penalty (which was never shown or explained) and we end up punting (I think). It just pisses me off that nothing was explained and this was a major reason the Bills lost. They could have kept going, since it was a first down and probably at least gotten 3 which would have made it 20 - 14 BUF. But alas, playing in New England, there had to be a call against us at a crucial time. Another screwed call. Fuggin bastards!!
  16. Ditto that Dante! "... two douche bag teams..."
  17. Very true indeed. But it would feel so much better if we won all 4 SB. Having NE win 3 outta 4 hurts, big time. The Bills can't talk smack at all. Whaaaaaaaaa!! Tons of NE fans jumped on the winning bandwagon for sure. The BoSox are the love of the town bar none and always will be.
  18. I hear you LV. RIPOFF City!!
  19. LMAO! No, I have the Scott Hamilton one. Circa 1985. Seriously though, without TiVo or a DVR, watching the NFL is like watching paint dry. BORING!!
  20. Ha Ha! Good one. Well, enjoy your NFL commercial fest and listening to Joe Thiesman all game. I'll take the Ice Follies anyday
  21. Thats why I prefer NHL anyday over NFL. ANYDAY!! The NFL is one agonizing commercial fest and its downright horrible to sit thru. Go !@#$ yourself NFL you money grubing TV commerical fest!!!!!! The first half was unbearable! At least in hockey you can watch action for 15 mins straight with no whistles. Try that in the NFL. Every damn 2 mins your watching the new GM commerical or some Coors light ad. A complete @#$in joke I tell you!
  22. Good thing the Dolphins have Dante. He looked like complete hell. I think he hit the open turf on his passes more than he did his receivers. DIE FISH DIE!!!!!!!
  23. You know what really sucked? Having opening kickoff of the NFL on a freakin Thursday! What ever happened to Labor Day Weekend Kickoff on Sunday?? That used to be the best where you could party all weekend, watch the NFL and sleep in on Monday. I really think they ruined a good thing here. Now its all marketing and TV revenue and a bunch of hype. Its a shame and I think it just shows all they care about are key matchups and mad $$money$$. Disgusting. BTW, Dante looked like complete sh--. Good thing he's on Miami those overrated buttplugs
  24. Yeah, I agree that this is great, BUT... one usually knows who won the game already after a weeks time, so that kinda ruins it a little.
  25. America's favorite sport is true, but its one long angonizing tv commerical to watch a NFL game nowadays. Without TiVo, its painfull to sit thru 4 hours of a game. So much crap and not enough action.
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