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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. I could give a flying !@#$ who is on this team anymore. JUST WIN!!!!!!!!!! We've waited long enough for a championship in this town. GO BILLS!
  2. If its any consolation, I can't stand Collinsworth!!
  3. I think it has to do with the fact that the Bills went to 4 straight SB. Some of these teams never made it to the bowl... ever. But who cares. I WANT A SUPERBOWL CHAMPIONSHIP!!!
  4. Well, I live in Vegas. Looks like I can't get away from him! We don't even have a name for this team yet!! Oh wait.. Its the Las Vegas Bills.
  5. Ha Ha. I meant same position.
  6. I agree. Bills need to use him more. They need all the TD's they can get cause their offense has blown donkey #%$! for a decade and I'm quite tired of it. So tell me this, who is more valuable to the team? Roscoe or Josh Reed?
  7. Ahh. You beat me to it. Cokehead Irvin. What about some of the other Cowboys?
  8. yeah, I'll THIRD that. The other I can't stand is Joe Thiesman. I know he's not on there anymore, but my god, he is just a whiner and plain awful to listen to.
  9. TO knows a thing or two about Pom Poms! http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_wpzQiIHW_s8/SbGc...ns+pom+poms.jpg
  10. Yeah, cool site, but difficult to read the messages. Need better and less dark photos.
  11. Pathetic. You guys are judging the Bills on a freakin video game! Who gives a sh--.
  12. It falls squarely on the O Line and I really don't like it to be honest.
  13. Actually, wake me up when the season starts. So much hype, its not worth it.
  14. But our Offensive Line is a work in progress people!!! Wait and See MODE.
  15. Right on. The prices are amazing. But then you have to deal with 8 months of winter! Blahhhh!
  16. This O Line is fresh meat! Its gonna suck big time. TO will be crying by week 3 cause he ain't getting the ball, mofo!
  17. totally agree! I bet ya Bill-a-cheat just laughed at that announcement.
  18. You can't cut Ko Simpson cause he's "WORTH MILLIONS, Man!!"
  19. I know, you're right. We just need a championship..... like IMMEDIATELY!! Not saying Jones is the key piece, but if he's healthy, it would be a upgrade at the position. GO BILLS!!
  20. If he's worth it, sign this guy, plain and simple. Cheapskate Bills...... C'mon guys!!
  21. what the hell? A CB??? Don't they need line help? Or a LB?? Dammit all to hell this team of clowns.
  22. I know! So annoying.
  23. I watched it 3 times and laughed my ass off. Super funny. "I just bought a James Hardy Jersey!!"
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