I say that's a good deal. Listen, the ONLY reason to get DirectTV is for NFL Sunday Ticket. Other than that, its a total waste because your local cable company gets all the same channels anyway. Remember when having a dish the size of a small tool shed in your backyard was really having "satelite" TV?? You used to be able to get all kinds of channels from Europe etc. Now, its the same as digital cable...WTF?? But I digress.
So this sounds like a good deal, although you have to really avoid any contact info about the games. I hate knowing the outcome before the game is over. But since I live in Vegas, I'll just go to the sportsbook/bar and watch the Bills anytime. The commercials are getting really outta hand though with the NFL. 3.5 hrs for a game is a joke!!
On a side note, NHL CenterICE is the best and you don't need a damn dish. $129.00 for the entire season and I can watch every Sabre game. But I'm a hockey fan first, football fan second - thats just me.
Thanks for the info on this. GO BILLS - they need a miracle this year!!