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Marv Levy

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Everything posted by Marv Levy

  1. Very nice. Thanks for posting that. Hope this kid is the 2nd coming of Barry Sanders!!
  2. 100% agree on all this!!
  3. My vote is for Spinal Tap! That would be awesome! "The bigger the cushion, the sweeter the pushin That's what I said. The looser the waistband, the deeper the quicksand Or so I have read. My baby fits me like a flesh tuxedo. I love to sink her with my pink torpedo. Big bottom Big bottom Talk about bum cakes, My gal's got 'em."
  4. You just can't compare the SB trophy and presentation to the Stanley Cup. Stanley Cup is all about tradition, respect for the sport and honor of everyone who has ever won it. Lombardi trophy is cool, but it just doesn't hold a light to the Cup. NHL Playoffs are the best by far, in my opinion. Yes, I know NFL is a million times more popular than the NHL. And, don't even get started on the NBA trophy. Most people don't even know the name of it.
  5. How does Sharpe even have a job as a analyst? Guy can't talk with all those mumblings going on. I don't even know what the hell he is saying half the time! Freakin marble mouth!!
  6. Oh, thank god they got right into another undercover show. Can't wait to see that
  7. The thing I didn't like about CBS coverage was after the game. I saw the trophy presentation, but after that...? No MVP presentation, no coverage of the locker room with the champange, absolutely no coverage of New Orleans partying, hardly any interviews. Did I miss something?? I thought in games past they showed tons of after game celebration right in the locker room etc. Thoughts on this?? Kinda pissed me off actually.
  8. I don't like Buck either. He only really cares about BASEBALL. Everything else seems to be just a paycheck to him. Its all about baseball baseball baseball. He freakin' blows as a football guy. End of story.
  9. Yes. I hate football in a stupid indoor dome.
  10. Kinda a dumb question, but will there be a All Star game this year because of the Olympics? I'm too lazy to look it up. I like the outdoor game. Once a yr on New Yrs day is good. F'ing Flyers give the B's a extra point. Dammit, I hate both teams!
  11. So was he a thug or not? The NFL is filled with them. Maybe even more than NBA? ..... Nahhh, I'm sure the NBA has more. Maybe he was turning his life around, but 5 arrests? I'd consider that major.
  12. "All I want for Christmas is Silver (The Stanley Cup) & Gold (USA HOCKEY Gold Medal)!!"
  13. Not if he has 47 peeps in his entourage spending all his $$dough$$!
  14. This is a great topic. I agree with your points especially 1, 4 and 5. There needs to be a rookie maximum and they needed it like 10 yrs ago. Some first rounder getting $20mil without even playing a single down?! NFL will always be popular so I don't see a decline but you make some very good points. Especially the lack of action with 10,000 commercials thrown in to make it a 3.5 hr game. Horrible. I'll leave it at this, for me personally, I like football, but I will always LOVE hockey more. The fastest and greatest sport to play and watch IMO.
  15. I like your clear headed thinking here. This makes sense with Freeman. I tend to get irate because this Bills team is making me crazzzzy!! So what's Brooks going to do? Retire and enjoy all his $$dough$$?
  16. New GM and new Scouting dept. Next would be a new owner!
  17. Get on the phone and get somebody, christ! Derrek Brooks is standing by. He's older but I'm sure he's better than this bunch of lightweights. Horrible management on depth for LB. Nice drafting too addressing all the wrong needs. MothrF$^#&ing SOB!!!!!
  18. I like your thinking with Johnson, but it would be futile because Edwards can't throw the ball to any !@#$ing receiver we have anyway. This offense is mindnumbing dogsiht!!
  19. Oh Bullsiht!! UB Bulls could beat this fcking team. Absolute garbage, they are light years away and stop feeding us this optimism crap.
  20. Very far. The Bills are going to get their asses handed to them next Sunday. OMG its gonna be brutal. Don't waste your Sunday on this ****.
  21. Last year when they went 5-1, they beat teams which were bad anyway. It didn't really say much and they went on to implode.
  22. It was a good day for Buffalo in the fact that both the Patriots and Red Sox lost
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