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Everything posted by nodnarb

  1. an optimistic post? OMG! Shouldn't this have self-destructed by now? Here's what I think, FWIW, AIAWM: the trend in the league is shorter, quicker WRs with long speed. See Deion Branch, Lee Evans, and now Roscoe Parrish. With the illegal contact, it's the quick, slippery ones that are getting open better. The Jags' Reggie Williams is huge but he couldnt' get open for schitt. I guarantee you he will be the least productive WR taken in that round. the trend in the league is also to shorter, quicker, faster DBs with one critical skill: Change of direction. If their hips don't swivel and if they can't sink 'em, they won't swim in the NFL. I really like the two young, smart, motivated guards we have.
  2. he also said they liked nugent and considered him at 55 but their choice was made for them
  3. We had a TE named Donnelly? Damn, I thought I knew everything about this team.
  4. dave, you're a complete buffoon for making this post. For all you know, the Titans offered a 7th round pick. Which yes, is tantamount to being offerered NOTHING for travis. I can't believe how many people around here react like 8th grade ninnies to the slightest news that doesn't fit the draft and roster imaginings in their syphilitic minds.
  5. you can't trust anything written on that website. he has always had it out for donahoe and has never said anything positive about him. He's exactly the same way about Nick Saban. Florio doesn't like a lot of the ESPN guys because he was snubbed by them. Donahoe is an ex-ESPN guy who's close with a lot of current ESPN guys like Mort and Salisbury.
  6. none of this should come as news. grading drafts before any of the players have played a single down is the single most ridiculous practice in sports journalism. the draft the pats just had would be getting straight Fs if ANY OTHER team had selected the exact same players in those spots. It's a joke.
  7. Strengths George has good size and decent speed and quickness for his position. He shows some nice pass rush moves and understands how to defend his position against the running game. He looks to be a smart kid and very coachable. He has the body type that you look for in a 4/3 DE and has the talent to get better. George leaves it all out on the field. Needs to Improve He is more fast than quick and has to learn better pass–rushing techniques. He has to get bigger in his upper body. Right now, those big tackles are able to direct him wherever the momentum takes him. Bottom Line George is a very good developmental DE. He is coachable and just needs a few years with some good coaching and he could become a core player for his team. Every time I have seen George, he has gotten better and that tells me that he is not yet reached his peak. He must learn to use his arms better and burst off the line then change direction before the tackle gets his hands on him. He also has to learn the mental part of setting up the O-linemen so that when he picks his spot and makes his move for a sack, it makes it a lot easier. George might just make it into the first day. It will depend how the draft falls. He has first day talent, but if he goes in the 2nd day, some team should be getting themselves an eventual starter.
  8. The huddle report on Ezekial: Strengths Liam is an extremely intense MLB with marginal talent, but excellent potential to be a starting MLB at the next level. He is a leader and demands the players around him be better. He understands his limitations, but does not except them. He knows only one way to play and he plays that way with all of his heart. Needs to Improve He has talent; however, in his zeal to just play the damn game, he is not allowing it to benefit him. He needs some good coaching from a coach that he respects. Bottom Line If you need a MLB in a year or two (and everyone does), do not be a fool and pass this kid up in the second day of this draft. If you are looking for him to throw up some great workout numbers, Fuhgeddaboutit -- it’s not going to happen. He is a search and destroy type of LB that will always play better than he works out. Just look at the film and you’ll see an attitude that is missing from many players in the NFL. He is a smart player that doesn’t get fooled easily. He is not the best in pass defense, but get him a good LB coach and I bet in a year or two you won’t even notice. Use him on your goal line defense and watch him make plays. Head up, wrap up, squeeze and drive -- don’t make a mistake, he will smack you in the eye. Remember the difference between a great LB, a good LB and a mamby-pamby LB is intensity. Every RB in the NFL is going to remember meeting this kid…you can bet on it!
  9. thanks joeF. i was hoping someone would listen to that whole thing and make a post like this.
  10. Still more proof that WE DON'T KNOW SCHIT about these players other than the little snippets from draft rags. Do we get it yet?
  11. Just another example that proves that WE DON"T KNOW SCHIT about these prospects except for what the "scouts" tell you...the same scouts who couldn't get jobs in the NFL so they write for draft websites. It will take 3 years to determine the degree of success of this draft. And yet 50% of the people here don't get it. Still.
  12. Where in that post is there anything that can remotely indicate that it's about ME? What did you score on your HS reading comprehension tests? The point of that is for all the schitheads to wake up and realize that their opinions about which players will improve the bills and which players the bills should have taken is no more qualified than their opinion of what NASA engineers should do to improve launch efficiencies in their latest attempt at a safer perchlorate mixture. When some of these guys start doing great things for us, I'll post some of the retarded schit that people posted about them when our pick went through. Then maybe you'll understand my point. Sorry it was so difficult to digest.
  13. Oh, am I being mean? Awww, sowwwy. I read stupid schit, I point to it. If it hurts your feewings, post something halfway intelligent or ignore me. I won't care either way.
  14. yawn. more idiocy. more uninformed knee-jerk reaction based on nothing. if you had been listening for the past, oh, four years, you'd know that the Toms and Bills scouts are some of the best in the biz, and ESPN guys like Jaws, Mort, Salisbury, and Berman are close with Donahoe and Modrak and ALWAYS drop signs of respect their way. That ESPN hasn't done an interview with OBD so far this year means nothing. For all you know, OBD has declined an interview. You don't have any info about it, and you conclude that it must mean that the ESPN staff doesn't respect OBD? as long as you're spelling things out, try S.T.U.P.I.D.
  15. Scouting Report: Eric King Vital Statistics Position: CB School: Wake Forest Height: 5-10 Weight: 185 lbs. King is a solid cover corner who left Wake Forest second on the all-time list in pass breakups with 39. He received accolades every year, as he was a regular on All-ACC Teams from 2002 to 2004. King was named the team MVP in 2003 with 59 tackles, 18 passes defended, and three picks. He plays well on the line, as he had six stops for losses, two sacks and a pair of forced fumbles in '04. His father, Eric, played basketball professionally in Venezuela. Slightly undersized for the NFL, King always seemed to make plays in the talented ACC.
  16. This thread wins the all-idiot post-draft armchair GM award. You say the Bills should have done what YOU think they should have done? Don't give up your day job.
  17. You misunderstood the context of my statement. I wouldn't ever doubt the selections of the patriots. Every year they take names that aren't on any sheet, and every year they outplay half the league at their position. What I was saying is that if the Bills had taken some of the players that the Pats selected, the reaction would be even worse, because they draft so many players that are under the radar, which doesn't satisfy the idiots. The Bills took Parrish and about five people went ballistic about how stupid a pick it was. People say these things because they have names in their head that they hope they hear, and when they don't hear them, they go nuts. If Parrish scores 10 TDs, will he still be a stupid pick? The bottom line is that it's stupid to draw conclusions about draft picks before they've stepped onto the fuggin field.
  18. Deeray, you're one of the biggest poseurs on this board. Why must you insist on pretending that you know what you're talking about?
  19. Yes, it is the bottom line. This is true. Donahoe, like all GMs and all personnel staffs, has whiffed on a few choices. Most notably, Gregg Williams as head coach and Drew Bledsoe as savior QB. Neither of those guys could get it done. There's nothing anyone can do about the past. Judge the NEW team that Mularkey is assembling based on their performance to date. Under MM, we have a winning record so far and good things are coming. They know what they're looking for. Let it happen, cuz there's nothing anyone here can do about it. Might as well stay positive and hope for the best and enjoy this instead of posing as informed scouts who know their ass from a hole in the ground.
  20. But you don't know what was going on behind the scenes when the steelers took him. What we do know is that Cowher was trying to usurp Donahoe's draft process and veto players their personnel process had filtered out. In other words, Edwards might have been a Cowher pick, not a Donahoe pick. The main reason that GM Rooney had to make a choice between Donahoe and Cowher is that Cowher wanted more power over personnel and was making choices over the heads of his own personnel team. Cowher was the face of the steelers and Donahoe was the behind the scenes guy, so Rooney made the easy choice and gave Cowher control. The point is, YOU DON"T KNOW. So why try to draw conclusions as facts, when you know nothing about the CONTEXT of those old picks. Most teams had a late first, high second round grade on Josh Reed. Some players don't pan out because of psychology, distractions, lost passion, you name it. It happens to every team, every personnel staff, and nobody is exempt. Josh didn't pan out because Josh lost his self confidence and ability to play the game unfettered by worry. He showed none of that in college. I could go on, but what's the point?
  21. You know who you are. There are so many of you these days. You armchair GMs who think you know what you're talking about when you say that THIS pick is stupid or we should have taken THAT guy and TD is a moron and on and on and on. You act like high school punks who had magazine clippings of your favorite players and you're jilted because the Bills didn't take "your guys". If we had taken the two picks that Belichick took, it would be even nastier in here. You don't get it. You don't get that teams have a plan and they take the players that suit that plan. They're not looking to draft the names you see on your draft rag. They're not going down the list you bought at the store. You don't understand that these people watch film all year long. They form intelligent, informed opinions and gather consensus among a team of experienced scouts and personnel pros who have forgotten more football than you'll ever know. Let the Bills carry out their plan. Instead of bitching about every thing the team does or does not do, let things unfold and try to fuggin enjoy it. You're not in football for a reason. The people building this team are in football for a reason. Let them do their jobs, and judge the players on their performance.
  22. Kevin is a big strong kid with the frame to get bigger. He is just starting to get comfortable at the TE position and has tremendous upside to his game. He has good hands and he gives good effort when blocking. Kevin is very quick off the line and tries to run routes and block exactly how he the coaches tell him to. On film, you can see the concentration on his face and the need to help his team. This need jumps out at you and smacks you right in the face as he blocks and runs his routes. Needs to Improve Kevin is a tadpole right now. He has very good athletic talent, but needs more confidence, experience and reps to get better. I have no doubt that he will accomplish this. Bottom Line Kevin is a Pro Bowler waiting to happen. He will need some time to develop so the team that picks him will have to be patient. I’m not so sure of his hands at this point because the QB that throws to him does not have a big time arm, but something tells me that he will work very hard to improve and eliminate this question mark. Kevin, at times, lunges for the ball and also lets it get into his body and this causes him to drop some passes. He has good hands so his problems can be rectified with hard work and better concentration and patience on his part to wait for the ball. Kevin, on film, looks to be the quiet type who works harder than anyone else to succeed. He has quick feet and good balance and likes to block. He is quick and fast and big and I believe that Kevin in a few years will be one of the best in the league. He will be a core player for his team and a fan favorite and a Pro Bowl player. Remember where you heard it first.
  23. JP is brutally honest, it seems. I think he might be a little loose in the tongue, which could make for some interesting sportscenter moments. But Drew had it coming. Drew is an okay quarterback who believes he's a first ballot hall of famer and believes he's still a top 5 QB. Drew looked awful in about 2/3rds of the games he played in his buffalo career. He had that comment coming. As I said long before the bills released him...I wish him well...in DALLAS.
  24. two bad knees on calico. nah. Take the pick and turn it into vincent jackson. Matt Jones is going to be gone by the 25thpick in the first.
  25. Rudy, I see you haven't learned anything after all this time. You're still a reactionary, negative nabob who thinks he knows something about what it takes to run a football team. BULLETIN: YOU DON'T Your posts are always tedious. Do you know ANYTHING about shelton? For all you know, he didn't even pass the physical. Maybe he has a stress fracture. Maybe he has no passion for the game. If he was of great value to us, he'd be a Bill. YOU ARE A PANICKY, SOPHOMORIC FOOL. The Raiders didn't get a 1st round pick for Jolley, asswipe. They traded the Jets first for their 2nd, effectively moving up in the draft but for a net gain of ZERO PICKS. But there's hope for you. You can always decide to STFU, watch what happens, and let the professionals improve the team. You're not in football for a reason. I'll buy you a beer at the home opener if you'll just STFU for god's sake
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