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Everything posted by nodnarb

  1. never worry when people criticize you for pointing out errors in language. It's okay when individuals make mistakes in speech, but there's no excuse for words like "mediocrisy" in print. If you get paid to write, you should know there's no such word, and the editor should never let it get printed. Double errors, double the embarrassment, and cheers for pointing it out. Don't go changin' Oh, and I think using "poignant" in that context is embarrassingly off the mark...give me a fuggin break...poignant football issues?
  2. God, I hope not. In a word, HEINOUS. The best logo I've seen was that mean looking buffalo head inside of two crossed sabres - not sure where I've seen it but it's sombody's avatar here. And it's cool. And perfect. Please god, not this. Is there a god that covers this sort of Earthly minutae?
  3. I'd keep that letter as far away from Aaron Schobel and Chris Kelsay as possible.
  4. There's nothing that John Clayton can say that will make me like him or respect him. I can't fathom why ESPN pays that guy gobs of cash to look pastily unprofessional and publish utterances that are so obviously the product of his being used as a pawn by the reporting team...was that a run on sentence...not sure...but he has about a 30% prediction/"informed commentary" success rate, which ain't good. But hey. I think we're all hoping to see this good kid Losman succeed. I'm behind him 100%, until he's played enough games to provide sufficient data to judge him as either bust/average/good/very good/great. I have this hunch that he could be very good, which is all ya need. I also have a hunch that my hunch could just be the wishful thinking of a fan, but hey. It's something. I'm just STARTING to think about football. But honestly, I'm not really into it yet. I've still got Sabres wounds. Is hockey over?
  5. holy crap. hope he's okay, on a human level. on a football level, he's an idiot for refusing to wear his helmet and i hope we're looking at charlie batch this season.
  6. I miss that time he lunged into his block, got caught in a bad forward step, and got spun around, leaving him no other outlet but to grab the LB's arm for a nice holding penalty. Remember that time?
  7. y'know, the whole mike williams thing kills me. i'd love to know what went on behind the scenes in the draft room. i wonder who among the bills staff was a nay vote on williams. i wonder if donahoe vetoed criticism and picked the guy. donahoe has a rich history of drafting bad linemen. but we were all fooled, too. mike lacks what you can't see on tape: desire. the dude just doesn't love the game, and no matter how much he tries, he can't maximize his physical potential. I think that HE is what belichick was referring to when he called the bills oline 'horsesh--' in that book a couple years back.
  8. good. he sucked. another failed donahoe lineman. King Tut to the rescue.
  9. here's a little sumpin more not that i'm thinking about football yet. still gots da hockey on the brain. http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/football/...yers/41531.html
  10. as soon as ricky smells all the doobage wafting around Queen Street downtown, it'll be the beggining of the the (next) end for him. I don't think he'll play football in 2007, either due to drugs or due to him being sick of it all...I think at some point he'll prefer to be bankrupt nomad than an NFL football player. Betcha.
  11. If there's one guy who I *really* hate on ESPN, it's Salisbury. He's such a phony, he'd even make phonies sick. He's a bandwagon jumper. Moves with the tide. Sucks up to certain NFL figures deemed untouchable, and trashes those who are vulnerable and have no allies in the media. He's a dick, basically. And he was a schitty, schitty quarterback.
  12. you watch. the mouths at espn love to fellate nick saban. they'll give him the benefit of the doubt on this, and probably throw the word 'genius' at him a couple times. But if any other team had signed that little prick, (other than belichick), they'd be throwing eggs. And if the bills had been stupid enough to sign that $hithead, whooboy...they'd be throwing the word 'senile' around.
  13. I'd be thrilled if Dom got the start. It would only motivate the sabres above and beyond their current levels. Dom's a total weirdo who bent the team over. Everybody knows it. They'd be licking their chops if that prick, who hasn't played in 3 months, stepped onto the ice. he'd trip on his ego and let in a fluke.
  14. I'll post it here, there, everywhere: That was by far the best hockey game I've ever laid my eyes on. If they made a movie out of a team and used that game as a culminating moment you'd say it was ridiculous and overdone. Too unbelievable. But it was real. And incredible at every turn. This sabres team has more heart and desire than I've ever witnessed, and they've shown it all season. The only comparison I can make is to how the patriots would find a way to win no matter what the circumstance...what the Sabres just did is nothing short of historic....IF they can pull out the series win. If not, it'll be an entertaining footnote in STanley Cup lore. WHAT A FUGGIN GAME!
  15. That was the single most amazing hockey game I've ever seen. Incredible heart and desire shown by this team. Love these guys. Love 'em. And I believe they can do it. I mean really DO IT.
  16. The thing that gets me is, had just about any other team other than the cowboys, dolphins, or new england brought him in, the tools on ESPN would slam them. But because it's Saban, they'll probably say that "Saban appreciates his desire to better himself and you can't deny the talent" or something like that. Watch and listen. They'll fellate him for this.
  17. I love Easterbrooke but that's an oversimplification of the reality. If Brick was available, he'd be a Bill. There was no lineman even close to being worth a #8 overall pick. And they DID use another 1st rounder on a big body, so I'm not sure he's hitting the nail on the head here.
  18. Well done, crayonz. You got me. Bravisimo. Good parody of the board of late.
  20. Or maybe we'll franchise him again and pick up a 1st next year. It's funny that you're worried about the 2007-08 season and Nate's status, but at least you're no longer aping what you heard on ESPN.
  21. This is just silly. You can say that about ANY team's players, and you could say this about ANY linemen. Rookie linemen tend to struggle more than rookie DBs. Like most people here, you would have been happy with Justice at 8 yet he slipped to middle 2nd. That's just one example of the FACT that nobody here knows which players are best for this system. Jauron and his coaches and Modrak and his scouts do.
  22. Pass the pipe, all right. There is nothing to this post that I didn't hear on ESPN. Do we really need more regurgitated opinion?
  23. Give me a break, Dawg. I think his post was no better than any of the other underinformed opinions about this draft. Look at the title: Bills losers, always will be. You call that a mature, reasonable post? It's the post of a child. These whining posts are about two things: people spend time on mock draft boards and they become familiar with NAMES. When those NAMES don't become Bills, they get pissed and call a draft a bust. Then they listen to ESPN, which is REQUIRED by theme and tradition to have at least ONE team to bash...and this year it was the Donte Whitner pick. You people are going to love the kid. Our safety play last year was HOOOORRID. They took advantage of our lack of speed and Milloy's problems in coverage. Now we have two young, extremely athletic and fast guys with great hands who will man the secondary for years.
  24. DE Bills fan: Don't let the door hit you on the ass. You'll forever be an ass in my book. You're probably a young kid who gets his opinions from watching TD's buddy Mortensen and the other axe grinders on ESPN. Or worse, you're a grown man who gets his opinions from watching TD's buddy Mortensen and the other axe grinders on ESPN.
  25. When are you going to get through your head that these aren't "Marv's" guys...? These are primarily Jauron's guys, and his coaches. They tell Modrak and the scouts what they're looking for. This info gives them data with which to stack their boards. Two players of equal grade, and one fits Jauron's defense better...guess which one is drafted...etc. Marv didn't watch much film. They're not 'his guys'. This is not 'his draft'. He didn't hand-pick anyone like TD used to do, or so I've heard. So what you're saying is you're trying to "Beat the Bills entire staff", not "beat Marv". And by the way, since you have little idea which players fit Jauron's system and Fairchild's offense, any attempt to throw names around and call it a comparison is a sophomoric exercise in futility.
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