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Everything posted by nodnarb

  1. You fail to make any point. This has been about the overreacting and pre-judging of the Bills draft picks. So now your focus is what...the bills haven't made the playoffs? Yes, that blows. We've had how many coaches and systems in that time? Continuity has finally arrived. With an NFL record number of guys on IR last year, we almost made the playoffs, despite being the second or third youngest team in the league. You can whine about the past, which you can't change, or you can enjoy the present. If you can't enjoy the present, find another frickin' team. Is that in 'terms you might comprehend'?
  2. THINK about what you're saying. You get your information on these players from the Internet, from amateur mocks. (Fans with time). Do you think NFL scouts and personnel professionals get their info from these sources? I hope a bell just rung in your cerebellum. Yes, it's fair to question, but 'questioning' isn't what is happening. You and others are outright *damning* the work of the Bills staff before these players have had a chance to touch the ball. Why? Because you don't recognize the names from the mocks you have come to be familiar with. That, BenchBledsoe, is an example of 'ridiculous' commentary.
  3. Easy. He presumes to know enough information about this draft class to declare a year of professional analysis by the Bills staff a bust. None of these guys have had a chance to play a down, and he's already implicitly declaring himself as being qualified to condemn the work of a team of professionals. I'm not doing that. That's how.
  4. Idiots tend to come in bunches.
  5. just in case this hasn't been posted yet, these guys do a pretty good job and have a good interview with Omon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jn9_Y1KANpg...feature=related
  6. These guys haven't even played a down yet and you've already decided they're busts. Ridiculous. Amazing how many people like you there are. Just when you think there are only five or six, you see ten more. There's a reason you're not a paid scout. Let the professionals do their work and try try try to keep your self image in check.
  7. There's really no need to rip you. You have done a fine enough job of discrediting yourself already.
  8. And the level of idiocy continues to shine on!
  9. Maybe because everything that's written about him includes something about him being a complete head case?
  10. When Kipers stops being a joke I'll start to care about his opinion. His mocks are never accurate, and his opinions are often political. And his hair, etc.
  11. If Fonzy were here, he'd say Exactamundo. But I don't think it's a Bills Fans thing. I just think that mock drafts have have ironically lowered the football IQ of most NFL fans. They get to know names and they think the opinions of amateur anybodies carry weight. And that's just the start of it.
  12. Typical ESPN analysis. Errors everywhere. Guys given millions to speak with 7th grade English skills. Feeble fact checking, opinions based largely on the teams that have guys they're close to, etc. It's why NFL Network has a future.
  13. And how the hell do YOU know who can contribute immediately and who can't? This is why you're getting creamed on this board. You are DELUDED. You think you know better and you don't. Reading online mock drafts doesn't qualify you to say "I wouldn't have them on a high school team...". Who do you think you are? I mean, you really are funny. I don't think I've ever read such self-delusion in at least...ten minutes or so. This happens every year...
  14. This board used to be a lot smarter.
  15. Oh my god...this post takes the cake! I'm laughing, but part of me feels the urge to weep. This is just so stupid, so clueless...it's a one post tragic comedy.
  16. I'm going to have to assume that you're kidding because I can't fathom somebody being this stupid and reactionary. What, the picks didn't match up to your mock draft? Keep hitting your head against that wall. It might help.
  17. Why do some people insist on being idiots?
  18. Great post. There is no logic. And there never has been. They criticize easy targets and don't question anything the Pats ever do, as if they're afraid someone is going to chime in and say, "What, you think you're smarter than Belichick?" If ANY team had the draft they had last year (go back and check it out), that team would have been creamed endlessly. Especially one of the "easy targets" - teams that haven't made the playoffs in some time.
  19. SDS, can we create a new thread, with the iconic title: and roll this one and "the others" into it? Thanks!
  20. A perfect example of the FACT: We, and mock "pros", don't know SQUAT compared to the people who work for NFL teams.
  21. Yea, not impressive in that category. The category entirely unimportant to the job of playing cornerback in the NFL. But yea, he won't win any diction contests. But he could work for ESPN!
  22. i'll take the majority-rated #1 CB in a draft in ANY class.
  23. Well if you know better than Tom Modrak and his staff, you should submit your resume to One Bills Drive Good Luck!
  24. Why don't you just TRY to be happy? Try your best. Trust that a staff of highly paid professionals with years in the league, having spent 16 months evaluating this class, knows *just a bit* more than you do. Try.
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