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Everything posted by Risin

  1. I'm a huge Bills fan, and therfore a huge Losman fan. I tend to "hate on" QB's drafted around the same time JP was, because I want JP to be better then them. In saying that, both Alex Smith and Philip Rivers are already more polished and better QB's, and are future studs in this league. I think JP is better then Big Ben (I know, he won a Super Bowl), and Eli all things being equal, but them two kids in California are gonna be good ones. I watch both of them every week on my Sunday Ticket, and I've rode them to a 6-0 record in my fantasy league. (I was laughed at when I drafted Rivers late, and laughed harder at when I traded Tom Brady for Alex Smith and Braylon Edwards) JP has all the physical talent in the world, but he is not in an ideal situation. He was very raw coming out of college, and with the supporting cast around him, all his weaknesses are being exposed. I pray to god he pans out, but unless this line is fixed the kid don't stand a chance. He makes too many boneheaded decisions under pressure, to ever be successful and consistant behind anything worse then an average oline. There is no shame in that, plenty of good QB's play bad behind poor offensive lines. I'm also getting concerned with his lack of accuracy on the deep ball.
  2. Not at all. You were calling BS, and I was saying my BS argument was more right then your BS "hot receiver, helmet radio transmitting to your house " argument. Little worried about someone being defenseive, aren't we?
  3. Good point. I don't know for sure, therefore you can call BS. Just having a basic knowledge of football, I'd say I'm more right then you. Hard to throw a hot route, when there isn't a blitz. Go watch the tape on Holcomb, a majority weren't hot reads.
  4. Yeah! Wish I was a post stud like you! Then I would be a success in life, like you! I'm no expert, but I can tell when a moron knows little about football. You, dev null and a few others come to mind first.
  5. Cuz the team is getting better each week. Get a effing clue dude.
  6. Actually, it's not. Then again, you've never been accused of having a clue.
  7. Only part of the QB position we need to focus on is backup. We need OL, DL, CB, FB and TE long before QB.
  8. It's all aboot the O-fence, eh?
  9. The difference is that Losman is throwing, for the most part, to the guy who is supposed to be running to the marker. Holcomb, on the other hand, was checking down to a guy well short of the marker. Same result, but way different scenarios. I can live with the decisions JP is making, Holcomb I cannot and thankfully do not have to.
  10. Sorry man, we're done talking. I don't need to defend RJ, I wasn't a huge fan of his. I just like ruffling the feathers of clueless Canadiens. Still punt on third down up there? There are some awesome Canadian posters here, that know way more then any Americans about football. Then there are those clueless ones, who need to not talk football, at least as it pertains to the American game. Can you guess which category you fall into?
  11. More talent? hahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahhahahahahahahaha.... Get your facts straight, for christ sakes. Flutie walked on water, eh?
  12. eh?
  13. They weren't "one of the worst" when Rob was in there. Get your facts straight, then we'll talk, eh? You're nothing but another bitter Canadian, who knows crap out football, and needs to put down the Molson XXX. Check the part of your post I bolded, told me all I needed to know.
  14. Flutie didn't win games, our defense did. See what he looked like, when the rest of the team couldn't bail him out, in San Diego? Let me guess, you're Canadian? That, or a moron.
  15. He played like shat at times today, but wasn't close to our biggest problem. You've been on his ass since we drafted him, so this is expected from you. Also: You mean he crumbled from deep in his own territory, with less than 30 seconds left? I'd say getting us within 3 was pretty clutch, seeing as that drive was all him.
  16. This site went down the toilet, as soon as retards like you registered.
  17. Fed up with your pointless bashing. JP was far from the main problem today. Rationalize his td's anyway you want, but he got 2 pretty much all by himself. You JP bashers are more moronic by the day, and you're the Vice President of the club.
  18. Just what we need. An average midget QB, with the best defense in the league. Flutie sucked, but his defense was good. JP sucks, and his defense is worse.
  19. Yeah, as suprised that Detroit got constant pressure with a 4-man rush.
  20. No. They did their best to give Minnesota a win also.
  21. It's valid, when morons get it through their head, he'll stop. Unless you were there, nobody has a clue if someone was open. With this piss-poor oline, here's how his stats look: 20-32 195 2 td's 1 int This game is far from being on Losman.
  22. Yep, a better QB. Maybe a HoF QB like Favre, oh wait, he pissed away the game on a similar play last week. Get a clue.
  23. You don't FEEL a DE coming unblocked. Just don't happen. Only the greats have that sense, and although I like JP, he's not great. He's been brutal in this game, but his oline sucks turd.
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