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Posts posted by Risin

  1. wow, pains me to say but looking JP esque, this is becoming a bad trend



    JP has never played this bad, for this long of a stretch.


    No matter what the morons who bash him try to say.


    In saying that, we need to let the kid get himself out of this. I don't care how many Int's he throws, until the final whistle blows I want him in there. These are character defining moments, and if he has as much as people say, we will be fine.

  2. Yep. Good point. And if they play the rest of them like they played in these three losses, we will look like prophets by the end, those of us who have pointed out these glaring problems.



    ...and if they play the rest, like they did against Seattle and Jax, we will all forget about this mini-slump.



  3. Trent was not good. But, I will say the same thing I said when many blamed JP for losses:


    This was not lost due to Trent. This was a TEAM loss.





    Execution was piss poor, mental mistakes, a defense that was horrendus when we needed them most.


    That drive after the Greer TD made me sick to my stomach, even with all the momentum in the world, they couldn't get a stop.


    Still though, it's one game. We have a long way to go, the people counting us out, are as foolish as those putting us in the playoffs after our start.



  4. I just think tossing in Losman wouldn't help, as he sux.



    ...and Trent is starting to go that route.


    Either way, the Bills need to invest a late pick in a QB to groom, in next years draft. I'm not sold on Edwards, and anyone who is might be jumping the gun.


    He plays amazing under good circumstances, but throw a wrench in the mix (ie: weather, constant pressure etc.) he is as bad as Losman ever was.


    I still think he's gonna be a good QB, but I have my doubts about him being a great one. I also think his poise is vastly overrated.

  5. Obvious fact of the day:


    When your QB is responsible for the same amount of points for his opponents, as he is for his own team, you will likely lose the football game.


    Two weeks in a row, Trent Edwards was a huge reason for why we lost.


    It's not all his fault, his pass protection is poor, he has no support from the run game, and the coaching has been piss poor. A lot for any QB to overcome, especially a guy starting his 17th game.


    JP nutsack swingers, this is not a bash Trent post, so please don't tell me how he would win the game.

  6. The playing time of the CBs has been interesting to follow.


    To start the game, Greer and Youboty were the starting CBs, with James at nickel. When they needed a dime back, it was Corner.


    James might have only played one series, and then Corner was the nickel back.


    Later, McKelvin replaced Greer.


    Early in the second half, McKelvin and Corner were the CBs. When they needed a nickel, they brought in Youboty and moved Corner to nickel.


    From about the middle of the 3rd quarter on, McKelvin and Corner were the CBs, and Youboty played nickel as needed, which was most of the time.



    This leads me to believe:


    - Corner is coming along faster than McKelvin.

    - At least right now, the plan is not for McKelvin to play nickel until he's ready to start.

    - They wanted to take a long look at Youboty tonight. He was probably on the field for at least 75% of the defensive snaps.



    According to Vic Carucci on the pre game show, he was eluding to the fact that the Bills might be disappointed in McKelvin. (he was careful not to say it, but he gave the impression)


    Take it for what it's worth.

  7. Glad Uncle Ralph made us draft Wright.


    For those of you that haven't heard the story, basically the Bills wanted to go in a different direction when Wright was drafted, and Ralph slammed his fist on the table and said he wanted that running back. (something about somebody in his family knowing Wright, pardon me if that's not exact)


    Don't know how credible the story was, but I wouldn't put it past the old man.

  8. Former hard ass? I bet you rub your belly and think your the latest brosky. News flash, I'm not challenging you to duel of internet supremacy. I'm challenging you to back your vomit up with a fact or two. Again I'm waiting. I'll just post links of former posts when you say something coherent. In the mean time grab a Pabst Blue Ribbon, tickle your brothers grundle and relax.



    Not a hard ass at all.


    Just eluding to the fact that you aren't going to make anybody, especially me, cry like a B word. (and yes, I know you were being facetious)


    I don't need to backup snot, it's obvious to anyone that has a clue that JP is the better QB at the moment.


    You can pull out all the geeky stats you want, stats are for losers.



    please do..........I wanna see


    are you stalking me or something? I mean I'm not the one who is threatening people over the internet about settling things like men LOL


    why don't you go ghost on the site like you did before.......it was so must better haha


    seriously.........come back and speak to me when you graduate some type of college and have a job........


    its like your britney or paris or something ........OK! :unsure:



    Ok crackur.


    Good points.




    Edit: and I don't need to pull out your old posts to prove you shouldn't be calling anybody retarded. All somebody has to do is read the one I quoted to see that. <_<

  10. Fair enough. I was getting at the fact that it was his, and the Bills', first pre-season game, against a team who already had a game under their belts. And the 3rd down play is something I've seen Evans and Reed do plenty of times, while the false start is something that can easily be corrected, and the crossing route wasn't exactly a great pass by JP.


    He needs more real game experience, like he'll get during the rest of pre-season (well, as real as pre-season CAN get), but I'd rather see him start than not come opening day. He won't get better sitting on the bench.



    I agree with all of this bro.


    I know around here that sometimes people jump on new players, and call them busts etc.


    So when a guy like me posts what I originally did, people who don't know me might have thought I was already saying he sucks.


    Not the case, I have more patience than anyone. Heck, I still think JP should be the starter, even after 4 years of proving he probably shouldn't be. :lol:

  11. Actually most regulars respect my posts, why? Because I will eat the ever loving crap out of them with facts if they don't. By all means try me, and don't dispute what I say with your weak ass opinions. I'll bring facts and leave you crying like a B word with a skinned knee.



    Dude, I used to box for a living.


    I don't argue over a keyboard.


    Watch who you threaten about crying like a B word, or we settle this like men.


    Feel free to PM me.

  12. Based on the first half of play, NONE of the players are ready to be starters. That is the point.


    Yes, except Losman. :lol:


    What I was getting at was that Hardy has all the physical talent to start, but he needs to do the little things.


    The 3rd down play on the first drive, the false start, the drop. Mostly mental errors.


    Only a matter of time before he is the starter, but as of tonight I don't think he should be starting come opening day.


    That is all I meant.

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