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Posts posted by Risin

  1. Personally, I have little sympathy for JP. He took the field and looked and acted like an amateurish a-hole



    Never saw him look like that.



    Maybe because I forgot to put on my hate goggles.


    Jeez Bill, I remember a time when I respected your football posts, you've almost dropped to VABills level.

  2. I think there's a difference between "different" and "better."    But no, I do not believe that the huge gap in performance last year between Losman and Holcomb can be explained by play-calling.  I think that execution was a much larger explanatory factor, or in JP's case, the lack thereof.






    Kind of like Kurt Warner's production, or in Eli's case, the lack thereof, 2 seasons ago.


    Warner 174 of 277 62.8 pct. 2054 yards 6 td's 4 int's 86.5 rating



    Manning 95 of 197 48.2 pct. 1043 yards 6 td's 9 int's 55.4 rating



    Looked like their decision to give Eli another shot, before dumping him, wasn't a bad idea.


    Sorry someone had to bring facts into the argument with you, again.

  3. I like that comment, too. It shows he really puts thought into what he does. Plus, it shows he doesn't mind playing in the snow. I like J.P., but he is a Cali kid.






    I remember reading an article about JP, that said as soon as he was drafted, he got on the internet and started studying everything about Buffalo.


    He has never once bitched about the snow, so I don't know where you're coming from.


    Some of you people, I just don't get. You talk about him being a California guy, like it's a bad thing. Tom Brady is a Cali kid, would you have a problem with him, if he was the Bills QB?


    Thought not.



  4. WOW - WGR55 sucks ass in the AM


    late breaking news!!    WGR sucks ass 24 hrs a day, not just in the A M.

    especially that Schoop dude....................worst i have ever heard!!

    just a few days ago i heard him say that when his was young, when kids in the neighborhood would play touch FB, he would prefer to officiate rather than play!!

    ...............the profile of a LOSER!




    Schopp is an arrogant, condescending geek.


    The rest of the staff seem like good guys, with Brad Riter having the best show, IMHO.

  5. So let me get this straight - we've never seen production from a guy,  but he's never had a solid team around him.  Therefore we can't consider cutting him until he's had a few years starting on a good team.


    Where do I sign up as a Buffalo Bills QB?




    Never seen production from JP?


    Christ, this gets better everyday.


    The retards are coming out of the wood work.

  6. Your an ass...do you really want to argue that Eli's 1st season was significantly better than JP's?  Honestly?  OK, how about this:


    1) JP has a BETTER completion % in his 1st year than Eli does. 


    2) JP has a significantly HIGHER QB rating than Eli did (65 vs 55)


    3)  JP threw for MORE TDs and FEWER INT's than Eli did

    (And Eli had ~80 more pass attempts than JP)


    4)  JP threw for over 1300 yards, Eli had 1000 yards

    (And Eli had ~80 more pass attempts than JP)

    (And JP also ran for 150+ yards)


    5) JP had a higher yards per pass attempt than Eli (5.9 vs. 5.3)


    You say "Moreover, Eli Manning as a rookie broke 65% twice.... Losman - never."

    I say"Moreover, Eli Manning as a rookie broke 30% twice.....Losman - never."

    --> Eli had a game where he went 4 for 18 -- 4 for 18!!! 


    Do you understand?  You can spin the numbers however u like.  Bottom line is they both have very similar stats in the 1st year....not great.  But your argument that Eli was better than JP his 1st year is wrong.  If anything, JP had a BETTER year than Eli did over the same portion of their careers.  Quite a bit better by the stats.


    BTW, you also didn't read that post you replied to....says the duration of time BEFORE a QB completes 60% over a season is usually a few years....nobody said JP HAD a 60% completion rate!


    You need to do some homework before you come spewing your nonsense.




    Come on man, don't piss on his crusade with a logical argument.


    The dude only has 5 thoughts:


    1- JP's completion percentage sucks.


    2- JP's QB rating sucks.


    3- JP's completion percentage sucks.


    4- JP's worse then Eli was in his first year. (I call BS, and uninformed. Gains him tons of credibility) :lol:


    5- JP's completion percentage sucks.



  7. I love it how completely off-base and unfounded speculation from out of town papers and sports talk hosts saying that JP Losman could be cut has led to fans here as seeing this as a real possibility.


    Even the most ardent of the JP haters has to admit the guy has proven he can get the long ball to Lee Evans and he's also made the most of Josh Reed since his first season. JP's also proven he can avoid the rush and not pout when he gets benched. These are all traits that I saw from JP, and I'm as amatuer as it gets when it comes to player evaluations. I'm sure Marv and Dick saw them too, he aint going anywhere but under center as a starter this season.


    Marv said he was going to bring in another QB to compete with JP and Kelly. Please don't buy into this fantasy that JP could be cut. It's just plan silly.





    Two best posts I've seen in awhile. Thanks for articulating what I'd say, better then I ever could.




    Yet they named a guy the starter for the 05 season after seeing Eli go 1-6 in his 2004 starts and 1-7 overall. He had a QB rating of 55.4 and a 48.2 completion%, 6 TDs and 9 INTs. WOW, I can't believe that they didn't write him off! Good thing for the Giants that their front office and coaches don't judge too quickly!


  8. I support Marv and the Bills. If Marv thinks JP should go, then let him go. I will give a Hall of Fame coach the benefit of the doubt. I personally think Losman should get another chance, but Marv seems to have a plan and direction. I think TD did not have direction he just grabbed players, that did not mesh with the team or style. I am happy that it seems that the team is serious about rebuilding, and not trying to paint over glaring defiecency's(I hated it every time TD would say "I really like this team and think it is playoff caliber"). I still feel that this was the teams problem the last 5 years, TD never really wanted to do the work of buiding a team from scratch, he wanted to sign some big names and hoped the Bills qualified for a widcard birth. Maybe now we will see some direction, even if this team does not make the playoffs this year we will be able to talk next year about a bright future, instead of oh crap we have no chance and still suck.




    Marv shouldn't get the benefit of the doubt, he has proven as much at GM, as JP has at QB, NOTHING.


    I hope he does well, it's in my teams best interests.

  9. Update from what they said this morning.....  They said some of the things they are hearing out of Buffalo says JP is going to be moved.......


    Nall had options and they sold him on a chance to start.......they are saying JP isnt Levys guy and they wont have a 3 man competition.

    They said they dont know this for sure........but said this is what they are piecing together and would be good for JO as well.


    So JP's likely gone?




    Marv better have a damn good reason to move JP.


    If he does, I hope it blows up in his face.


    Dude has the physical tools to be a very good QB, I want to see if he matures enough to put it all together, IN A BILLS UNIFORM.


    This has the potential to be the Lamonica trade, all over again.



  10. Flame on!!


    You guys are odd. Anyways, I'll say something sensible..


    I sure hope the first poster is right. JP makes me nervous, I've never felt good about him. Even though I have a JP jersey I would not mind at all if he got traded, and Nall and some rookie both got a fair shot at the #1 job.


    Even you didn't notice I'm not big on Holcomb either. He makes me as nervous as JP does.




    Still waiting for you to say something sensible...



  11. That is the funny thing about it. If Sherman was HC and Marv signed Nall, people would be praising the move and blowing a load in their pants. Because Sherm isn't here, folks think it is a crappy move.




    I think it's a very good move.


    I want a young guy to push JP, and take the job if he proves he can't hack it.

  12. Why so down on CN?


    You're credentials for evaluating talent are second to none!


    How can worrying about a suspect QB with INJURY PROBLEMS make you a retard?





    Not down on CN!


    Hope he lights it up.


    Being worried about JP doesn't make anyone retarded. Not being worried about him, might make you be. ;)


    I'm upset about the people who want to DUMP him, after 9 games.

  13. Maybe they were expecting Farve not to last as long as he did?


    1992 9th  Ty Detmer 

    1993 5th  Mark Brunell

    1998 6th  Matt Hasselbeck 

    1999 4th  Aaron Brooks


    2002 5th  Craig Nall  ??




    Problem is all them QB's were drafted by Ron Wolfe.


    Think Nall was a Sherman draft pick.


    The Packers were so high on Nall, that they wasted a first round pick last year, to draft Favre's replacement. Even though Nall had over a 100 QB rating.


    Something tells me, don't get your hopes up.


    Of course, don't tell any of the retards in the JP sucks crowd this, they'll tell you that you're clueless.

  14. read what alg says in response to this. It fits what you're implying very nicely...






    Except for the fact that it makes "The Truth Hurts" look bad.


    He is one of the morons who think it's time to give up on JP after 9 games. (he is clueless)


    On the other hand, I feel if Marv does this, he's an idiot.


    More clueless then any Bills fan.

  15. I'll give JP a few more games, before agreeing with this Hot Pocket idea.


    I love all you NFL geniuses that piss all over your own teams guy, yet get woody's for guys like Schaub, and McCown.


    Give me Schaub's running game, or McCown's Wide Receivers, I bet JP looks better...


    I'm not even a JP fan boy, just someone willing to give him more then 8 games, before declaring him a Rob Johnson type bust.


    Are all Bills fans this clueless, or just the ones that post here?

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