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Posts posted by Risin

  1. I see you're attempting to start a flame war.  I would have taken your attempt more seriously had it not been for the last sentence.  "Some of you are bias, the others just plain moronic."  Before you call other people moronic, you might want to start writing correctly yourself.






    Just telling it like it is, NOBODY respects your opinion on the subject of QB.


    Sorry if this is news to you.

  2. Look, all I was getting at was that if Losman was going to have a big play taken away from him due to a penalty, it may as well be a play which had more to do with good blocking/YAC than with good quarterbacking. 


    I agree Losman did a better job yesterday of avoiding mistakes than what he did last year.  That's the biggest difference I see between this year and last year.  But in avoiding mistakes, is he also avoiding the gambles that sometimes led to big plays?  Yesterday's passing game was very lackluster even by Dilfer's standards, and I hope that whichever quarterback the Bills choose to go with over the long term is able to be more productive than Losman was yesterday.  That's all I was getting at. 


    But overall, I feel this is a vastly improved team, especially on defense.  The offensive line still needs work; though it did have a good first half against New England.




    Don't waste your breath.


    Nobody takes what you, and a couple of others say seriously, when it comes to the QB position.


    Some of you are bias, the others just plain moronic.

  3. If you want to start telling me how well JP Losman played today, then let's go....


    Our first four plays consisted of one run, and three nearly disastrous passes.  


    After that it was eight straight runs, including on 3rd and 11 - but I suppose all that was part of "the script", right?


    After that, almost all our pass plays, if not all our pass plays, were of the WR swing pass/screen/quick slant variety, or else a rainbow - nothing that would have required JP Losman to make sophisticated reads down the field and pick apart the defense.   Just compare the way the Steelers had *Charlie Batch* attack the Dolphins secondary on Thursday night, vs. the way Jauron attacked the Dolphins today.   I don't think that the difference is entirely accounted for by philosophical differences between Jauron/Fairchild and Cowher/Whisenhunt.


    I think the coaches are as concerned about Losman's lack of development thus far as I am.





    A win's a win.


    JP didn't play good, but managed the game well.


    He got first downs when we needed them, and had over a 90 QB rating.


    He showed he could manage a game, something many thought he couldn't do, also the reason many rationalized Holcomb starting.


    You are overly critical of JP, and it's seems like sour grapes to me.


    He also barely had time to pass, and made some great reads and checkdowns.


    Did you watch this game, or go by the play-by-play text again?

  4. Daunte Culpepper, QB Dolphins: Charch says that 'Pep is traditionally better at home;also, the Bills' secondary is in shambles.




    I know most of you put zero stock in this wesite, but I read it for entertainment purposes.


    It's comments like these, that make me wonder if they know anything about football.


    I'm not saying C-Pep won't have a good day against us, but going by last week I'd say our secondary is anything but in shambles.


    In my opinion, it won't be long before Ko Simpson is looked at as a huge upgrade, over the human speed bump TV.


    Also, I started Tom Brady on my fantasy team last week, and he didn't exactly carry me to victory.

  5. And since he probably has some friends on this board who are probably shocked and in pain at the whole event, maybe, rather than bashing the guy (which won't change a damn thing), just keep the opinion to yourself?




    First off, I'm so sorry to hear this news.


    Secondly, I have to agree Meazza.


    We know what he did was wrong, but if you want to be a dick, keep it to yourself.

  6. Talent and winning?  Has McGahee really done anything that great in the league yet?  He did say he was the best RB in the NFL last year, I guess that was nice.


    He's a decent running back so far.  That's about it.  If the coaching staff thinks they can win with him, then I'll take their word for it.  I don't think we have to get rid of him ASAP but I'm definitely not high on the guy at all.




    I'm not gonna make excuses for Willis, but that best RB in the league comment wasn't made as matter-of-factly as some like to believe.


    I personally want my running back to have that attitude.


    No way do I want Willis gone, he has the talent and ability, I just wish some people would be as critical of him as they are with others.

  7. Have you read my posts about JP?


    P.S.  No he didn't.




    Over the offseason, yes I did.


    You and others acted like JP should be the second coming already, meanwhile Willis is in year 3 (4 if you count his year off, like some want to do when JP was injured), and the excuses fly for why he can't average more then 3 yards a carry.


    On top of that, he has this habit of not being very good in short yardage.


    Willis has a terrible time seeing the field, he doesn't read his blockers right, has the stamina of an 80 year old, and his football intelligence seems borderline brutal.


    He was a pretty pick, I understand, but people have been heaping praise on him long before it was due.


    I'm a fan of Willis because he's a Buffalo Bill, I'm just sick of the double standards around here.


    Especially when it's a fact, RB's can step in and excel, while QB's need time to mature. (some more than others)


    P.S.- Didn't he say "I wasn't worried, I thought it was 3rd and 1" ???

  8. How many asinine posts do we need on this board trashing WM without any basis?


    Although normally I would appreciate a quote from Shakespeare's Hamlet, the facts are the facts.  The guy asked me a question and I answered it with the facts.




    Wish you, and some others were as patient with JP, and make excuses for him, like you do Willis.


    Knee injury or not, Willis is an average back in this league, bordering dime-a-dozen territory.


    On top of that, the dude admits he thought it was third down????

  9. Willis McGahee...thanks for nothing:


    New England cut the lead to 17-14 with 2:52 left in the third quarter on Brady's 17-yard pass to Kevin Faulk after Buffalo went for it on fourth-and-1 at the Patriots 7-yard line and the line stopped Willis McGahee for no gain.


    "That felt great," Patriots nose tackle Vince Wilfork said. "The fans got into it and we got into it."


    McGahee wasn't sure what was happening.


    "I wasn't worried. I thought it was third down," he said.


    Are you kidding me?




    Thought it was third down?!?!?!?



  10. Yeah, poor accuracy to the tune of 65% passing.  And he dropped the ball ONCE after getting hit by Shelton.  Did you see the snap that went over his head that he got and still was able to fire off a completion?




    Dude, you haven't learned to ignore this guys posts about QB's?


    He has no clue about the position, and really should stick to the PPP board.

  11. I would like to see drives that chew up the clock.




    First off, beggers can't be choosers.


    Secondly, I'll take a few 1 play TD drives every game, as long as we win.


    Third, Through the preseason, anytime we got a nice long drive with JP behind center, some moron would line up wrong, hold or jump early.


    Some things aren't all up to the QB.

  12. and I gotta tell you, they were absolutely spot on!!!

    Remember I am paraphrasing, but here goes.....


    They said that it was GREAT that JP EARNED his job this year, and that he wasn't so good in camp/pre-season in 05.

    They didn't like the way he was handed the job last season, and neither did the team.

    They said that TD and MM put their "personal stamp" on JP, and I believe this 100%. Getting nothing for Drew and signing Holcomb was stupid. (that last sentence was ME talking)  :)

    They liked the way he looks this year, and they implied that it will be cool with the players as well.


    What they also said is that this is only the beginning, and that he has to go out and WIN regular season games, and that he has to prove himself all over again to the players and the fans when the games count.


    Sorry for the LAMP, but I have felt like this from day 1. JP stunk last year, but he had no business being in there early in the season. As far as I'm concerned, he deserves a clean slate. He DOES have the talent. Nobody ever disputed this. Now, it is time to see what he can do.

    Unlike some, I don't think he should be given a whole season if he truly sucks. This aside, I consider this season his first fair chance. He was thrust into a place where he didn't belong last year because 2 idiots lost a game to their old team, but this is over and done.


    C'mon kid......Give us Bills Fans something to cheer! We are the best fans of any team in any sport, and we deserve as much!!! Oh, and good luck!!!!


    GO BILLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




    Great post brother!


    Is it really you?



  13. You bring up good points.  Still, I wanted that game to go into overtime, because 1 1/2 quarters isn't enough time to really get a feel for Nall.




    Was for me.


    He's already better then your hero, and not nearly as good as JP.


    Guess that makes him our #2.

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