both parties are guilty of abusing the facts to support their cause.... politics are all about swaying the voters....twisting the truth to fit whatever audience they are in front of Bush dose it just a well as Kerry. We as americans need to think for ourselves.... Fox is only one side of every story.... I hope everyone tries to listen to all sides.... be it CNN MSNBC, John Stewart's Daily Show on Comedy Central, Bill Maher on HBO, NPR radio....listen to your local public radio station's ......they try to tell the whole story.... it's so hard to know what the truth is .... it all seem's to depend upon the source of the information.... knowledge is power , but what do i know and who taught it to me?? think think think and then vote vote vote ...get as many people out to vote and get involved.......
oh yeah and i hope the bills get it together season sucks.... my son is eight and he just this year started to collect football cards....
willie LA