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Everything posted by hamtenp

  1. So lets find out where he got this flat tire. Call down there and find out if he really got a flat. Something tells me Stevie is not telling the truth and just skipped the signing.Are u trying to get out of Buffalo and traded somewhere else? Shame on u Stevie
  2. It does not matter if Spiller is super talented. We have no Offensive line to create the holes let alone protect the QB. For God's sake we don't even have a competent substitute center who can snap the ball to the QB. Were u sleeping the last Sunday? Thats why we are getting the **** kicked out of us right now.. The injuries to our line is what is causing us all this trouble.
  3. Kracken Rum is for Krack heads only
  4. If Buddy Nix and Chan Gailey were really so smart, DO u really think they would both have been available for Ralph to hire? Come on Man!!! The below mediocrity grades are finally beginning to show.
  5. 4th and long inside the 20 . lets get the first down as top priority. Then we have 3 more downs to experiment with end zone hookups.Unless of course there is a wide open receiver in the end zone.
  6. I would take below average if he gets us a win. Bottom line, The Jets kicked our asses all over the field. Have some of u forgotten what an embarrassing loss that was? So stop criticizing Sanchez. Point your finger at Fitz instead.
  7. Nah. From what I have seen of the Bills playing recently,I think Miami will beat us.The Bills have far too many injuries to be able to win.Miami is a solid team. I believe our season is on the brink of total collapse,
  8. And we still got our asses handed to us?
  9. This is football. Stop being a wimp and suck it up like a man.We got beaten into pulp.Admit it.
  10. YES! SEEMED LIKE HE WAS NOT HIMSELF AFTER THE HIT. Is that why the Bills ran the wild cat so many times after Fitz was hit? Probably to give him some rest, and prevent him from getting further injury?
  11. We will be lucky to go 8-8 considering all the injuries. The Jets, Miami and NE are not walkovers.
  12. The Dolphins always find a way to play the Bills tough. And Buffalo tends to play down to the level of their opponent.The Dolphins just might surprise us. I hope not!!!
  13. We can develop our own in house stars. We do not need to bring in outside stars who will lack chemistry with our team.
  14. We already lost one to the Bengals. But we bounced back by beating the Eagles. So much for your theory of the franchise crumbling after losing one!!!
  15. Coach Mariucci gave the Bills credit Coach Mariucci gave the Bills credit. I heard him say it this morning
  16. What game were u watching Sunday? Offense scoring points?
  17. Giants will crush us. So stop dreaming And Philly will beat us too. The problem with the Bills is we play up or down to the opponents we face. We beat the tough teams and lose to the horrible teams.
  18. The Defense at least scored 7 pts and got another interception to help the offense score. The offense really sucked this game. Except for Mckelvin, our defense was really not that bad.
  19. We don't need Vince Young, maybe as backup to Fitzroy
  20. What a bunch of hypocrites on this board. Now all of a sudden that Vick is a top flight QB, his dog beating days are forgotten? When i posted last year that he has done his time for his sins, everyone still wanted to crucify him further .
  21. We won the LOSERBOWL!!! Does that count to get the first pick?
  22. Stop all the overconfidence hype.Playing better than average offense for one game does not make us a great team.
  23. The only way he knows how to play the game is by using violence.We have reached such a low point in the NFL. That is the most stupid and retarded statement I have ever heard from an NFL player. Retire because he does not know how else to play the game!!! What a moron!!!
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