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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. You have got to be retarded or dishonest if you can't see the media bias towards BO. They are practically standing in line waiting to gobble down his royal staff. I hope they choke on it when he F's up and country turns on him as he shoves it in further, laughing.
  2. The world is melting and all BO and his followers can talk about is price of Palins loaner clothes and a prank call by a radio shock jock! The next time a Dem tells me to "stick to the issues" or "people are loosing their job out there and you're talking about Bill Ares" I'm going to grab their hackie sack and punch them in their granola eating scruffy Eco-yuppie faces
  3. Good point, but the over the top ball washing that BO is getting is sickening!
  4. ABC today show news anchors: anchor #1: So how was your trip to France, bet you're sorry to be back. anchor #2: Oh it was a wonderful trip and way too short. anchor #1: Did you talk to Nicholas Sarkozy when you were over there? all in the news room: hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah right there is no liberal bias!!!! Burn in hell!
  5. "Screens are usually deployed against aggressive defenses that rush the passer. Because screens invite the defense to rush the quarterback, it leaves fewer defenders behind the rushers to stop the play."
  6. f-in screen pass please
  7. f-in screen pass please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  8. throw a !@#$ing screen pass or two U assclowns
  9. This is a very intresting subject to me. What happened to Rock & Roll? Did it get replaced or pushed aside by rap or hip hop? I do not think rap is a very musically creative art, it's appeal is based more on style and celebrity then anything else. I guess some could make the same case about the hair bands of the 80's like Posion. I never seen a person pick up a guitar for the first time and a mic and do a Posion song but I have seen people pick up a casio keyboard from walmart and sing rap like a pro.
  10. Normally I'd agree with you, and I guess you are saying detox is a cop, if so he or she is probably a very competent one and knows what he is talking about but I've gotten a lot of bad advice from cops on how our court system and DMV works, my uncle having the worst advice and he is a smart cop that worked his way up from a patrolman to detective to Sargent. Everything I know about traffic violations is based on my experience with the courts in NYS not hearsay. Each judge and municipality is different, I know this because I have test a fair number of them and no two operate the same. Not all judges put down a guilty plea and sign benchwarrents for no shows, some kick it back to the DMV and you will once again get a notice to show up in court by a certain date or risk suspension and scofflaw. I would NEVER recommend ignoring a citation, get a judgment on it first. Once you pay a fine to avoid a suspension KEEP THE RECEIPT it's your temporary license that will keep the cops from hauling you in if you get stopped again and the DMV has not updated there info yet.
  11. No, you are missing the point or did not read my first post, you can not be found guilty twice when you send the ticket back in GUILTY there is no trial nor hearing date set to appear for, its over, a judgment have been determined the only thing left to do is pay a fine. It is NOT AGAINST THE LAW to not pay a fine, there are no debtors prisons, but what they can do is take your PRIVILEGE to drive away until you do. As far as not getting a notice of pending suspension I have always gotten one in the mail. If you move around a lot I guess it could be sent to your old address. In the last 8 years I have gotten at least 8 traffic violations for which most of them I have pleaded down before trial. I never pay the fine after the judgment I make them work for their money just like I have to. I also hope that my fine gets lost in the giant paper monster, which has only happened to me once in the last 20 years. Out of state violations do not become points on your own states drivers license. NRCV nor DLA cover the points and insurance issue in the states compact, Just unpaid fines, scofflaws and driver information BETWEEN STATES not insurance companies and states. States do not have a standardized points system what may be a moving violation and points assets in one state may not be the case in another, but they are trying to expand the Drivers License Agreement (DLA) to a one country wide license and point system which will change everything. I have gotten tickets in PA, MD and VA and my insurance has never caught it, even when I switched insurers. BTW, in NYS points will stay on your license for 18 months but insurance company will hold it against you for 3 years.
  12. I guess you never have gotten a Notice of Suspension before or your just trying to scare the guy. They don't automatically suspend your license. It's a pending Suspension if the fine is not paid by a certain date. The states are not interested in taking peoples licenses away to fulfill some requirement of law to pay your debt to the people of NY, there is just no money in that. It's funny but I believe the legal system in our county is very comfortable and might even prefer people to operate in the "gray area", not a full fledged law breaker and not a goody-two-shoes that scares into submission. I think gray area people keep them in business at low cost to the tax payer.
  13. I'm an old pro at this. I'd normally say send in the ticket not guilty, trail date is then set. At the trial if the cops is a no show ask that "in the interest of justice I ask that these charges be dismissed, the accuser is not present for trial". If the cop shows ask to speak with the DA and plea it down, it's the American way! Since you are out of state it does not pay to go to court so send it in guilty (you do not want to be a scofflaw). If you feel the fine is too high then don't pay it. Insurance companies track you by points and you won't get points on your license from an out of state ticket. If NH and NY have a pact which they do not as far as I know, you would get a Notice of Drivers License Suspension in the mail, 3 to 6 months later from your home state NH stating that it you do not pay the fine from the NY by such and such a date your license will be suspended, in which case you pay it. The points still will not follow you to NH from NY.
  14. I must be heartless or mean spirited, but isn't anyone else glad he's out of the picture and really does not give a crap how bad his knee is and if he'll play again? I say good....injury is part of the game for which Bills fans know all too well about.
  15. Very good someone read Marx The Communist Manifesto! Obama may not be a communist but he sure as hell is a Marxist
  16. yes, I started it in May and lost 40lbs. I too needed a kick start, the program more then anything taught me portion control which I had been lacking. I stopped buying the food about 2 months ago but am still following it on my own replacing the entrees with like that I can buy in the store. The Hormel lean Completes that you can get at walmart are a good match calorie wise and protein wise to the dinner entrees. One word of advice you get 2 salad or like servings a day with your entrees lunch and dinner. Make a huge salad and add your fruit serving and cheese (dairy serving) to it along with all the "free" veggies and use a fat free or lite dressing 2 TBS. Two 2 large salads a day really makes this diet work, it fills you up. I'm 6' 2" and would like to get down to under 200 lbs. so I got about 18 more lbs. to go. The weight comes off a lot slower when you get down near your goal weight, but the cool thing is now I have a good plan that works and can follow it the rest of my life! Good luck!
  17. I prefer the pop sound you get from shooting little animals.
  18. I didn't think it would be a hard question to answer, so it must be a good question that should be asked of the Bills if they are beat using the Rams D schemes in the future. I was hoping there was a good reason for not using the screen because if they was I'd feel a lot better about going deep into the playoffs.
  19. oh so the game was perfect for the BILLs and NEVER in question? BS
  20. Look! I'm not putting the Bills down in any way and I'm happy with the Bills and the coaching but, as a matter of the game of football and how it's played it seemed obvious to me and many others that a coupe of screen passes would have made it a much easier time for the Bills by making the Rams stay at home more rather then bouncing all over blitzing and over perusing. We have a very smart offensive coach so why did he not used it, as that's what the screen was intended for?
  21. why didn't the Bill use the screen pass to catch the over blitzing Rams off guard?
  22. Who cares about the Golf coast line! what I want to know is this going to cost me more to drive my Hummer downtown and back to pick up a Slerpy at 7-11.
  23. hey,I heard Foghat is opening for the Boss.................you !@#$in losers
  24. WOW! You really changed my mind about BO, and here I thought he was just another porch monkey...THAAAAAANKS!
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