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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. Here's what the lib's and the Obama's side are all about
  2. It's NOT two wars we are fighting! It's one war, the War On Terrorism, fought on two fronts or one war fought on multiple fronts! Even if you do not agree that Iraq is part of the War on Terror, it really is because of The Bush Doctrine which is part of the War on terror. Another thing, who care about what the fag who made Obama's dress for her thinks about the politics of Obama. Stupid f-in media!
  3. You could read or hang out with the wife...........................nah!
  4. I seriously think the Bills could be a better job picking talent by firing the scouts and GM and picking players from the mock drafts and FA blogs.
  5. an even better question!
  6. so what was it that took them down? Walmart? Best Buy? internet sales?
  7. Wrong caddy-this is Obamas ride
  8. The female version of blue balls?
  9. Quick only 2 days left!
  10. Very hot but, 4 mil hot?
  11. Could you please provide me with the real proof that our government under the direction of our president is torturing people by electrocution otherwise, STFU!
  12. Who cares about the fudge packers, I'm more concerned with the fact that I may be required to grow fescue on my tweed duds to offset my carbon footprint!
  13. Close, but it’s a little less concrete and more abstract then that.
  14. Coming to a fascist city state near you. A classic Führerprinzip system. Sieg Heil! Sieg Heil! WE ARE SCREWED!
  15. I don't get it, is it not on TV?
  16. All this is very simple for me Obama, DO NOT take, regulate or tax out of existence my guns and ammo; Looks like I'll be needing it in a few years.
  17. RED DAWN! RED DAWN! I knew I have seen the Russian profs predictions somewhere. Here's the comparison: Red Dawn The Nutty prof. wolverines
  18. I'd pay double to win!!!
  19. OK, my turn to brag about my Shelby Super Snake
  20. I heard he's going to record a message on his Victrola and send it to Dick in Buffalo via the pony express
  21. That's ok, Ralph has a long string on his tin can
  22. I knew it, so that's what Ralph smells like!
  23. What's in a name? that which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet
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