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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. You know, I would love to see that!
  2. George Mitchell!! Isn't he that homo pop singer that got caught with boys the a public bathroom?
  3. Would feeding them nut rubbed sandwiches be torture?
  4. The left has been trying that for years
  5. Just for the record here, Tom probably has a higher IQ then all of us put together yet, he has writen some of the dumbest Shiite I’ve seen here. No offense Tom.
  6. I can not believe you actually used "Jesus" and "civilization" in the same sentence. You're really going to hear about this one at the cocktail party tonight!
  7. No, they plan on boring their assailants to death by talking about vinifera better known to us gun toting mouth breathers as grape soda with a kick.
  8. Newt could run circles around all of them, including "The One"
  9. No, to exercise my 2nd amendment right which I know pisses you off! I wish you would choose to exercise your 1st a little less that is, if you can call the verbal diarrhea you spew, speech. Yeah, all gun owners are child like, stupid and wing nuts who need protection from themselves and their homicidal gun toting family members. Guess you got it all figured out, the big city sophisticate is going to lecture us on how the proper way to live life is. Laughable! Ok, I’ll let you get back to berating your Mexican house cleaner who comes by twice a week to pick up the used condoms, hypodermic needles and shell casings from the front “green space” where your children earn Scout badges by training the rats to do tricks.
  10. This to add to my gun collection, just to piss off libs like "The Dean".
  11. LOL, good luck! I'm sure your Pinot Noir will sustain you.
  12. I would not go as far as to build a bunker but you should prepare yourself for a terrorist attach and the possibility of temporary break down in law and order depending on how large the attack is. Stock up on dry foods, water and water purification, fuel ect…and oh YES gets your guns now before Obama and the Dems make it imposable to obtain through over regulations like ammunition serialization. To celebrate the inauguration I went out and bought myself another gun, a Yugoslavian SKS M59/66 with a NATO 22mm grenade launcher and folding bayonet and a can of 7.62x39. Too late!
  13. It's means you're more likely to die in a major city from a terrorist blast or chemical strike then in the country. Especially now because there is no War on Terror and we have replaced "fear with hope" or some BS like that.
  14. Germany declared war on the US not because they wanted to drag us into the war but was because of the Tripartite Agreement they had with Japan.
  15. 9/11 lead to the "Bush doctrine" which lead to Afghanistan which lead to Iraq in which the Bush white house the intelligence agencies in the UK, France, US and the Clinton white house thought that Iraq had WMDs and that these WMDs or precursors to WMDs could easily be past or sold into the hands of terrorists (where the Bush doctrine comes into play). They knew they did not have long range missile technology.
  16. no just don't like revisionist history
  17. All wars are optional. You have the option to fight or to bend over.
  18. For a lot of reasons but, one main one, that's where Obama's first test will take place. Good luck city rats
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