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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. I own a 04 Mustang Mach 1 and I’m not a Tony or Gino. I think you’re getting the Mustang mixed up with the POS Camaro IROC-Z. There is nothing quite like a Muscle car that gets the adrenaline pumping endorphins flowing, luxury can't do that!. I’ll eat your Porsche in ¼ mile any day as long as it’s in a straight line
  2. I dare you post one with Mohammed in it.
  3. This might be a stupid question, but how do you get the age from DNA?
  4. So, did Saddam Hussein Lie about having WMD or was he misinformed by his intelligence agencies.
  5. I’m now beginning to think “cutting and running” is the best policy because as soon as Iran annexes Iraq and butchers all the Sunni it will simplify things by shinning a bright enough light on Iran that even the Europeans can see.
  6. Cause it's PC free
  7. Sorry, I gotta draw my line here. Maple decline as seen in parts of upstate NY, Vermont and New Hampshire has nothing to do with global warming. Maple decline is not the result one thing or event, but is a disease complex with many predisposing a-biotic and biotic factor leading to the death of the tree. Sulfur dioxide fallout from Midwestern and Canadian coal burning plants damage tissue weakening the tree lowers the PH in the soil binding up essential Micronutrients like Ca and Mg and others used in chlorophyll production and in host defense metabolites. Also the death of certain beneficial micro flora in naturally supportive soils has lead to a pathogenic soil in which low level root degraders reduce the absorptive root biomass further inhibiting the host ability to gather essential nutrients and water. There’s more to it but I think you get the picture.
  8. Don’t worry I don’t know what the heck I’m saying either. The question is and will always be how much of the warming is due to a natural cycle and how much is due to mans emission of greenhouse gases in the larger climatic cooling mega trend, cause if its something like .0001 percent then I’m not going to worry about it.
  9. Hell, I might as well go catatonic with this info! I’m still scared stiff from that “In Search of” The new Ice age episode back in the seventy’s hosted by Spock. Coring at the time predicted that our plant was cooling down and entering into another Ice age and we better get use to polar bears running around in south Florida. Oh, BTW smog is a greenhouse gas, Nitrogen oxides and water vapors are components. Water vapor can account for over half of the greenhouse gas in our atmosphere at any one time. Maybe if we install giant dehumidifiers around the world we could eliminate half the problem and then we can get Manbearpig.
  10. Please! I could pick my teeth with those Olive Oil like legs
  11. Believe me you don’t have to read years of posts to figure out what you’re about.
  12. There were many people who worked for and invested in Enron who were hurt by the crimes of those men and lost everything they had because they trusted and believed in Enron and its heads. For you to heartlessly and cruelly brush them off as idiots shows the trait of a socially inept detached personality. The people who you think are brushing off your attacks and insults are actually purposely not “getting into it "with you in order to avoid further bullying by you.
  13. Yes, I personally know Joe and he is the nicest, most humble down to earth person you’ll ever have the pleasure to meet and he would NEVER look down at people who have less of an intellect than he. I don’t know you CTM but if what you say is true about working on string theory then it’s obvious that you’re academically gifted. It is not your academic intellect that I question. I question your social acuity and emotional intelligence.
  14. You are either clueless or blinded by your arrogance or both. I happen to know a genius working on String Theory and he would never come to the political discussion section of a football message board to proclaim his genius. That’s just plain stupid!
  15. Sorry to be so harsh but, someone who truly is a genius would never make such a stupid comment.
  16. Thank Allah it’s not true! Jews and Christians living in those countries have a hard enough time paying that debilitating tax place on all non-Muslim. Ahh… all’s right with the Muslim world again!
  17. I bet it’s difficult for you to find a big enough hat size that fits!
  18. Funny, I didn’t think the US teaches math and science anymore, thought it was outsourced to India and China?
  19. Things are just a little too perfect, Charlie is in a dream sequence. In reality he’s back at the hatch with Eko and locke unconscious or half dead.
  20. Does he talk about the evil Manbearpig in his movie?
  21. South Park provides a much more in-depth and to the point social commentary then the NY Times has in many years.
  22. If it’s not true now it’s just a matter of time before it will be true
  23. Even more shocking then the Iran nuclear reactor offer is the fact that this is the first time CTMs has started a topic on PPP.
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