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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. Wow! Lighten up Francis, some ones tightie whities are a size or 2 too small. Now go wipe the spit off the monitor. You’re always good for a laugh, but don’t take it too seriously I was just poking a little fun at everyone
  2. Not one top 40 in there, you guys are trying to out-cool each other on who knows the most obscure band. You guys are my heroes!
  3. I'll go if it plays around here, but why is it Opening in nov.??
  4. You can miss two weeks of episodes and not miss any plot advancements. Pure TV magic I say $$.
  5. I know that one person almost got ran over because he jumped out of the car!
  6. Sorry for keeping this thread going but....here is the case for snow tires.
  7. You know what’s stupid, is this discussion. I can’t believe we are actually arguing about need for snow tires. While we are at it why don’t we argue about the need for seat belts too. The bottom line is snow tires don’t make you safe but they do make you safer on the road.
  8. Maybe you should save your money and enroll in a physics class. Pay particular attention to the part about friction. I would love to see you drive a Mustang in winter around here!
  9. If you're driving a 4 banger or sports type car you gotta have snows in upstate NY to be safe.
  10. Grateful who?
  11. Hey Blue, Drugs are bad...mmkay
  12. Thanks, Thats pretty scary
  13. What’s with all the sores on their faces?
  14. Dr. Octagon please come to the office, right now, you need to perform a bad operation.
  15. Very, very lame season start. it’s turning into one of those mind numbing soap operas.
  16. All you need are two, they multiply faster then bacteria. Actually, they are so prolific you may only need one.
  17. Why would our justice system give a sh@t about pet rodents that can be used for snake food, cat toys, laboratory experiments/dissections, hacky sack balls, hockey pucks, ping pong’s and such. If the do-gooders can’t get her on a real charge then drop the PC crusade and stop harassing her. End of story
  18. I only wish hot women had the minds of sexed up gay males. That would be great.
  19. I don’t think the bill will hurt online gambling, the credit cards will be processed at an autonomous clearing house or middle man that has no connection to the gambling house.
  20. I say we hang her
  21. Oh! He’s our savior and his wife too. NOT!
  22. Good news on the western NY job front. There was a front page article in my local paper a month ago about the coming worker shortage in western NY, yes I said WORKER SHORTAGE! There are I lot of older workers in upstate and in the next 5 to 10 years massive amounts of boomer will be retiring with no qualified workers to fill their positions. Let the good times roll, yes!
  23. After running a half marathon my wife became cold after cool down so she threw on a sweat shirt that happens to say “Duke University” on. It was just an old shirt she had in the closet; she was not trying to make a statement. As she wondered the promotional booths at the new Nike gear booth she was approach by a black man who said very sarcastically “nice shirt”. Sensing the hostility she moved on. The man followed after her and said “I have a few of my own, I plan to burn later”. Come to find out a few months ago she was working out at the gym with the Duke shirt on and a few people told her she should not be wearing that shirt, she thought they were joking. Guess not! This is insane, we live 1,200 miles from Duke yet this PC fascism has touched us here. WTF!!!
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