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Everything posted by Helmet_hair

  1. I don't think it's related but hundreds of birds found dead in the streets in Texas.
  2. Yet another good reason for plunking a few cans.
  3. Newflash! TKO is old too and should go.
  4. You hit the skank on the head!
  5. Losing LF is a step back when you have so many other holes to fill, unless you believe every year is a re-building year, It never ends!
  6. In today’s FA big $$ reality, how can a small market team like Buffalo rebuild if they are constantly losing key players to FA. It’s like a revolving door here in Buffalo as soon as a player gets good and gels with the team their gone to FA. You cannot rebuild like this, too many holes keep popping up year after year.
  7. Maybe so but he really gels with this team!
  8. Why is he so upset and visibly angry right now about not getting a contract extension like other players at the end of the last season? Seems to me he should have voiced his discontent at the end of last season not this one if he wanted to get it done with the Bills. He either suffers from delayed anger is a bit of a prima donna or more likely he has caught “show me the money” syndrome.
  9. I just got a raging clue and it’s pointing over there!
  10. We got to see Nick Burg (sp?) complete video so why is the Saddam hanging so taboo to watch. Must be different rules for A-rabs.
  11. I have been looking all over the video sites for the COMPLETE hanging of Saddam and all I get is everything right up to the actual hanging. Damn, It I need a finish!
  12. What is Microsoft Virtual Earth
  13. You must be color blind cause it's green.
  14. Plenz, My 6 yr niece was diagnosed with ADD and was recently put on Strattera. She is a much happier little person on it, was like her body was screaming out for it. She was hard to be around very moody, would not listen, hard to reason with, uncontrollable, could not play playing quietly or keep focused long enough to complete any little task. Now on the Strattera her personally has allowed to come out, her mood has brightened, you can actually have a conversation with her and she has actually sat in one place long enough to discover that she has a talent for art. Hope this helps!
  15. Yes.....I'm sorry what was your question again.
  16. She looks like an inter-city subway rat.
  17. Sounds Reasonable to me, especially if it shuts some of you turkeys up
  18. Very funny stuff!
  19. Also, good thing for all the State entitlement programs redistributing income to the less fortune who we are told are a nickel away for committing crimes to put food on the table.
  20. Hey, I take offense to that; I’d rather be called a NAMBLA lover. No not really!
  21. Pipe dream in my view. The first hundred days will tell a lot. All I see this congress doing is making a concerted effort for the white house by bashing Bush with investigations after investigations, impeachment ect.. Just like the last congress.
  22. Maybe so at first but, I believe shortly after arriving in DC they will be steeped in beltway politics pounded into a one group think by the Pelosi lead house and be just as inept, partisan and corrupt as any other congress before them or even worse.
  23. We shifted from no plan in Iraq, no plan on the boarder and immigration, out of control spending with little tax cuts, corruption, anti govt. funding on stem cells, anti late term and pro gun; to--------- no plan in Iraq, no plan on the boarder and immigration, out of control spending with tax increases, corruption, pro govt funding on stem cells, pro late term and anti gun. What’s really changed?
  24. Jeesh, do you guys live in grass huts or tepees cause that house didn’t look like anything special.
  25. I got a feeling that the Boston paper is only giving you one side of the story. Who started throwing punches first?
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